I'll add you in a bit.Check your PMs![]()
I think VitaGAF might appreciate this:
Edit: Lol, I didn't even notice the Xbone photobomb until just now.
I'll add you in a bit.Check your PMs![]()
I'll add you in a bit.
I think VitaGAF might appreciate this:
I'll add you in a bit.
I think VitaGAF might appreciate this:
PS4 is such a POS hardware. Was playing GGXRD and it turn it off by itself, and when I turn it one again, it stucked in the safe mode death loop. I was afraid that it bricked, but it eventually restored itself. As a punishment, it wiped out all my HD.
I had to download everything again and the plus saves was some days ago, and I lost a lot of GG progress (fuck the MOM mode and the 1mil World Dollars trophy).
Yo everyone get Gladiator Begins when the sale drops, it's a really fun brawler rpg. I played a TON of the demo back when I owned a PSP, will grab it now for my vita.
Highlights from the sale: Danganronpa, Danganronpa 2, Virtue's Last Reward and Muramasa Rebirth Complete Collection.
I'll add you in a bit.
I think VitaGAF might appreciate this:
Edit: Lol, I didn't even notice the Xbone photobomb until just now.
Yo everyone get Gladiator Begins when the sale drops, it's a really fun brawler rpg. I played a TON of the demo back when I owned a PSP, will grab it now for my vita.
Highlights from the sale: Danganronpa, Danganronpa 2, Virtue's Last Reward and Muramasa Rebirth Complete Collection.
Muramasa comes with all the DLC?
Muramasa comes with all the DLC?
Have any of you guys been able to redeem the code for The Order dynamic theme they gave away for "exploring" their website a while ago?
I've downloaded Deadman's Cross against my better judgment. When will I learn?
Individual DLC isn't discounted but that doesn't matter if you don't have any--the legends collection/full game is cheaper
I'll add you in a bit.
I think VitaGAF might appreciate this:
Edit: Lol, I didn't even notice the Xbone photobomb until just now.
Getting this for sure. Fuck yes.
Names, I need your wallpapers. Badly. All of them.
Alright, here you go I've done my part too!
I'm liking your wallpaper.
So sony's got a new 'buy for $100, get $15 back' promo for this week this is a good opportunity to get Brandish!
Kr0npr1nz is one of my most favourite artists. Check out his stuff, it's brilliant:
I assume this will work on pre-orders, correct?
If so MKX Premium Edition here I come.
Deadman's Cross will undergo emergency maintenance.
Great Squeenix, put the game you just released under maintenance.
Anybody run with a problem on sonyrewards that doesn't let you "buy" the 10$ psn card? It keeps telling me " we cannot complete the transaction " I have 1078 points and want to change them!
Oh snap, all Shin Megami Tensei games are currently on sale!
Been playing Soul Sacrifice Delta and doing the "Age of..." pacts to grind for offerings and get some of the trophies. Is there a guide that shows the unlock requirements for pacts? In "Age of Intrigue" I have one blacked out pact and in "Age of Escape" there's a few that won't unlock. Any help would be much appreciated!
Everyone go and buy Persona 3 (FES or Portable, choose you console preference PS3 or PSP/Vita) and Persona 4 (the original or Golden, again take your pick). If you like those, go back and revisit 2, both Persona 2 games are great although they do feel old. Persona 1 is probably the hardest one to play, but it is a great game nonetheless.
everyones first p3 playthrough should be FES imo. The cutscenes add alot to the important scenes of the game. Removing them in P3P was a big compromise.
Great Squeenix, put the game you just released under maintenance.
It's pretty good. Think a visual novel with dynamic scenes that change perspective and have motion. If you set it to auto advance, it's pretty much like watching an anime. My only irk is that the main character is a total wuss for most of the game.Has anyone here played XBlaze Code: Embryo? Is it any good? Worth $20?
be careful, i had the same issue.
i tried two different cc's and the second one worked but i never got the PSN $. so i grabbed a card from the store.
later that month i check my cc statement and they charged me the money. it was a hassle to get it refunded.
i had to basically call amex and do a charge back.