A few days I think. Welcome back!Aww. How long has this thread been in Community? I was wondering wheres the thread.
A few days I think. Welcome back!
Thank you, been missing this thread.
Any chance of a flash sale this weekend on US PSN?
Killzone blogpost said something about sales in the title. But the post was missing it. Perhaps a flash killzone sale?
Games are expensive in Japan. It's not weird to see handheld stuff at 5500-6500 yen and homeconsole games often go around 7500 yen.
Haha, looks so fucking cool and cute. For the right price I'll certainly get it!
Not yet, I checked out both the SEN store and the Vita store about an hour ago. It still shows up as PSP/Vita on the SEN site, complete with the updated 'compatible with PSP/Vita' text in the description, but can't be found or downloaded when searching on a Vita.Any more news regarding castlevania X chronicles compatibility on EU PSN since the description change in the Store?
Just finished Murasaki Baby, what a pretentious piece of shit.
I should have known better, I already hated Escape Plan but naive as I am I thought Ovosonico maybe figured out to make good touch controls. I mean, Sony has to had a reason to push this game, right?
Overlooking the fact that I hated the character design from the get go, I bought it and besides the stupid top mouths, the artstyle is interesting. The presentation is quite annoying though and as I mentioned, it feels pretentious. Some parts are yawningly slow.
The actual gameplay is way too simple, there weren't any smart puzzles and overall the controls harmed the game. You are blocking your view all the time and sometimes your touch inputs won't register correctly. Some maneuvers also needed some serious finger acrobatics, which was the only difficulty in this puzzle game.
The checkpoint system furthers the rage of the control fuck up deaths because you have to redo too much in my opinion.
To conclude, this game was just not fun. If Sony wanted to get another innovative control based game in their portfolio, they should have asked a better developer like Simogo, who actually do awesome stuff.
The only redeeming factor is, that this game is better than Escape Plan, which isn't really difficult though.
Can't find this thread for somedays
I though that Vita is really died since no one even care to participate in this thread, until I realize that it has been moved
on side note, hoping for Killzone Merc flash sale
VitaGAF, quick question:
Does the PSP Sega Genesis Collection work on Vita/Playstation TV?
Got a friend who wants to buy it off PSN and play it on a Playstation TV.
PS Vita Games Top 10 (US)
1. Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition
2. Freedom Wars
3. Sword Art Online -Hollow Fragment-
4. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA f
5. SENRAN KAGURA Shinovi Versus
6. Dead Nation PS Vita
7. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
8. Nidhogg
9. Dont Starve: Giant Edition
Thanks. I was on the fence on Murasaki Baby but you had me out on the makers of Escape Plan which I did not know it was the same people. Wow Ovosonico's title on their website is "The avant-garde game studio". Ugh.
If you are fan of the genre of puzzle platformers, like I am, you should play the underrated Dokuro on Vita. It gets hard but it is fun and looks awesome.
PS Vita Games Top 10 (US)
1. Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition
2. Freedom Wars
3. Sword Art Online -Hollow Fragment-
4. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA f
5. SENRAN KAGURA Shinovi Versus
6. Dead Nation PS Vita
7. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
8. Nidhogg
9. Dont Starve: Giant Edition
PS Vita Games Top 10 (EU)
1. Minecraft (New)
2. Need for Speed Most Wanted (RE)
3. Urban Trial Freestyle (RE)
4. Assassins Creed III Liberation (15)
5. Dead Nation (19)
6. Freedom Wars (New)
7. The Walking Dead: Season Two (RE)
8 .The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season (RE)
9. Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (1)
10. Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (New)
11. FIFA 15 (5)
12. Rayman Origins (RE)
13. Real Boxing (16)
14. Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable (RE)
15. Child of Light (RE)
16. Farming Simulator (RE)
17. F1 2011 (RE)
18. One Piece Unlimited World Red (RE)
19. Borderlands 2 (12)
20. Dont Starve: Giant Edition (2)
1 Flower full game (English Ver.)
2 The Legend of Heroes SEN NO KISEKI II full game (Chinese Ver.)
3 Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines full game (Chinese/Korean Ver.)
4 Child of Light - Digital Deluxe Edition full game (English/Chinese/Japanese Ver.)
5 METAL GEAR SOLID 3 HD EDITION full game (English Ver.)
6 METAL GEAR SOLID HD COLLECTION full game (English Ver.)
7 FREEDOM WARS full game (Chinese/Korean Ver.)
8 GUNDAM BREAKER PlayStation®Vita the Best (Japanese Ver.)
9 SOUL SACRIFICE DELTA full game (Chinese/Korean Ver.)
10 Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment full game (English/Chinese Ver.)
SAO and Freedom Wars still beasting
PS Vita Games Top 10's
I do not see Dracula X Chronicles on that list.
Unless you've had it already, you US VitaGAF don't deserve your Vitas >=/
It most definitely does not work.
Thanks. I was on the fence on Murasaki Baby but you had me out on the makers of Escape Plan which I did not know it was the same people. Wow Ovosonico's title on their website is "The avant-garde game studio". Ugh.
If you are fan of the genre of puzzle platformers, like I am, you should play the underrated Dokuro on Vita. It gets hard but it is fun and looks awesome.
Pretty sure they're not the same devs at all. I really loved Murasaki Baby, but it's very much a game where you have to appreciate the art style and story telling rather than appreciate gameplay alone. Doesn't sound like you'd enjoy it.
PS1 version is far superior! Well, for SOTN anyway.
US folks have better taste than EU folks confirmed![]()
I think what it really tells us is that the Vita has a more mainstream audience in Europe. Which is a good thing, it means it's actually somewhat successful there, unlike here where it's super super niche.
Well... technically it works on Vita, you just can't get it on there or buy it on the Vita store.
Originally Posted by Baust
VitaGAF, quick question:
Does the PSP Sega Genesis Collection work on Vita/Playstation TV?
Got a friend who wants to buy it off PSN and play it on a Playstation TV.
It most definitely does not work.
After playing more of Freedom Wars, I'm still upset that some subset of gamers dare to classify this as Kusoge. Fuck.
This is amazing, and the graphics/image quality are insane.
Amazon.co.jp - 2.4 out of 5 stars
PSN - 3.12 out of 5 stars
Mk2 Japanese Review Site - 41 out of 100 based on 51 user reviews (which is a site I see gaffers look up to for JP games).
I don't know where you are at the game, but unless you're only after the... I dunno 20~ hours of the main game, I don't think you've played the game in its entirety. Because there ARE lots of problems in the game. Especially for what it tried to be.
This "subset of gamers" isn't a group of people who you could call a "vocal minority" - for a lack of better term. Let's go see some places where the customers are the ones rating the game.
Trust me when I say that on Japan PSN, it's very rare for "big games to get a rating like 3.12 of 5. Oh, if you're not convinced, it's currently at bargain bin prices on Amazon : 800 JPY (~7 USD). And we're looking at a game released about 4 months ago at the SRP of ~6300 JPY and 5184 JPY digital. And this is a game with "online events" and "big updates" to elongate its lifespan.
I don't think it's kusoge level, but it has lots of problems that aren't exactly ignorable. :/
Whatever their plan is for the follow-up, they would probably need to either advertise and hype the heck out of it, or actually release abettergood game to get same sales.
inb4I get thought of as a detractor who haven't played the game
So these are what, balancing issues? What do you think about Soul Sacrifice Delta compared to FW?
Trust me when I say that on Japan PSN, it's very rare for "big games” to get a rating like 3.12 of 5. Oh, if you're not convinced, it's currently at bargain bin prices on Amazon : 800 JPY (~7 USD). And we're looking at a game released about 4 months ago at the SRP of ~6300 JPY and 5184 JPY digital. And this is a game with "online events" and "big updates" to elongate its lifespan.
To me murasaki baby is like limbo, unfinished swan and metrico. With that I mean that I see them less as puzzle games and more like a journey or an experience.
If the puzzles would have been harder in murasaki baby it would take away from the atmosphere IMO. As I am a pretentious conceptual artist I might also have a higher tolerance when it comes to pretentious games than you do.
If you want a good puzzle game play swapper
Edit: also the trend of people posting review scores on this forum has to go IMO. It's bad enough that most sites does it, but then the readers at least have the information about what it means. User based scores without any context is really pointless.
The worst thing though is the guessing meta score game that have started to flood game OTs before the game is released. Have each individual become so unimportant that people start shouting random numbers just to show that they exists and to get to say "I told you so" and be recognised.
I guess this started as irony, but the first generation jokes becomes the following generation's truth (misscommunication is a Beauty)
Feel Free to ignore this text.
I should be a good person and get LBPVita one day. That Marvel edition is base game + Marvel DLCs, right?
Tales of is an ARPG that has instanced battles (Hearts R has random battles, but Vesperia, Graces and both Xillias have enemies on the field). The game is real time most of the time but you can press triangle to open a menu where you can use an Item, change your strategy, run away from combat and order an AI partner to use a specific skill.
Game has a block button (that is used to evade with backsteps), and two attacks button. One that uses normal attacks and other that uses a skill. When you're attacking you use the left analog stick to choose between one skill and the other (Up is one skill, left another, nothing another and all that).
There are more shortcuts, but that's the basic stuff.
Latest game have "Combo Points" that limit the amount of attacks you can chain so you cannot unlimitely spam them. (Vesperia didn't, it uses another mechanic instead).
It's really fastpaced and fun, it's even fun when you're fighting randoms (especially on higher difficulties). The games are not perfect but are generally good enough. Vesperia and Xillia 2 are the best Tales this gen overall. If you have a 360 I'd recommend you Vesperia. If you didn't, you could look for a cheap Xillia copy. The game is good, but sadly it becomes obsolete after playing its sequel.
I dont get why people who hates certain genre cares to make a review about a game that belongs to that genre . murasaki baby is a beautiful game with beautiful art.way better excecution and much more production value than home. Flower is another artsy game and escape plan is more of a point and click puzzle adventure. People seems to forget not every game out there is for the hardcore gamer. I think murasaki's approach is for kids, not for the average picky hardcore gamer . of course opinions are that, a personal view of something and I cannot fight that. But why to buy the game in the first place? This reminds me to " stick it to the man " complains. Anyway. Please do not buy games of a genre you don't like. Escape plan is a nice game for what it is . if you don't like it DONT buy Murasaki. Do yourself a favor.
Thanks. I was on the fence on Murasaki Baby but you had me out on the makers of Escape Plan which I did not know it was the same people. Wow Ovosonico's title on their website is "The avant-garde game studio". Ugh.
If you are fan of the genre of puzzle platformers, like I am, you should play the underrated Dokuro on Vita. It gets hard but it is fun and looks awesome.
Wow, I got once sentence into the post you replied to... *shudder* love it or hate it, how anybody could think the game is pretentious is beyond me. That's like thinking the movie Beetlejuice is pretentious, as if it's trying to say something lofty and intellectual about life, death and spirituality but unaware that it's failing miserably in a juvenile way.
Just so you know Murasaki Baby is NOT by the people who made Escape Plan, it's made by the people who made Dokuro. I do not think you would like it, though.
Yeah, I got it the day it came out and I liked it. It really brightened up a shitty week I was having. I liked the characters, art style, and sound. Once I got used to the controls and the game really started getting going, I was having a good time. A bit short and very simple in places, but probably just right for it's gameplay... 10+ hrs of that with repetitious 'new puzzle concept' evolution sets, rankings, secrets and collectibles would have been too much.
You cant even compare the two as they have totally different design aspects asides from the obvious joining factors which really dont need to be said.
Game has a HUGE balancing issue. Since there literally is a single weapon that broke the title. By the time any sort of "adjustments" were made, which still wasnt much it already did damage. Since made online play just plain stupid considering you could destroy a lot of end game things within a few minutes or less. Weapon is the Barbara the short range burst fire rifle.
There isnt that much of a skill ceiling with the game also. This is also due to the Barbara. Then there are the issues with the general melee animations not matching up with how the abductors and game is designed therefore melee is pretty much suicide endgame.
Crafting is shit in the game since it relies more on luck than anything, which puts off a lot of folks who spent the effort to get said supplies necessary only to have the randomization system mess it up. You can minimize the amount of headache, but its still there and thats only if you understand how the system works. Even then you will be reloading saves a lot to try and get what you want. For end game content its highly suggested you make a top tier weapon if you want to not actually run out of time on missions that you plan on trying to solo.
Various other design choices which just bring down the title overall. Its as if there were too many ideas and hardly any of them got a fleshed out properly therefore you have a giant bowl of shit that isnt finished.
Its going to take far too much work to turn it into an actual good title personally. That or more like a new creative director / producer.
They had so many good things which could have made the game great and pretty much squandered the opportunity.
Btw that 800 JPY is the used price. You can safely say its hovering around 3-4k JPY for new.
Why can't they just remove that rifle from players that have it, with a mandatory patch? Exchange it for something else that isn't broken, maybe?
From where I am, going in mostly blind, the game just looks awesome to me. For now I can forgive end-game balancing issues since they don't apply to me yet.
? @ being so bothered by the game recapping the characters you met in it... that's just a minor resolution and "thanks for the memories" roll
Limbo plays fine imo. It's very in line with the Another World, Flashback, Abe's Oddysee/Exoddus, and Heart of Darkness model. One of my favorite subgenres, and it nailed it.
I just found out in my " just joined the vita family" that this thread moved here I was lookin all over the place. But now I'm a proud member got my OLED today![]()
I'm going to start playing FW in a few for the first time if would be cool to get some friends on vita if you guys wouldn't mind to share your psn ID's
I tried The Binding of Isaac, and had to stop after 30 minutes of constant shit and piss visuals. People actually like this game?? I don't get it.
I just found out in my " just joined the vita family" that this thread moved here I was lookin all over the place. But now I'm a proud member got my OLED today![]()
I'm going to start playing FW in a few for the first time if would be cool to get some friends on vita if you guys wouldn't mind to share your psn ID's