I wish 3D Dot Game Heroes was on the PS Store![]()
I hate that everything is getting clumped together in March. I want to get Hotline Miami 2, but I'll likely wait until later in the year to bite.
We found out the Hotline Miami release date minutes after we announced the Flame Over date. A real head meet desk moment.
We found out the Hotline Miami release date minutes after we announced the Flame Over date. A real head meet desk moment.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't care at all about Hotline Miami 2 and am hyped for Flame Over.
My paypal is refusing to process the payment to ebay. Everything else is normal.
Is Deadmans Cross worth my time? It is super complicated in the wrong ways. It is like three games in one. The card battles are not interesting.
I get to choose between this mess or a PC version without local co op. What the hell, Capcpcom.
I'd go with PC since you at least have options for framerate and local co op can be patched in. The ps4 version is a mess though, i wonder what happened.
Scram Kitty DX is out in EU today but wasn't in the US update. That's a rare one
let me know what you are looking for? I can help you buy and ship it to you from my country
Play-Asia updated the product listing for Moero Chronicle to show that it does have English text. I pre-ordered it.
Both, I think? From the impressions I've read it seems to be a fairly solid dungeon crawler, albeit heavy on the fanservice.Is that supposed to be funny or just pervy?
Idea Factory International's silence has been really weird. Could someone try to contact them regarding Moero Chronicle's english release?
they've got Neptunia U, Omega Quintet,all of those Steam games, and Rebirth 3 to worry about, give them timeIdea Factory International's silence has been really weird. Could someone try to contact them regarding Moero Chronicle's english release?
Both, I think? From the impressions I've read it seems to be a fairly solid dungeon crawler, albeit heavy on the fanservice.
There's a thread on their forums, none of the staff have commented though. They seem to have a lot on their plate with Omega Quintet and Neptune U coming out soon, and they'd probably have to censor the game to release it in the west. Maybe they'd rather not bother with the hassle and just let people import it if they want it or something.
I wish 3D Dot Game Heroes was on the PS Store![]()
No idea about the translation, I'm going to take one for the team and find out myself though. Asian versions of games I've played have always been fine, other than SAO so I'm not really concerned about it.
Idea Factory International's silence has been really weird. Could someone try to contact them regarding Moero Chronicle's english release?
Bandai-Namco are releasing the Asian version.
Bandai-Namco are releasing the Asian version.
Bandai-Namco are releasing the Asian version.
Been playing Noire's game, as a guy that didn't really get into Rebirth 1 but liked the characters, this game is pretty fun. It isn't innovative, nor is it mind blowing, just a nice little SRPG with a bunch of cute girls constantly breaking the forth wall. Nice and relaxing lol.
Yeah it was early on, I remember all mobs getting trashed easily, giving me a fake sense of confidence until I got to the boss fight and it was tough as nails. Not being content, the devs throw you right into ANOTHER fight right after and you can't save or anything in between. Other games came, so I just ended up dropping it.When did you give up on Rebirth 1? They kind of screwed the pooch by having a couple of major difficulty spikes early on, pretty annoying since that's a lot of people's first impression of the series. (better than the original Neptunia 1 as an impression but still come on)
Noire should be here today but I'll finish Dangan Ronpa 2 and Firefly diary first since I'm almost done and it's short, respectively.
Heh, fighting the good fight. Him and Colin are like, the biggest Vita fanboysHaven't seen this posted yet, but just came across it on Reddit - Greg Miller is tweeting at Sony execs to try and get Republique (iOS stealth game from MGS4 producer) onto Vita:
Yeah it was early on, I remember all mobs getting trashed easily, giving me a fake sense of confidence until I got to the boss fight and it was tough as nails. Not being content, the devs throw you right into ANOTHER fight right after and you can't save or anything in between. Other games came, so I just ended up dropping it.
This happened to me in the first PS3 game. Think it took me six months to get past a specific bosse. I ended up overleveling and the rest of the game was a cakewalk lol. Mk2 has the same problem, in that there are some spots with sudden difficulty spikes and no save points. I'm guessing the rest of the games have the same problem if CH didn't fix it with Re;Birth1?
So far Noire has none of that, the fact that you can change the difficulty helps too. The characters are endearing, but I can't deal with grindy games like I used to. I have the attention span and the patience of a parakeet, let's not even mention how free time is now a royalty... There's too much to play, too little time to spend grinding just to beat that one boss.
Yeah it was early on, I remember all mobs getting trashed easily, giving me a fake sense of confidence until I got to the boss fight and it was tough as nails. Not being content, the devs throw you right into ANOTHER fight right after and you can't save or anything in between. Other games came, so I just ended up dropping it.
Question for those of you stuck in Re;Birth1: I haven't played it, but I'm under the impression the storyline is the same as the original game. Are you all stuck onOne fight with her took me forever.Overlord Momus' messenger?
Edit: I don't know why I spoiler-tagged that. It's not a spoiler lol.
Yeah everyone gets stuck on that one. Rebirth 2 is pretty much smooth sailing the whole way through, never had to grind, and optional dungeons aren't "required" like they are in Rebirth 1. Assuming they haven't royally screwed anything up, Rebirth 3 should be the same as Victory never had any forced grinding either
No, the storyline is a bit different and what everyone gets stuck on is. They completely fucked up the difficulty there and on at least one other back-to-back bossfight. I Think it took them until Victory to realize those are a stupid idea.the first Black Heart fight
Yeah everyone gets stuck on that one. Rebirth 2 is pretty much smooth sailing the whole way through, never had to grind, and optional dungeons aren't "required" like they are in Rebirth 1. Assuming they haven't royally screwed anything up, Rebirth 3 should be the same as Victory never had any forced grinding either
No, the storyline is a bit different and what everyone gets stuck on is. They completely fucked up the difficulty there and on at least one other back-to-back bossfight. I Think it took them until Victory to realize those are a stupid idea but the ones in Rebirth 2 aren't especially difficult. Focusing on EXE attacks and conserving SP is usually the way to go (though you get EXE fairly late in rebirth 1 relative to difficult fights)the first Black Heart fight
i don't know how you guys have these kinds of problems with Re;Birth 1, the only really tough boss is the final one
I'm going through the same situation as names. I got stuck at some point during Rebirth and gave up. Playing Noire now and I'm enjoying it much more.
Yup its hilarious how I am enjoying a "spinoff" so much more than the real deal. Also Noire is a better lead character in my eyes.*prepares his shield*
Tomorrow is Toro's theme day and I'm psyched for Oreshika in less than a week.
I just finished preparing the Oreshika OT recently, so I've had to dig up quite a bit of information on the game.
I'm beyond excited at this point.
I just released that the Vita doesn't have a Platinum line in the West. That's a first for a Sony console or handheld.
Won't really miss it since they were ugly, but it's still interesting. Maybe the PS4 won't have it too.
With a little research, I found that the platinum trophy is really hard to get. Did you find anything regarding that?