Never say never though, I thought the chances that Fever would come back were lower than Fate/Unlimited Codes...Never thought about that ;p. But meh. It's still expensive with the discount code.
I guess my chance to play this game is gone.
Lost my hope when the game was removed from the store. But I thought that Fate/Unlimited Codes might also be available or coming back to the EU store because DJ Max Fever is now available(and Fever was also one of those games that got removed from the store). I wonder if Sega would bring Phantasy Star Portable and Portable 2 back in the EU store :/.
And hm. Strange. When Hakuoki for the PS3 was on sale(in the summer?), I didn't saw the PSP version in the store :/(when I searched for Hakuoki). Or maybe this game was first unavailable in my region? o.o. Oh well. I hope the PSP version will be on sale soon(or this year ;p). Same with DJ Max Fever ;p.
I bought $150 in 20% off PSN cards on eBay on black friday thinking I'd be good for most of the year. I'm at $40 now. Well crap.
None of it is necessary to finish the game. I think you actually need to craft to do S Tier
Virtue's Last Reward is sooo good but goddamn all the travelling cutscene things are getting annoying. Is it just a way to hide load screens?
I think you can fast-forward those if you've seen them go the exact same route before. But yeah, that doesn't happen very often.Going through doors, etc, however, will always take 10x too long.
They are AAA games on console. Their handheld editions are markedly low budget which is all that matters when discussing what is or is not AAA.
You kids ain't got no appreciation for the classics and olden days, bet you all play PSX games stretched on your Vitas too *shivers in disgust*
Gimme proper aspect ratio over fake widescreen any day.
I'll actually concede that there have been some games that could possibly qualify as being AAA -- mostly from SquEnix as far as my memory serves.There's a case to be made for a lot of western third parties, whose handheld support usually consisted of hastily made games outsourced to studios with questionable track records. I don't think that would apply to companies like Square Enix, though. I wouldn't be surprised if Crisis Core, Birth By Sleep or Type-0 cost more to develop than the entirety of NIS' PSP output, for example.
You can tell a low budget handheld game (Lord of Arcana) from a high budget one (Final Fantasy Type-0) rather easily. There's a scale. Just because a handheld spinoff would be cheaper to develop than the same game on a home console doesn't mean the game itself cost little to make. In the case of things like Final Fantasy, you've got home console dev cycles lasting 5+ years. That's likely at an astronomical cost, but that doesn't mean Type-0's 3-year cycle was cheap.
The death of AAA handheld games could be seen as an extension of the death of B-tier retail titles in the console space. In raw dollar amounts, it's likely that most big handheld games are closer in production cost to a B-tier console title than a AAA one. Publishers are vacating the B-tier space to focus on the extremes: super high budget console games that sells millions of units and/or super low cost mobile games that bring in a huge ROI.
Dammit missed the ten off of ps+
The 10% discount doesn't apply to subscriptions I believe.
receive an exclusive theme for your PS4™ system as a bonus when the game releases
The 10% discount doesn't apply to subscriptions I believe.
ebay was selling 1 year cards for $40 earlier today
What was updated in the Vita version of Minecraft? (Those changelogs never pop up for me...)
the most recent patch was a pretty massive set of changes. new blocks, new mobs, updates to world generation, pretty full patch.
Question for VitaGAF...
I'm headed out of the country, in a few days, for 15 days worth of work. I'm unaware of what my personal Internet situation will be, but I'm trying to prepare for the worst...which would be no personal Internet, and yeah, that would absolutely suck ass.
Anyway, with that said, I need a few recommendations for RPGs/action games that will keep me busy (not Ys/P4G/FF as I've played them).
Edit: PSN or easy to find physical.
Question for VitaGAF...
I'm headed out of the country, in a few days, for 15 days worth of work. I'm unaware of what my personal Internet situation will be, but I'm trying to prepare for the worst...which would be no personal Internet, and yeah, that would absolutely suck ass.
Anyway, with that said, I need a few recommendations for RPGs/action games that will keep me busy (not Ys/P4G/FF as I've played them).
Edit: PSN or easy to find physical.
Easy, Soul Sacrifice Delta.Question for VitaGAF...
I'm headed out of the country, in a few days, for 15 days worth of work. I'm unaware of what my personal Internet situation will be, but I'm trying to prepare for the worst...which would be no personal Internet, and yeah, that would absolutely suck ass.
Anyway, with that said, I need a few recommendations for RPGs/action games that will keep me busy (not Ys/P4G/FF as I've played them).
Edit: PSN or easy to find physical.
Question for VitaGAF...
I'm headed out of the country, in a few days, for 15 days worth of work. I'm unaware of what my personal Internet situation will be, but I'm trying to prepare for the worst...which would be no personal Internet, and yeah, that would absolutely suck ass.
Anyway, with that said, I need a few recommendations for RPGs/action games that will keep me busy (not Ys/P4G/FF as I've played them).
Edit: PSN or easy to find physical.
Easy, Soul Sacrifice Delta.
I made the OT, you know.Baekshi, is that you?
I got lucky and bought Fate/Unlimited Codes for $10 the week prior to the delisting.
I got lucky and bought Fate/Unlimited Codes for $10 the week prior to the delisting.
TOTP: Buy Atelier Ayesha Plus.
I really hope more Vita games come out making use of the KZM engine
kind of surprised killzone hd hasn't been ported to vita yet
kind of surprised killzone hd hasn't been ported to vita yet
don't know if it could run kz2 or 3
probably not
I made the OT, you know.
When was that game delisted anyway?
I recently reinstalled it on my Vita, and I couldn't find it on the Store, had to comb over my 1800+ download list to find it...
where did you get such a good deal
This.kind of surprised killzone hd hasn't been ported to vita yet
don't know if it could run kz2 or 3
probably not
And this. :'(kind of surprised killzone mercenaries hasn't been ported to ps4 yet
Didn't know that was the reason. Honestly having those two games on the vita would be amazingFor the same reason ICO and SOTC haven't been ported to Vita: because they aren't SCEA games.
Question for VitaGAF...
I'm headed out of the country, in a few days, for 15 days worth of work. I'm unaware of what my personal Internet situation will be, but I'm trying to prepare for the worst...which would be no personal Internet, and yeah, that would absolutely suck ass.
Anyway, with that said, I need a few recommendations for RPGs/action games that will keep me busy (not Ys/P4G/FF as I've played them).
Edit: PSN or easy to find physical.
Has anyone ever tried a concerted effort to get more psp games onto the store? Games like Metal Gear Acid, Warhammer, D&D Tactics, Valkyria Profile Lenneth, etc...
I realize some games are definitely not up due to licensing - I know that's the stock answer and i also know in most cases it's the reason because licensing is a nightmare. But just as I think it's legitimate to assume in most cases it's licensing, there's got to be a couple cases where it's just oversight and some fan pressure might get a game up (recent examples of this being Suikoden II, Vib Ribbon, etc). Obviously convincing Disney to put up BBS is likely a waste of time, but I'd think we'd have a chance with others.
What do you think the potential would be, as a community, to create a list of the most wanted missing psp games, and then, one by one, contacting the publishers and seeing if we can overcome their inertia? Pipe dream? Possible?
That's the great debate, right? Do you buy old games that never go on sale because that 10% off is the best you're ever going to see? Do you punch yourself in the arm when they then finally go on sale two weeks later?
I finally bought all my games last night just to put myself out of that neverending circle. I decided against games not on sale... in part because I was already spending plenty, in part because they could go on a better sale, and in part because ultimately, if I really, really need to play a $10/$15 psp game -today-, I won't sweat the fact that I didn't save a buck/buck fifty on it.
Can we expect February freebies to be announced in the next couple of days?
Is there no preload for grim fandango vita?
Has anyone ever tried a concerted effort to get more psp games onto the store? Games like Metal Gear Acid, Warhammer, D&D Tactics, Valkyria Profile Lenneth, etc...
I realize some games are definitely not up due to licensing - I know that's the stock answer and i also know in most cases it's the reason because licensing is a nightmare. But just as I think it's legitimate to assume in most cases it's licensing, there's got to be a couple cases where it's just oversight and some fan pressure might get a game up (recent examples of this being Suikoden II, Vib Ribbon, etc). Obviously convincing Disney to put up BBS is likely a waste of time, but I'd think we'd have a chance with others.
What do you think the potential would be, as a community, to create a list of the most wanted missing psp games, and then, one by one, contacting the publishers and seeing if we can overcome their inertia? Pipe dream? Possible?
That's the great debate, right? Do you buy old games that never go on sale because that 10% off is the best you're ever going to see? Do you punch yourself in the arm when they then finally go on sale two weeks later?
I finally bought all my games last night just to put myself out of that neverending circle. I decided against games not on sale... in part because I was already spending plenty, in part because they could go on a better sale, and in part because ultimately, if I really, really need to play a $10/$15 psp game -today-, I won't sweat the fact that I didn't save a buck/buck fifty on it.
I think the main issue is that most of these games will sell a couple of thousand copies, and earn maybe tens of thousands of dollars for the publisher. I simply can't see them bothering.
I think the main issue is that most of these games will sell a couple of thousand copies, and earn maybe tens of thousands of dollars for the publisher. I simply can't see them bothering.
Are we still on "vita has no AAA"? AAA doesn't exist on handhelds. Literally never existed. There is no instance of a AAA game on a handheld.
SSB 3DS is about the only example I can think of.
AAA is a meaningless term anyway. It groups together games like uncharted, which takes 2 years and $20 million to make, and GTAV, which takes 4 years and $100 mil. Game a like mario, or mario kart probably take much fewer resources to make than something like uncharted and the last of us. Some people even think Zelda A link between worlds AAA, when the scope of the game doesn't even allow it to touch the production values of what we consider AAA on consoles.
I agree with the bolded.
Fuck AAA, fuck indie, fuck third party, fuck first party.
Games come in two classifications, based on each person's own opinions; fun games, and not fun games.
I think we can agree if it didn't have the Wii U version behind it its budget would also have been much smaller.
Still, that's actually a pretty good example. Kind of a unique situation, though.