Has it always said this?
It means you can download it to a PS3 and then transfer it to Vita. The download list has every PSP and PS Vita title as "Playable on PS3" as a result of that.
Has it always said this?
PS4 games have been weirdly inconsistent with Platinum trophies, it's something on Sony's end. They let their own titles like First Light have one but Ground Zeroes couldn't. Oddworld is a third party title that got a Platinum too and it launched at the same price as GZ.
Really excited about Grim Fandango, haven't played it in years. Shame i'm away work-related conference the whole week it releases though.
As an RPG?! Weird. I think there's extra cert for platinum (IIRC Octodad confirmed they wouldn't have a plat because of extra work) but it seems digital titles can have them just like any other title now.
Just dropping this here for you guys.
Resident Evil - PS4, PS3 Digitalmaybe...hmmm
in the olden days sony used to have 8ing and racjin make games in this series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzlC-vp3GIU
bleach had a run
kind of
i guess
is the soul sacrifice Delta online community dead or alive? only reason why i haven't decided to buy the game.
Sorry, that was my annotation that it was the only game I was interested in at all from this week.Really? I thought it was confirmed to be digital only.
Sorry, that was my annotation that it was the only game I was interested in at all from this week.
Does sony own the bleach license to make the games?
Yeah it always confused me as to why some games get platinums while others don't. I remember Kojima saying over twitter that GZ was refused a platinum trophy because it wasn't a full priced game.I'm pretty sure it's the cert thing. Indie digital titles have had them too like Lone Survivor, Binding of Isaac (though BOI has Sony funding I think, unsure about Lone Survivor). It's possible games Sony funded/worked with are either allowed/required to have a platinum or they help out with that in some way.
GZ must be on Konami's end, it's even a retail release. IMO GZ definitely deserved a platinum, it took me as long to 100% as resogun or First Light, maybe longer, and it could definitely add more trophies for all the extras
I guess Sony has different requirements for a platinum trophy depending on whether a game has a retail release or is only available digitally.Right now its at 31 trophies; but that can increase if I think of more. There will very likely be a platinum trophy, but Im still in the application phase (Platinum Trophies are considered almost special badge that developers actually have to apply for not just any game can include them).
Just dropping this here for you guys.
Best of Arcade Games - PS3, PS Vita Digital
Citizens of Earth - PS4, PS Vita Digital
Ironclad Tactics - PS4 Digital
Motorcycle Club - PS4, PS3 Digital, Retail
Resident Evil - PS4, PS3 DigitalSaints Row IV: Re-Elected - PS4 Digital, Retailmaybe interested...hmmm
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - PS4, PS3 Digital (PS3 Version at Retail)
Splice - PS4, PS3 Digital (Cross Buy)
Just dropping this here for you guys.
Best of Arcade Games - PS3, PS Vita Digital
Citizens of Earth - PS4, PS Vita Digital
Ironclad Tactics - PS4 Digital
Motorcycle Club - PS4, PS3 Digital, Retail
Resident Evil - PS4, PS3 DigitalSaints Row IV: Re-Elected - PS4 Digital, Retailmaybe interested...hmmm
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - PS4, PS3 Digital (PS3 Version at Retail)
Splice - PS4, PS3 Digital (Cross Buy)
in the olden days sony used to have 8ing and racjin make games in this series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzlC-vp3GIU
bleach had a run
kind of
i guess
So is Grim Fandango digital only or what? I thought Tim Schafer said they wanted to do a physical copy, but I didn't hear anything beyond that.
Digital Only. If it does well Double Fine will consider a retail version
I wonder how Suikoden 2 was selling after it finally got on PSN (not that it's a front loaded expectation or anything), and also Suikoden 1 since it finally became available for Vita by normal download means.
I'm curious to know if the likely meager profits were enough for Konami to not think it was a waste of time, and if it could serve as an example for other publishers like Capcom with Breath of Fire III and Square with etc etc etc you know the drill.
Was there ever confirmation regarding the EU release of the Suidoken games?
Also, what's the Gaf opinion of New'n'tasty?
Has it always said this?
Finished Korra for PS4. I'm not sure why the game got such low review scores. For a $15 game based on an animated TV series, it was much better than I expected. Platinum did a great job with what they had.
Suikoden 2 & 1 Took 1st & 2nd place in the PSN December charts under classic games
Also, what's the Gaf opinion of New'n'tasty?
Not sure what that amounts to, but still pretty sweet.
I'm an OG fan of Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus (the latter was one of my favorite games for over a decade), and it's great, but I'm torn on it. The game is beautiful and the real-tme everything is great, it's still very enjoyable but the controls are so slippery and tenacious imo that it's hard for me to celebrate it as a remake like I want to. ie: as we do Zero Mission and RE:Make. The strictly digital grid spacing in the original was much more precise.
Still, I enjoy it and it's a huge step forward in most other categories. Just comparison thoughts from a fan.
RIP Vita.
How can you kill something that's already dead?RIP Vita.
RIP Vita.
How can you kill something that's already dead?
In the West at least
Looking for a good SRPG for my Vita: Tactics Ogre or Jeanne d'Arc?
RIP Vita.
im interested in buying my first Neptunia or Atelier game for Vita. never played any of them before. Ilike jrpgs and one of my favorites is Persona 4 golden.
What game should i buy?
there is no physical release on the atelier series on
but the games seems more solid than neptunia
Gaf Help me!
Digital Only. If it does well Double Fine will consider a retail version
Looking for a good SRPG for my Vita: Tactics Ogre or Jeanne d'Arc?
Looking for a good SRPG for my Vita: Tactics Ogre or Jeanne d'Arc?
Jeanne d'Arc is very similar to Fire Emblem Awakening, if you've played that game. That's always a plus for me.
Man, the crowd in this community is really odd to me. Why even deal with retail?Where did you hear of this? Cuz I'm ready to double dip and get a retail vita copy.
Now that sounds great. I only played the demo of it on my 2DS (got tons of demos when I first got it last fall) and I really liked how it played, so if Jeanne d'Arc is as fun as that....It should be a awesome game
Once my RPG backlog (got so many PSP/PS1 RPG's to beat on my Vita XD; at least 6 on my Vita that I barely started yet....) dies down, I will check that out.
Thank you Shizuka for suggesting the game.
Man, the crowd in this community is really odd to me. Why even deal with retail?
I guess we all have our fetishes.
Man, the crowd in this community is really odd to me. Why even deal with retail?
I guess we all have our fetishes.