I see that P4G is 19.99 on amazon should I wait until BF for a lower price? DR1 is still full price quite shocked.
Dreamcast always seemed like a semi-attainable one to me too, but that was when I still had about 30 really good DC games from when the system was actually around, and nothing had gotten collectible yet.
I don't do rounds at department stores every payday like I did in my early 20's, to catch things on clearance, and never trawl for used games anywhere anymore either. I feel like we're in a different era, so when Vita is on it's death rattle, remaining stock will skip the "no one cares" RIP bomba period (like when I was able to get Snatcher for $6 in 1997), and go straight to inflated-for-no-reason ebay prices... brick and mortar shops know to reference that for pricing instead of not knowing what they have.
Binding of Issac Rebirth Vita looks nice, but the performance is disappointing compared to the PC version and what Vita gamers were promised. :/
Infamous Second Son question
Why are Delsin and Fetch like best friends like the mission after I take her powers? Am to assume they became besties off screen or something? >__> It's weird how friendly they are with eachother on the mission
I have both Warriors Orochi 3 U and Samurai Warriors 4 Vita.
In terms of performance and port quality overall, Samurai Warriors is a vast improvement on Orochi 3U where the Vita is concerned. More enemies are on screen at one time, but the framerate is smoother overall despite this. No sound issues have occurred throughout my playthrough of the various story modes and ect, and the sounds themselves are of decent quality too. The effects are better too although they are rendered at a lower resolution with no AA (similar to Injustice Gods Among Us Vita if you've seen that).
Overall a much better port but there is a lack of content in comparison to Warriors Orochi 3U (two main modes: story and chronicle) and getting good weapons is much more reliant on the RNG gods.
EDIT: Ah, I see what you mean now. Yeah, I've experienced that in Orochi 3U but haven't replicated that on Samurai Warriors 4 yet.
Hey everyone, not sure if right thread but it's worth a try.
So I am really new to my Vita and still get confused with stuff like Cross Save with my ps3. I just booted up Hotline Miami on my ps3 for the first time in a while (been playing a lot on my Vita) and, like an idiot, clicked Sync Save Data without having first clicked it on my Vita. I was hoping it would just instantly sync with my Vita save file but that was not the case. How do I transfer/sync the save file off of my Vita to my ps3 at this point? If I click Sync Save Data on my vita, will I lose all the progress I've made from being replaced by the ps3 file?
I am confusing myself just trying to word it. And I just got the Two Birds With One Stone achievement during this little bit of playtime so it would be awesome if there was a way to essentially "fuse" the two save files, but I'm guessing that is impossible. Any help is appreciated
I hope these guys achieve their goal this time. Looks like they've put in a lot of work since their first campaign.
Vita ver. @ $40,000 stretch goal.
Don't even remind me, same here.
Quoting this from here, for some reason the screenshot gallery won't open for me:
Ouch, MQX put quote tags around that picture to make it smaller, my phone literally stopped working for a good second there LOL.
tags now ;P.
What performance issues? All I've been playing on is Vita and I don't seem to be having any problems or noticing anything that should annoy me.
What performance issues? All I've been playing on is Vita and I don't seem to be having any problems or noticing anything that should annoy me.
Last month, 9th day, approximately this time of day.
... post #2328.
Vita ver. @ $40,000 stretch goal.
I see that P4G is 19.99 on amazon should I wait until BF for a lower price? DR1 is still full price quite shocked.
Yes! You don't have to play as Kirito!![]()
Sorry :/
I've put the [ quote] tags now ;P.
But, but Kirito gets all the girls D:
I'd be okay with that if he could also get Klein. For real, yo.
I'd be okay with that if he could also get Klein. For real, yo.
Klein would totally fall for GGO Kirito.
I swear I read somewhere that you could in HF
Klein would totally fall for GGO Kirito.
You can "go to bed" with him, but you'll talk about battles and stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised.
I've been a massive idiot and have bought GTA V for PS3 on PSN instead of buying the PS4 pre-order.
What's the likelihood Sony will refund me the game so I can re-order?
If you haven't downloaded it, I would imagine your chances are pretty good. The sooner you contact them, the better.
Let me tell you that According to the PlayStation Network User Agreement all sales made on the PlayStation Network are final. However, I already submitted your request for review so that our Network Team can look at your specific situation due to the circumstances. Here is the case number: xxxxxxxx. The resolution take 3-5 business day and you will be notified through your email, if it's complete and the funds will be returned to your PSN wallet.
Regarding Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, on Vita:
There are performance issues and happen in all of my runs. Usually due to the larger rooms or ablot of stuff going on. Not major, but a very noticable departure from 60fps. It doesnt appear to break or damage gameplay.
Wait digimon is out? ...still not a peep on localization?
Wait digimon is out? ...still not a peep on localization?
I really hope Bamco says something bout the vita game, a simple yes or no would be enough.Wait digimon is out? ...still not a peep on localization?
You should probably buy that Digimon arena fighter then.I really hope Bamco says something bout the vita game, a simple yes or no would be enough.
Binding of Issac Rebirth Vita looks nice, but the performance is disappointing compared to the PC version and what Vita gamers were promised. :/
Regarding Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, on Vita:
There are performance issues and happen in all of my runs. Usually due to the larger rooms or ablot of stuff going on. Not major, but a very noticable departure from 60fps. It doesnt appear to break or damage gameplay.
Yea no thanks. If this was Rumble Arena 3 i'd buy 3 copies.You should probably buy that Digimon arena fighter then.
And THAT'S the important part. You can still play the game, you can still dodge bullets, you can still think and make out of the situation. I don't understand how some people say that the game is unplayable. The slowdowns are due to the game not being well optmized for the platform (because there almost no downgrades on this version or because the Vita isn't simply not potent enough - in before people talks about Killzone:Mercenary, a multi-million dollars game), but nothing that break the game or make it unplayable.
Wait, does it slow down or drop frames? I think I could handle slowdown fine (I play plenty of arcade shmups with it) but dropped frames and I'd freak out
I had a problem with Isaac today that it suddenly wanted to connect to PSN, resulting in the usual blue screen, but the game didn't pause..
It kept playing in the background making me lose a couple of hearts.