Dr Bass
Yeah we need more stuff like this. I played this on Wii but it was a great game. We need variety man!Please, PLEASE for love all things good PLEASE announce port for Muramasa, that game is too good to be stuck on Vita.
Yeah we need more stuff like this. I played this on Wii but it was a great game. We need variety man!Please, PLEASE for love all things good PLEASE announce port for Muramasa, that game is too good to be stuck on Vita.
Why am I not on the train yet? Provide me a ticket to a VIP car s'il vous plait!Choo Choo, not long to go now guys!!
You are, you know the image is over 6000px wideCan't see if I'm there lol. 1 Ticket please.
Yup those game needs to be ported as well. But Murasasa is one of the Vanillaware game that hasn't released on PS4. I can play 13 Sentinels, Odin Sphere leifthrasir and Dragon's Crown on my PS5 but I cant with Murasasa Rebirth because it stuck on Vita and mine's analog stick is not exactly in good shape to play this game on it.Why stopping at Muamasa (great taste by the way it is awesome) also add Puppeteer, 3D dot game Heroes and Tokyo Jungle.
Get my ass on the train. Shits going full speed, i want in.
I really hope it will, one day.It is the best vanillaware game to me.If yoiui can manage to get one try it on a vita TV you will just need a controller.But hey lets hope it will be rereleased or remastered.I wasn't expecting it again until it hit the Vita.Maybe some vta games will come to psnow.Yup those game needs to be ported as well. But Murasasa is one of the Vanillaware game that hasn't released on PS4. I can play 13 Sentinels, Odin Sphere leifthrasir and Dragon's Crown on my PS5 but I cant with Murasasa Rebirth because it stuck on Vita and mine's analog stick is not exactly in good shape to play this game on it.
Unfortunately unlike those games Murasasa is the only one that wasn't published by Atlus, so god knows if we ever going to get port for it......FUCK!!!!
I stopped being on this train, there is no point. I'll jump back in when the first Unreal engine 5 game will be presentedGet my ass on the train. Shits going full speed, i want in.
Square and Sony is already busy promoting other stuff like FFXVI and Forspoken. I think they'll wait to release at least Forspoken to shift their marketing focus to release FFVIIR Ep 2 and Dragon Quest XII.Everyone's hoping for more news on FF16.... but I just want news about FF7R Episode 2
Oh but after the Event we will maybe ask - who needs UE5?I stopped being on this train, there is no point. I'll jump back in when the first Unreal engine 5 game will be presented
Yeah your gonna have to wait till FF16 is out before you get thatEveryone's hoping for more news on FF16.... but I just want news about FF7R Episode 2
If any Sony studio uses Unreal Engine 5 it would be Bend, we could possibly see a teaserI stopped being on this train, there is no point. I'll jump back in when the first Unreal engine 5 game will be presented
anyway i cannot find a reason why internet would melt even if it was true that a Marvel IP 1p is in development. I mean , what could it possibly be?He doesn't know shit.
Just came across this on twitter. Take with a lot of salt considering where its coming from.
Just came across this on twitter. Take with a lot of salt considering where its coming from.
That was already posted and debunked in this thread a few days ago
That's rather disappointing list, so probably real.
I wouldn't say debunked, people just think since it has some typos. I don't say it must be real, but if someone made this why not going more crazy, this seems very realistic if you ask me, except I think there is zero chance we see ffvii remake part 2.That was already posted and debunked in this thread a few days
At this point who knows. Can't really predict anything with Jimmy's Sony. I just want to see so e reasons to pick up a Ps5. Not not timed exclusive bullshit. Can't say no cross-gen cuz we're stuck with it awhile longer regardless.
Same here. But what I meant is that I saw a different "leaked" list on the web, which was just too good to be true, basically someones wet dream. That's when you know when something's fake - there's nothing disappointing in it, no surprises, no new IPs etc. just what everyone knows, loves and wants more.
If You don't see a reason to pick up ps5 yet then you don't probably want it.At this point who knows. Can't really predict anything with Jimmy's Sony. I just want to see so e reasons to pick up a Ps5. Not not timed exclusive bullshit. Can't say no cross-gen cuz we're stuck with it awhile longer regardless.
If You don't see a reason to pick up ps5 yet then you don't probably want it.
I mean, returnal, ratchet, demons souls, a lot of ps4 60fps patches, Demons Souls... even astrobot.Exactly.... i don't. That's why I haven't lol. What kinda logic is that?
I can't believe nothing has really leaked (officially) - probably MiB is looking the most likely. Infamous doesn't really tickle me the right way after playing SS recently and not really digging I2. Killzone 5 or whatever would have me a little excited got to say.
I mean, returnal, ratchet, demons souls, a lot of ps4 60fps patches, Demons Souls... even astrobot.
If you are looking for a reason to buy it, what would you hope they show?
Hum... my life will be better if I embrace that facts don't matter? who knew. Thanks for the enlightenment.Yeah, if they release the trailer now pretty likely won't be in the show, maybe only in the sizzle reel. It would be nice to focus the event on games shown in the event for the first time, on exclusive games over multiplatform games and on big games over small games.
I never said it takes 6 months to make games. Recent AAA games took on average around 5 years to be developed. 6 months it's what it took decades ago.
P.S.: Stop being a scumbag making personal attacks simply because you don't agree someone. You'll stay longer in this forum before being banned, people will start to take you seriously and your life will be better.
Looking at how unpopular the MIB IP seems to be, I hope they are not doing that.... doesn't look like a winner.
If You don't see a reason to pick up ps5 yet then you don't probably want it.
This is just wrong. I am waiting for PSVR2 and i bet i'm not alone with this.If You don't see a reason to pick up ps5 yet then you don't probably want it.