I was agreeing with their point that those two should stay dead.Why not just make a new IP at this point?
I was agreeing with their point that those two should stay dead.Why not just make a new IP at this point?
They are and as much as I know not everyone are thrilled about this project.I really hope not, Bloober are a lower league developer, they don’t have the chops to deliver this.
Is GT7 news expected? We haven't heard anything for more than a year
See.I really hope not, Bloober are a lower league developer, they don’t have the chops to deliver this.
There are two in development.
All that would do is highlight how those games don't hold up.I'll take a killzone collection please
Like the master chief collection did
Man this thread has so many replies. Hope the show will be worth it and result in some proper drooling
The only All Stars 2 I want to see is Playstation All Stars 2 by the newly acquired Arc System Works
I don't. I was proper shit at it. Getting rinsed by fat fucking princess.The only All Stars 2 I want to see is Playstation All Stars 2 by the newly acquired Arc System Works
Observer was quite special to me but i would agree to others here that i can't see a very good outcome for them and the Silent Hill IP.What has Bloober made that's all that good to begin with?
We have literally had statements from Konami and other dev teams that they are working on a silent hill game and are in partnership with bloober.For me it’s strange that people here have no problems believing that Blooper team is working on Silent Hill but not the numerous rumors that a second studio is also working on Silent Hill.
If its releases in Q4 2022 its gonna be 5 years in development which is really a lot for a racing game. I hope they didnt spent 1 year just to optimize/downgrade game for PS4I think it's safe to say that's their next game on the schedule after HFW, I personally expect the game to launch somewhere between Summer-Christmas 2022, so it's about time to start showing off the game.
This.Only really care about God of War. Everything else can just fuck off.
If its releases in Q4 2022 its gonna be 5 years in development which is really a lot for a racing game. I hope they didnt spent 1 year just to optimize/downgrade game for PS4
I assume everyone who gives Microsoft grief for announcing new titles without gameplay demos will keep the same energy for Sony...
Yes, there are GT7 news expected for that day. I think someone shared a related link in this thread.Is GT7 news expected? We haven't heard anything for more than a year
Is Silent Hill really that big? If i googeled correctly they sold around 9 million copies with 17 games, many on several platforms. Doesn't sound too impressive to me.All Sony needs to do is a Metal Gear Solid and/or Silent Hill logo with exclusivity messaging and they'll 'win' 2021.
It's not a big seller but after the PT demo it's become legendary on social media.Is Silent Hill really that big? If i googeled correctly they sold around 9 million copies with 17 games, many on several platforms. Doesn't sound too impressive to me.
I want to be blown away, I'm hoping for a real visual benchmark (we haven't had that yet IMO). I just feel the hype levels here are too high.They're calling this a showcase and not a state of play so they have to be held to a certain standard,I'm expecting to at least be as good as last years showcase.
How does that proof he is not working on Silent Hills? DS was finished in 2019 and do you think the studio spend all their working force on the DC, since then?
Since 2019 they ported the game to PC, have been making DSDC and the PS5 improvements and according to Kojima the Covid heavily affected them so couldn't work a lot. And according to Norman Reedus, they started to work on DS2 since they are negotiating with him to work on it, so they are still in prepoduction if still didn't secure the protagonist actor.DC is nothing more than some DLC, so only a skeleton crew is working on it, why the rest of the team already went on to move on the next big thing. Do you really think the Resident Evil 8 team is solely working now on the DLC?
Most of the team at the Kojima productions was surely working since 2019 already on the next game. Or you think we don't hear anything from Kojima productions now for the next 2 years, because they were busy with the DC and just started development on the next game?
I'd say February Horizon, April GoW, June GT7, September TLOUDC (TLOU2 PS5 + TLOU1 remake + TLOU2 MP standalone game), November Spider-Man 2.I think it's safe to say that's their next game on the schedule after HFW, I personally expect the game to launch somewhere between Summer-Christmas 2022, so it's about time to start showing off the game.
Source? I'd say it's just an assumption from some gaffer. As I remember what he said is that covid affected them and needed some time polish the games and Hermen don't want them to crunch too much so gave them extra time.Ryan (or Hulst?) said in an interview that releasing GT7 on both consoles was a very late decision, so I imagine PD did have to put additional work to port the game down to PS4, as oppose to creating it for both platforms from the get-go. but man, GT7 in late 2022 would be a perfect Christmas gift for me.
Day one for me if it's 4K 60fps.Life Of Black Tiger Remastered !
I hope GT7 comes out in Spring 2022.
We need an early GT for once. They can sustain it with updates and DLC for years. I felt Sport, especially for what it was, came out a bit too late as well.
I'd say February Horizon, April GoW, June GT7, September TLOUDC (TLOU2 PS5 + TLOU1 remake + TLOU2 MP standalone game), November Spider-Man 2.
Source? I'd say it's just an assumption from some gaffer. As I remember what he said is that covid affected them and needed some time polish the games and Hermen don't want them to crunch too much so gave them extra time.
Really? GT:S seemed rushed, with lacking content, especially the absence of SP mode was heavily criticized. Similar case with GT6 if we're at it, with many things being promised to be added later via updates. So that being said, the later GT7 arrives the better IMO, I don't mind additional content added with time, but please be a complete game on launch date, it's GT FFS, it cannot be half-assed on release date.
Just in time for PSVR2Ryan (or Hulst?) said in an interview that releasing GT7 on both consoles was a very late decision, so I imagine PD did have to put additional work to port the game down to PS4, as oppose to creating it for both platforms from the get-go. but man, GT7 in late 2022 would be a perfect Christmas gift for me.
I assume everyone who gives Microsoft grief for announcing new titles without gameplay demos will keep the same energy for Sony...
Just in time for PSVR2. I don't know if you ever tried VR for simracing but it is so immersive that it completely demolish my triple screen. Its like you're actually in a car on a track. It's one of those things that you really need to try to actually believe how good it is
There are people who want to play those games and see a sequel to them. If they are not your cup of tea, you are not required to play them. Just skip.Agreed
These franchises have run their course without ever breaking through.
Id happily try a new IP FPS from Insomniac or Guerrilla but they don't need the baggage of those PS3 wet farts
I agree with Max. Seeing anything major regarding HZD is low. Considering it was recently shown at SoP and we got a release date. He also thinks that there's a low chance we see FFXVI here. Probably saving for TGS, but the Developers already said they might not have anything ready to show by then. All up in the air I guess.
I'm pretty sure the 10th anniversary of any medIt could be a remake which would be less time consuming and Insomniac Games released like 6 or 7 games last generation, a few of them were smaller but still
1 more day now. Not counting today, ofcourse.2 more days...