Holy crap VitaGAF, I just finished Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and I can't get enough of it, excellent game! Thatending just came out of the blue, I have so many questions and I'm tempted to Google them but I'm afraid of spoiling Virtue's Last Reward. OMG I can't wait to get a Vita!!!!true
Get Virtue's Last Reward ASAP. If you're up for it after that, get Danganronpa as well.
Holy crap VitaGAF, I just finished Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and I can't get enough of it, excellent game! Thatending just came out of the blue, I have so many questions and I'm tempted to Google them but I'm afraid of spoiling Virtue's Last Reward. OMG I can't wait to get a Vita!!!!true
Get Virtue's Last Reward ASAP. If you're up for it after that, get Danganronpa as well.
Wait, so P4AU and DLC are on sale in US?
How does cross region stuff work on PS3? Is it the same as PS4? I can just use vouchers, buy it on my US account, and my EU account can play the game? Any gotchas?
If you have the US ver. of P4AU, the DLC will run fine on any of your accounts.
If you have the EU ver. of P4AU, the DLC won't work with that ver. of the game.
Wait, so P4AU and DLC are on sale in US?
How does cross region stuff work on PS3? Is it the same as PS4? I can just use vouchers, buy it on my US account, and my EU account can play the game? Any gotchas?
It's the same as PS4 unless it's the only region locked game on PS3, thanks Atlus btw
Thanks. And by strange coincidence, that was the original P4A, wasn't it? Is there any reason to think the P4A story DLC for P4AU would be similarly restricted?
Right, but if I don't have the game at all, can I buy the US version & DLC, download it onto my EU PS3, log into my EU account and play? Same as PS4?
I'm pretty sure they relented for P4AU, at least with western copies. But I'm not 100% sure. I don't plan to purchase either game at any point in no small part because of that mess.
The first part of Broken age is relatively tame on the Adventure game puzzle spectrum, but still very much an old school adventure compared to the likes of Telltale. I imagine this to ramp up in Act 2.If the Playstation version of Broken Age 1 & 2 has the same price as the PC version, it'll be $25. Has anyone played the game, the first part of the game?
If the Playstation version of Broken Age 1 & 2 has the same price as the PC version, it'll be $25. Has anyone played the game, the first part of the game?
If the Playstation version of Broken Age 1 & 2 has the same price as the PC version, it'll be $25. Has anyone played the game, the first part of the game?
If the Playstation version of Broken Age 1 & 2 has the same price as the PC version, it'll be $25. Has anyone played the game, the first part of the game?
If the Playstation version of Broken Age 1 & 2 has the same price as the PC version, it'll be $25. Has anyone played the game, the first part of the game?
Gah! The pain of clearing space on my 64 GB card... I don't want to delete any of these games! I just want allmy games on here!
use the Content Manager on your PC
backup all the games to your PC so you don't have to redownload them next time![]()
The first part of Broken age is relatively tame on the Adventure game puzzle spectrum, but still very much an old school adventure compared to the likes of Telltale. I imagine this to ramp up in Act 2.
As for the story the set up is pretty strong with dual protagonists, gorgeous art and fun writing. I think folks playing Acts 1 and 2 back to back will have a much better time all round compared to folks having played just Act 1 and then having to wait (even if the Act 1 cliffhanger is a strong one).
I did. The ending left a huge cliffhanger, although it's kinda cheesy. It's a pretty game, but overall it's a 6/10 for me.
Briefly. It's (subjectively) gorgeous. Puzzles seemed a little light from the little I played. Writing and VA were top notch. Story seemed interesting. I really must go and finish it prior to act 2.
I thought it was pretty good, got it cheap during the last Steam sale. If I had known it was coming to PS4 I'd have waited, though.
It's pretty great IMO. Good art, pretty well animated, good VA, interesting story. Fun but not ridiculous puzzles (it's not Grim Fandango, difficulty-wise). Not exactly happy about the wait as a kickstarter backer but eh.
Yep, everyone should be using Content Manager. Great to have a backup and it lets you move/remove games with ease. Well, some level of ease.
I thought that using your CC instead of Paypal allowed you to put custom amounts of money in the wallet, but apparently the minimum is still 5....