Weren't we supposed to get a flash sale this week? Or is that just GTA 5 with the online money bundle? :\
how much did you pay for this? $15?
how much did you pay for this? $15?
Autoduelist, have you played banner saga? That seems like it would be up your alley based on my knowledge of it. Haven't played it myself.
I do have a question about that whole 3PP (third party productions) group. Do they have their 'list' available? Can we start harassing them into localizing DRPGs?
Harass them about Sen no Kiseki insteadI do have a question about that whole 3PP (third party productions) group. Do they have their 'list' available? Can we start harassing them into localizing DRPGs?
Prelude, this is for you:
Man I forgot we are already at december and I was missing the other thread.
Well fellow vita gaffers, today I bought another Vita for my fiancée, she has an USA account, and I have to say that you guys got several better things that we the euro people.
Now I just need another one for a Japanese account XDDDDDD.
I just bought Yakuza 4 on PSN to show support towards the franchise.
I do hope we'll be getting Isshin and Zero eventually.
far as I can tell it's more of the same. Don't think there's much to say, tbh.Any conventional wisdom on the new Lara Croft game? Liked the first one right well.
Well, ok, if Yakuza 5 is 20 I'm buying it day one.
Any conventional wisdom on the new Lara Croft game? Liked the first one right well.
Do we know how much Suikoden 2 is going to be? 9.99?
Do we know how much Suikoden 2 is going to be? 9.99?
Thought P4AU would be the last PS3 game I buy. Seems now that it'll be Yakuza 5.
Yes. $9.99.
That's the most likeliest price, since it's the most any PSX Classic has ever been.
Do we know how much Suikoden 2 is going to be? 9.99?
Ok, thanks.
Cashing hard on that nostalgia, I see. At least they didn't hike the price of Suikoden 1.
Less than 10% of the physical price. That's all that matters.
10$ is standard for PSX RPGs on PSN.
I said that because S1 was 5.99
And I bought it already, a while ago.
it's also a significantly smaller game. I think the prices are reasonable.
The Drop is up: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/12/07/the-drop-new-playstation-games-for-1292014/
Updating OP now.
Are all threads about the Vita always so negative?
yup. Just avoid them.
That's been there since 2011 and was quietly cancelled a long time ago.Hey guys, it's this true?
Hey guys, it's this true?
That's been there since 2011 and was quietly cancelled a long time ago.
Anyone know what Boss! is? It's pretty unGoogleable, so I can't figure out anything about it.
Is the Zone of the Enders HD Collection worth picking up? I see the PS3 version for $15 every time I'm in Walmart but I've never played them!
I asked on its own thread but I may as well ask here: I have always heard of Suikoden II, and how any JRPG fan should play it. I have 15$ sitting in my wallet, and I hear nothing but praise about the game so the question is, do I need to play the first game of the series to play this one, or is it a standalone title with a few nods here and there from the first?
I haven't. I've almost pulled the trigger first on Kickstarter, then on Steam... because you're right, it's something I think I'd love. But my backlog problem is epic, and I almost exclusively play on vita, so I'm getting good at not buying games in hopes they come to Vita so I can buythem.and actually play
That was possibly the biggest surprise 'get' for me this conference, though I'm also extremely happy about Geometry Wars on vita. And I remember drooling over Darkest Dungeons awhile ago, so that's nice too.
It's really good to see people happy about a conference. Vita got tons of love -- and not just in a standalone segment, but often mentioned as 'coming to vita too'. Which is good.
Sony really needs to market Vita at dads. It's perfect for us.
I do have a question about that whole 3PP (third party productions) group. Do they have their 'list' available? Can we start harassing them into localizing DRPGs?
Really excited about next week's sales. I picked up a bunch of stuff this week, though am holding off on a few I only sort of want. I wish they were running a 100/15 promo this month, I'd buy 3 more games for sure.
Anyone use this Hori Hard pouch for the Vita 2000? Can't find any first-hand photos.
it is a standalone title, but the second game plays off of the first. I'm trying to think of a good equivalent and failing. Perhaps the original pokemon games to gold/silver? There are lots of ties and the world is directly related, but there's no actual necessity in playing one before the other.
Did everybody download your free EA games on Playstation platforms yet?
Placed my order earlier. My main concern was its size. Hopefully it's slim enough to be pocketable.I do. Definitely recommend it.
Are there any official Sony Vita sleeve / pouches for the OLED or Slim? I got the official Sony leather case but I want an alternative.
I would play the first to completion so you can take advantage of the cool bonuses you get in S2 from carrying over the clear data from S1. Suikoden 1 is also a rather short game overall and doesn't really overstay it's welcome. But yeah, when you start Suikoden 2 it asks you if you want to use the clear data upon finishing the first game. It's a satisfying reward IMO.I asked on its own thread but I may as well ask here: I have always heard of Suikoden II, and how any JRPG fan should play it. I have 15$ sitting in my wallet, and I hear nothing but praise about the game so the question is, do I need to play the first game of the series to play this one, or is it a standalone title with a few nods here and there from the first?