Is this an actual product? Remote play would be so much better...
Seems like so, but supports Vita 2000 only.
Gah, that would be fantastic. And I don't even have a PS4 yet! Think about the PSX games!!
Yeah PSX games should run great.
Is this an actual product? Remote play would be so much better...
Gah, that would be fantastic. And I don't even have a PS4 yet! Think about the PSX games!!
Seems like so, but supports Vita 2000 only.
Yeah PSX games should run great.
Than where do you buy it?!
Magical Beat, Baboon and Nihilumbra are out on EU PSN.
It isn't out in Japan yet. I just found the image at 2ch so let me post some more info as soon as I find them.
Prior to the launch of Spotify on PlayStation Music, the Music Unlimited service will close in all 19 countries on March 29, 2015. Nearly all of these countries will be among the 41 markets where PlayStation Music featuring Spotify will be available at launch, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Brazil. From February 28, 2015, Music Unlimited users with active subscriptions will receive free access to Music Unlimited through March 29, 2015.
So apparantly from now on only PS4 games will get a deal of the week on PSN. Sony aren't even pretending to give a shit about Vita anymore., Meet Spotify
I think this is related to the thread anyway.
Did they specific that? No PS3 too?
PlayStation, Meet Spotify
I think this is related to the thread anyway.
Did they specific that? No PS3 too?
No PS3 either. But then PS3 isn't less than 3 years old and the successor has been out for over a year so I don't see that as a big deal really. Vita should still be getting enough attention from Sony.
So apparantly from now on only PS4 games will get a deal of the week on PSN. Sony aren't even pretending to give a shit about Vita anymore.
Why would they? I mean they've openly stated they're not going to support the system before so this shouldn't really be a surpriseSo apparantly from now on only PS4 games will get a deal of the week on PSN. Sony aren't even pretending to give a shit about Vita anymore.
That's what i hoping for as well seeing since they're not going to be part of weekly deals i'm hopeful for when they do go on sale the discount on vita games will greater.Really? That's lame. Hopefully they're well represented in regular sales.
ohh. i welcome the spotify partnership. no huddle of loading the music onto a stick, just pick a nice playlist and chilling with driveclub or something like that... nice
I was obviously not clear, all that i said was referring to an imaginary mana based game without potions and items that emulate spells effects, if you re-read my post with that in mind it will make sense.
In a game like that you can choose freely what to use, but the mana cannot be replenished so the dilemma of using a spell or not is there, that's why you should choose wisely the right spell for the right situation, if you cast an expensive greater fireball you won't be able to cast a greater whatever later and in general you will be able to cast other spells few times, this system would be even more punishing that the D&D one because the use of a spell directly affects the number of uses of all the spells, unlike the D&D system.
The D&D system also kills the immersion for me, i'm no more able to cast lesser fireballs but i'm able to cast greater fireballs? What? Use the power you have for greater fireballs to cast lesser fireballs! That happens because spells are conceived as scrolls or even better as various kinds of firearms and spells usage are conceived as compatible bullets, level 1 spells can be imagined as various types of guns and spells usage are the gun bullets, if you finish gun bullets you can still use bazookas, but that's not how i conceive magic!
Returning in the rpg space, if i'm going into a lava level and you give me limits then let me get rid of fire spells so i can make space for ice spells.
Don't forget that even without potion limitations games can be hard, without mana potions they would be impossible, it means that they are designed with that in mind, so they are balanced.
Hatsune Miku PDF 2nd (Vita/PS3) is $30 on Amazon. It might be a permanent price drop. If you don't buy this, I'm not counting your GotM votesunless you buy it digitally.
How's the IQ on uppercase F second? I still have Theatrhythm and Bon Appetit to limply flail my way through, was kinda hoping they'd have a PS4 version announced by now.
Crazy the first one is $60 used on Amazon for PS3. Low print run?
Both PS3 games are 1080p 30fps.
BTW the sequel is spelled with an uppercase F on both PS3 and Vita. Only the first Vita game used a stylized cursive f.
1080p is better than expected, no AA I assume?
booo RIP project Diva lowercase f
Yeah but it looks like will be only paid subscribers on PS4. $10 a month is the same as my Music Unlimited so this can only be good for me.
RIP in peace
Don't go into the thread if you don't want to be sad
They're having a funeral in there.![]()
Damn, that is the most used app I have on my Vita.....such a perfect YouTube machine :').
Guess Sony isn't paying them enough to support the app on Vita? Either way this does suck.
Youtube works better in the browser than in the app already.
it's reportedly a pretty lackluster game, though.
So it's just like every other Neptunia game then?
So it's just like every other Neptunia game then?
Well the fact that this one stands out among the Neptunia games as being poor says something.
it's reportedly a pretty lackluster game, though.
None of those things put me off. I'll still be buying it (not the LE, though).
Dear Valued Customer,
We need your help to process your preorder on time!
As some of you may have already noticed, the Paypal authorization for the preorder you placed with us has expired in Paypal. But please do not worry. Your copy of the game is still reserved. Your order is still in our system and waiting to be processed.
The only problem now is we cannot capture the payment for your order from our system. This happened because of a mistake we made in the way we originally set up our payment system on our new store website. We realized there was a problem on January 6th and fixed it so that this will not happen on orders placed after that date. But we could not fix the orders already placed no matter what we tried. We really are very sorry for the inconvenience!
Please help us to process your order as quickly as possible by:
· Manually sending us the payment for your order through Paypal to our [email protected] account.
· Please make sure to reference your order number so that we can easily apply your payment to your order and get it on its way. Your order ID is [*********]
If you need further assistance please contact customer support. However, please understand that this problem affected many customers. We are a small company and if we get many inquiries all at one time we may not be able to respond and process the orders as quickly as possible. Therefore, it will help us greatly if you contact us about this problem only if you cannot make your payment to us through Paypal as requested and require an alternative.
We appreciate your understanding and, again, we are very, very sorry for the trouble! Thank you for your patience as we work hard to correct this issue!
NISA Online Store
[email protected]
(714) 540-1185
Last couple times I've talked about this ITT some people've said they got through to them no problems, but customer service is non-existent for me. After I get Firefly Diaries (hopefully), I'm not buying anything direct from NISA again. With Vita finally on it's way out, I won't need to anyway.
Now that's more like it.
I haven't heard the greatest things either but I don't think it can be worse than PP. At least this should be a real, somewhat engaging game. But if it is... yikes.Well the fact that this one stands out among the Neptunia games as being poor says something.
Now that's more like it.
I haven't heard the greatest things either but I don't think it can be worse than PP. At least this should be a real, somewhat engaging game. But if it is... yikes.
Mmm...sporting that Katsuragi avatar like a true member of VitaGAF.
The bravest avatar
You didn't get Ys Oath in Felghana during the sale from 2 weeks ago
We were pimpin that game in like 3 threads.
no trofees
I know I'm terrible I know
It's a Sting srpg, right? It can't be terrible, even though their games are love it/hate it due to their trademarke UI/Hud bombardments and kinda forgettable settings/chars. They know what they're doing with mechanics and systems, it's cool to see a polygonal game from them and I like the chibi Neptunia look. Gungnir on PSP was a gem to me, so another gird-based srpg from them is right up my alley.
I guess this is it
"Deal of the week will be PS4 focussed going forward. You will still find Vita and PS3 content on offer in other promotions throughout the year, though."
Magical Beat (demo available)
Not available Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine,
I guess this is itfor Vita deals and hoping that Battle Princess of Arcadias will be on sale ;_;
I heard that, but isn't it by Sting, which is apparently a good thing? Blerg. I want that scroll and art book. Why couldn't it be a crappy character like Ram