atlus would be mad not to capitalize on a Persona 4: DAN CE
We're not going to get the set with the Vita 2000 LE though, that's for sure.
atlus would be mad not to capitalize on a Persona 4: DAN CE
LOL jk, I remember, but Sony America doesn't.
its a shame we're getting it digital only. i really liked the box art (not that we would have gotten that one anyways lol)
I'm just glad that we are getting it period aha. My hype for it has deflated considerably though, it's been so long since they have given us any kind of updates... Plus impressions from Japan didn't seem to be too positive (but the same could be said about Freedom Wars, and that game was pretty good, at least until the campaign was finished). I don't know, there are just so many games coming out this year that I can't keep up anymore. I feel like a game truly needs to be special for me to even consider buying it to put all others in my backlog.
Is Oreshika confirmed to be digital-only? I didn't know that. Not that I really care though. But I guess this means Freedom Wars will be the final first party game to get a retail release, ever.
AFAIK basically nothing related to the game's release is confirmed. It's actually pretty bizarre.
Final? Probably not. Did The Show get a release last year?
Is Oreshika confirmed to be digital-only? I didn't know that. Not that I really care though. But I guess this means Freedom Wars will be the final first party game to get a retail release, ever.
AFAIK basically nothing related to the game's release is confirmed. It's actually pretty bizarre.
yeah, my excitement went down too since its been so long and other awesome games got announced since the localization announcement.
The negative reception from what i remember was the storyline and i think some broken bosses or something like that? I think it was Parakeetman who said the most major issues got patched. In any case there is a demo up on jp psn to try out. It looks really good and the ancestor mechanic is neat.
I'm just glad that we are getting it period aha. My hype for it has deflated considerably though, it's been so long since they have given us any kind of updates... Plus impressions from Japan didn't seem to be too positive (but the same could be said about Freedom Wars, and that game was pretty good, at least until the campaign was finished). I don't know, there are just so many games coming out this year that I can't keep up anymore. I feel like a game truly needs to be special for me to even consider buying it to put all others in my backlog.
yeah, my excitement went down too since its been so long and other awesome games got announced since the localization announcement.
The negative reception from what i remember was the storyline and i think some broken bosses or something like that? I think it was Parakeetman who said the most major issues got patched. In any case there is a demo up on jp psn to try out. It looks really good and the ancestor mechanic is neat.
Aren't the Vita versions ports of the 3DS version which are ports of the DS version?
2 weeks, on the 19th
Awesome, I'm hoping Danganronpa:Another gets localized.
I will probably kill someone if they don't announce it on that event.
How many items do you guys have in your download list on ps3 now?
I realized tonight that mine was 998 and thats kind of gross. And crazy because I will never find the stuff at the bottom of that list again.
LEGO still going strong! (And pretty cool games)Oh yeah I forgot about that.
It must literally be the only non-indie western Vita game still in development.
Not counting FIFA "legacy editions" lol.
Do LEGO games still get Vita ports?
went to go look up reviews for That Game out of curiosity, and they're just what i expected
Aren't the Vita versions ports of the 3DS version which are ports of the DS version?
The PSP Lego games are direct ports of the PS2 versions (and they are great games) they are great times
Playing Parasite Eve Third Birthday on Vita, it still impresses to this day. Quite a sight to behold with excellent production all around. I can only dream what that Square Enix could do with the Vita hardware.
Shame we will never see that!
Awesome, I'm hoping Danganronpa:Another gets localized.
Well i finished Ys Oath this morning. That was a good little game. Had its frustrating moment with platforming but overall I enjoyed it.
I already have ys seven ready to load onto the Vita but I might wait a while so I dont get burnt out on them. I think im almost finished child of light too so after that maybe itll be time for danganronpa 2... Ive been feeling the itch of despair lately
unfortunately Majoras Mask is going to destroy this plan...
Oh yeah thanks for recommending ys and danganronpa! Wouldnt have tried them without vitagaf
Awesome, I'm hoping Danganronpa:Another gets localized.
Of all things people could and should complain about this game lol... Oh well.
We're getting a new SaGa game for Vita
It was rated 18 by PEGI, andThe censorship is pretty stupid, only question is whether NISA or ESRB decided on what exactly would be done. It's been obvious people were pissed since the beginning. Either by choice or bad luck, NISA has a strong reputation for censoring when Xseed (probably the most comparable in terms of racy stuff) has almost never, that I'm aware
went to go look up reviews for That Game out of curiosity, and they're just what i expected
The censorship is not even that bad. People are making mountains out of molehills. Is censorship bad? Yes. In this case, is the censorship really that bad? Not at all.The censorship is pretty stupid, only question is whether NISA or ESRB decided on what exactly would be done. It's been obvious people were pissed since the beginning. Either by choice or bad luck, NISA has a strong reputation for censoring when Xseed (probably the most comparable in terms of racy stuff) has almost never, that I'm aware
.SaGa is a mid-tier property and the Vita game runs on Unity.I doubt it'llIt won't push the hardware as much as Square's big name PSP games did.
The censorship is not even that bad. People are making mountains out of molehills. Is censorship bad? Yes. In this case, is the censorship really that bad? Not at all.
Since folks will not have played the original in the US the whole issue with Nueko should be pretty non issue.
It just will be weird for some things with characters who appear as they were tied into the first title.
Though folks will kinda complain about how some things with the dungeons are not explained.
Censorship being insignificant simply makes it worse in a different way, because instead of being major but understandable it's absurd.
NISA only censors in extreme conditions, people like to pretend that they do it for fun or something, they do it when the only alternative is an AO rating
it's absolutely understandable. Do you even know what they censored?
Yup. I'm not big on censorship, either, but the reasoning here isn't as offensive as people like to think. This isn't the government censoring incriminating information, it's a video game company covering up a vagina.
It's pretty minor compared to what's left in, which makes it absurd. Wholesale removing them would make more sense not that I would agree with it any more. It's even more absurd than taking away Albedo's knife in Xenosaga while leaving in the part where his head comes off.
Showing an actual vagina in the JP version would be literally illegal regardless of rating, and that's not the case anyway from the scenes of the JP game (understandable since, as I said, straight up can't do that regardless of rating). I don't think any pervy Japanese (console) games even go so far as nipples, which do show up in Western games.
yes my vita arrived!
Final? Probably not. Did The Show get a release last year?
You think cutting an integral piece of content makes more sense than covering up a young girl's sensitive bits?
Well whatever floats your boat.
Just made a recap of what I'll play on Vita. It would have been better if I hadn't, now I am completely discouraged because I know I'll never even play a quarter of those
Games I own:
21 games in my backlog + Velocity 2x dlcs, plus 4 racing games I need to dig into.
Released games wishlist:
13 high priority games
10 low priority games
(and Gravity Rush dlcs)
Upcoming games wishlist:
33 (holy shit)
yes my vita arrived!
went to go look up reviews for That Game out of curiosity, and they're just what i expected