It's for your own good. Now go play SSD and PDF guysyou and ZeroAKA just one-two punched me
TotP: Buy Soul Sacrifice Delta and Project Diva F 2nd if you haven't already.
It's for your own good. Now go play SSD and PDF guysyou and ZeroAKA just one-two punched me
It's for your own good. Now go play SSD and PDF 2nd.
TotP: Buy Soul Sacrifice Delta and Project Diva F 2nd if you haven't already.
So, is Sony planning to release it physically sometime in the future or what?
I'd buy Cosmic Star Heroine digitally as long as it came with digital versions too
The Cosmic Star Heroine people are considering physical copies for PS4 after RCR made it look easy. Not a high priority, and possibly PS4 only (not sure if Vita's actually harder to get physical copies for or not, but lots of devs are reluctant to do it), but it'd be awesome if it happened. I'll definitely buy any and all physical copies of indie PS4 games I can get my grubby spikes on. Do keep in mind Brian Provinciano of Retro City Rampage is sorta famous for going pretty ridiculously gung-ho so just because he got a physical print doesn't mean it's so frictionless everyone's going to bother.
I'd buy Cosmic Star Heroine digitally as long as it came with digital versions too
I like Ubisoft. They made Watch Dogs this year. Yeah that's right I'm a Watch Dogs lover. Most underrated game of the year. Or to be more accurate, the most overhated game of the year. Most fun I had with any AAA this year.
So basically, you're going to buy Cosmic Star Heroine.I'd buy Cosmic Star Heroine digitally as long as it came with digital versions too
I like Ubisoft. They made Watch Dogs this year. Yeah that's right I'm a Watch Dogs lover. Most underrated game of the year. Or to be more accurate, the most overhated game of the year. Most fun I had with any AAA this year.
I like Ubisoft. They made Watch Dogs this year. Yeah that's right I'm a Watch Dogs lover. Most underrated game of the year. Or to be more accurate, the most overhated game of the year. Most fun I had with any AAA this year.
That's Mind Zero, sir.
That would be some Ubisoft-level of dickery if it didn't!
If it's cross-buy digitally I would consider double-dipping for a physical copy of the PS4 version to show some support, although I'll mainly play it on Vita. Probably.
That... makes sense I guess...?
So basically, you're going to buy Cosmic Star Heroine.
How the hell did they manage to fuck this version up? Any gameplay video of the Vita version?
Nah, it's Yoshi's New Island. Hated only by people who didn't play it*.
*don't believe SirTapTap's lies
We should start compiling lists for GOTY around here somewhere.
You mean a VitaGAF GOTY list? Because if you wanna make your votes count towards a GAF total, you can vote here:
Although, personally, I'm more of a fan of the Soundtrack of the Year thread.
A VitaGAF GOTY list, yes. I could care less about a general one, my vote wouldn't make any difference whatsoever.
but it feels like I'm betraying VitaGAF if I do that
hmm thinking on Child of Light Vita
or should I just RemotePlay
but it feels like I'm betraying VitaGAF if I do that
We should start compiling lists for GOTY around here somewhere.
A VitaGAF GOTY list, yes. I could care less about a general one, my vote wouldn't make any difference whatsoever.
My top 5 games of the year in no particular order:
Persona 4G
Dota 2
Final Fantasy IX
Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Suikoden II
My top 5 games of the year in no particular order:
Persona 4G
Dota 2
Final Fantasy IX
Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Suikoden II
My GotY nominees:
1. Hatsune Miku Project Diva f
2. Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd
3. Soul Sacrifice Delta
4. Diablo 3 UEE
5. Rogue Legacy
I can't think of any other games this year that I liked nearly as much as those 5.
My GotY nominees:
1. Hatsune Miku Project Diva f
2. Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd
3. Soul Sacrifice Delta
4. Diablo 3 UEE
5. Rogue Legacy
I can't think of any other games this year that I liked nearly as much as those 5.
Never got around to playing it. I was terrible at the original PSP Mini Velocity 2X love?
I prefer the tracklist in the original, but my preferences change based on my mood.hmm why is the first game better than the second?
would love to know why - thought the 2nd fixed quite a few problems?
My GotY nominees:
1. Hatsune Miku Project Diva f
2. Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd
3. Soul Sacrifice Delta
4. Diablo 3 UEE
5. Rogue Legacy
I can't think of any other games this year that I liked nearly as much as those 5.
hmm why is the first game better than the second?
would love to know why - thought the 2nd fixed quite a few problems?
hmm why is the first game better than the second?
would love to know why - thought the 2nd fixed quite a few problems?
That's a good point thoughremote control
remote control
That's a good point though
I love that song, one of my favorites.
What? Did this get re-released somewhere?My top 5 games of the year in no particular order:
Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak
What? Did this get re-released somewhere?
What? Did this get re-released somewhere?
No, but I played through it again and I enjoyed it more than anything else than released this year. :x
Why is race to the sun so high up on the list? Is an ios game. Repetitive with ugly graphics. I mean I understand is your personal opinion but aren't you the guy that makes pointed reviews about games on this thread ? Maybe I'm mistaking. If you don't mind can you tell me why?The games that I played on Vita that I liked ranked:
1. Rouge Legacy
2. Race to the Sun
3. Luftrausers
4. OlliOlli
5. Jet Car Stunts
6. Don't Die, Mr. Robot!
7. Frozen Synapse Prime
8. Rollers of the Realm
9. Sparkle 2
10. Retro City Rampage DX
11. Pix the Cat
12. TxK
13. Crimsonland
14. Joe Danger
15. Futurdium EP Deluxe
16. PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate
17. Titan Attacks!
18. Borderlands 2
19. Poltergeist: A Pixelated Horror
20. Age of Zombies
21. Ethan: Meteor Hunter
Damn I played a lot of good games on Vita this year.
Loved Velocity Ultra. I gotta play the sequel but I am saving it from my holiday travel. Also loved the original Rock Boshers and plan on playing the new version too.
Why is race to the sun so high up on the list? Is an ios game. Repetitive with ugly graphics. I mean I understand is your personal opinion but aren't you the guy that makes pointed reviews about games on this thread ? Maybe I'm mistaking. If you don't mind can you tell me why?