I think my Vita might have a technical issue with the touchscreen

I recently noticed that when I play games which require the use of the touchpad (like Dragon's Crown or Project Diva f), it sometimes starts to get "stuck". When I did the diva room mini game in PDF 2nd for example in which you have to swipe in certain directions, the game refused to detect my inputs. At first I thought that it was an issue with the game, but when I went out of the game I noticed that I couldn't use swipes to navigate the Vita UI anymore. Everytime I try to swipe, it kinda moves slowly but fails to transition completely. I think the problem is that the screen still thinks that I am pressing the screen at a certain position and therefore refuses to detect my other swipes. In Dragon's Crown for example the cursor stays at its position on the screen all the time although I am not using the touchscreen at all. Turning the Vita off and on again, resolves this issue temporarily but once I have to use the touchpad a lot again, it starts coming up again.

Has anyone else here experienced this issue? Since most Vita games don't require the touchpad, it's not too bad but it's very annoying nevertheless.