That's an indeed legendary one, respect mate!#192 RDR2![]()
That's an indeed legendary one, respect mate!#192 RDR2![]()
Lot of activity here lately, I gotta step it up! Doesn’t help my current game of choice is a hell of a grind
I see you in my front view, monsieur Con-Z-epT. Catching up to your position.You're still in the lead i guess.
Always a fine line between reaching for a Platinum through sheer enthusiasm for the game itself or doing so because it's grown to be a habit.
I recently dropped The Last Spell with only 3 trophies missing. I didn't even set out to go for Platinum because of the relentless difficulty but the game was such a blast to play that i kept doing so and got closer and closer to it. I would have it in me in terms of difficulty alone but ultimately got burned out by the game after around 150 hours. I had trouble to admit this and to let go initially.
Joking aside, I somewhat agree with what you're saying. Took me years to plat CoD black ops. The game became mind-numbing when I had devoted incessant amount of time to it. It took the ultra rare platinum status to sway me. I like to take my time with platinums, but some times I get into the groove of trophy hunting though.
So true, I hardly ever pay attention to trophies on my first playthrough in games I really love, when I know I'll be playing/replaying after completion anyway. To me this is meta-progression. But sometimes I notice I'm 90% done with them when I get to the credits "by accident" in games that are just okay, and mop the rest by having nothing better to do like I did with AC Mirage. Getting to plat in TLOU Remastered took me 6 years because of Factions (I love it and I suck), but I'm never gonna grind if I'm not feeling it even if I'm missing just a few of them. Alone in the Dark is a good example, I beat it twice, if was ok and I'm done and no thanks I'm not doing the no-heal speedrun.
#104 - Ultros
My game of the year so far. And not just because i'm a fan of Niklas Åkerblad or Oskar Rydelius but because there is an awesome game beneath the stellar presentation. A game that subverted my early expectations as to what it would be about and ultimately transcended into a meditative experience. No handholding. Brain is required!
Platinum wasn't hard but needed a bit of dedication for completing the map to 100% and to "solve" the late game "puzzles". Saying anything more would ruin the fun.
man you should check out Boltgun. I'm not the biggest fan of retro boomer shooters and I was never into Warhammer but I couldn't put it down for more than 10 levels. It's really well made and now on gamepass#105 - Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster (PS4)![]()
#106 - Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster (PS5)
I went to play this for the nostalgia since it's from a time when i still cared for Star Wars and were we would gather to enjoy the likes of X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter and such games. And I obviously have a thing for old games the older I get. After playing this i hope for and would love to see the same treatment for Dark Forces II. This together with Mysteries of the Sith is one of the best Star Wars games for me.
Platinum is fairly easy and while there are theoretically missable trophies here, chances are very high that you will get the Platinum when the credits roll no matter what. Still some fun puzzles, loads of movie references and fun to have along the way.
It's like a 3 hour ride of constant E-11 Blaster sounds with Stormtroopers shouting "Surrender immediately!" or "Stop rebel scum!".Kinda hilarious, i love it.
man you should check out Boltgun. I'm not the biggest fan of retro boomer shooters and I was never into Warhammer but I couldn't put it down for more than 10 levels. It's really well made and now on gamepass
199? Nice. What do you plan on tackling for #200?#199 Watch Dogs Legion.
I was going to do jedi survivor next and will start when I'm finished the watch dogs DLC and it's added to PS Plus but there's a few Easy platinum games leaving ps extra on May 21st so most likely one of those.199? Nice. What do you plan on tackling for #200?
Stellar Blade.
Plat requires you to beat the game at least twice to see all 3 endings.
Perfect for NG+, as getting the "bad" ending means skipping a ton of side quests and one whole late game level, trust me you don't wanna do that on your first playthrough.
Make no mistake after all the talk about hot chicks with jiggly tits and the silly v002 censorship drama, this is an amazing character action game that proudly hits the quality bar of the finest SIE output.
collectibles are divided between multiple trophies, like on for codex entries, data bank items etc. But not all of them, not sure how many but I got it before the final chapter on my first playthroughI'm working on this currently and don't really understand the collectible requirements - do you have to get all 972 collectibles or not? I keep getting conflicting info. Congrats!
#108 - Mercenary Kings![]()
My tribute to Tribute Games best game. A wonderful mix of genres and mechanics, wrapped into a passionately crafted pixelopus that is oozing with love and charme on every corner. Hard to let go.
Platinum is a heavy grind for crafting materials. Not as demanding as i initially thought but still time consuming. The weapon crafting itself however is incredibly fulfilling and what kept me engaged. Shout out to 4 player couch co-op and a stellar soundtrack.
When i screamed: "MO0OVE OUT!" because the Colonel said so and started to nod my head for Jungle Theme II while the missus was rolling her eyes next to me for the hundredth time i knew this was special.
I remember it being a grind collecting all the materials for the gun and knife parts and doing some of the speedrun times for each mission was challenging.
Been meaning to play all of Supergiant Games’ titles for some time now. I platinum’d Bastion some years ago and now finally got around to Transistor. Only 10 years late to the party.
This is an excellent game that merges an interesting story with unique gameplay. You have the ability to fight enemies in real time, or pause the action, plan out your moves, and then unpause and watch how it plays out. You get a host of skills that can be mixed and matched in interesting ways to different effects. I really liked how any of the skills can be used in an active role, a passive role, or as a support role to any of the other skills.
It has a very striking art style visually with that signature isometric view that Supergiant is known for.
It’s a great story, essentially a love story between a woman and a sword. It’s much more than that, but I won’t get into it further in case anyone hasn’t played it yet but wants to. I’ll just say the story and ending made me think about it long after I had completed it, and even compelled me to go down the rabbit hole on Reddit and read theories others had about it.
There’s a new game+ mode that almost feels vital to play through again. Aside from the fact that it’s required to get the platinum, new game+ has new skill challenges, more skill upgrade combinations, new enemy placement, and slight changes to the story moments as well as different dialogue shown in some parts.
It’s truly one of the great indie games I’ve played recently, but I’m not surprised given SuperGiant and their resumé. I’m really looking forward to finally getting around to Hades in the future, but Pyre will be next.
Definitely think I can provide some tips while the game is still fresh in my memory. I agree with you, I found the guide on PSNP to be lacking, especially with its build recommendation. It can help with some specific trophies such as Everything(), but yeah overall it’s not the most in-depth guide in the world.I completely forgot this one, I have a decent chunk of the trophies. I think I’m going to go back and finish this, but I’ll basically be starting from scratch.
Any plat tips? The guide on PSNP isn’t especially helpful.
Definitely think I can provide some tips while the game is still fresh in my memory. I agree with you, I found the guide on PSNP to be lacking, especially with its build recommendation. It can help with some specific trophies such as Everything(), but yeah overall it’s not the most in-depth guide in the world.
One the most challenging trophies is probably going to be Risk() which requires you to get through five enemy encounters with all ten limiters in use. Limiters are the functions that add conditions that make battles more difficult for you, but you get a higher amount of exp for fighting with them on.
For that trophy as well as just running through the game in general, especially the second time around on NG+ I went with this recommended build:
End-Game Build
I think I have found one of the best end game builds out there. It involves utilizing Jaunt's low Turn cost for a lot of damage and it uses Void to stun enemies and debuff them making them easier to kill. It also utilizes a lot of the healing talents to make yourself really tanky. This build is...transistor-archive.fandom.com
This page does a pretty good job explaining the build but it leaves a little bit out, it’s best to pay attention to the picture of the loadout on that page. It’s basically:
1. Ping(active) + Purge & Load(support)
2. Jaunt + Breach & Tap (the writer says MAYBE Tap, but no, imo Tap is absolutely necessary for the healing it provides)
3. Mask + Mask & Ping
4. Void + Crash & Purge
Your passive functions are Flood, Crash, and Bounce.
While playing, it’s basically as the page says. You use Void and Ping while fighting in real time to weaken and damage enemies. When you take some damage, activate turn mode (when everything pauses and you can plan your moves) and use Jaunt to dash through enemies, dealing damage to them while you heal yourself. When turn mode is recharging, jaunt away from enemies if there are too many, or use mask to go invisible until turn mode can reactivate.
This build will carry you through pretty much most of the game. But keep in mind it does require some duplicate functions to complete the build fully. So it won’t be complete until some time in NG+. So just work your way towards it as you play and the build will keep getting stronger as you go along.
The other challenging trophy is for clearing all of the tests, which are the challenges in the “back door” area. I believe the speed, planning, and stability tests have the functions chosen for you, so it’s just a case of figuring out the most efficient way to work with what they give you.
For the performance tests, I just used the same build I linked to and described above. You get to choose your loadout for performance tests, but the functions they let you pick from are random, so I just kept trying until I was able to make the build I wanted. Once you get Jaunt + Breach & Tap, you can practically win with that alone if you keep activating turn mode.
For the agency tests where you have to fight clones of yourself that can also use the Transistor, I recommend a different build:
1. Void + Purge & Spark
2. Jaunt
3. Tap + Ping
4. Mask
Same passives as before Flood, Crash, and Bounce.
You activate turn mode and go behind the clones because backstabbing them does increased damage than attacking from the front. So activate turn, go behind them, do Void 2x to stack the highest damage multiplier, then do Tap for the rest of your turn mode bar for high damage. Use Jaunt to get away from them, and activating Mask will stop them from being able to use turn mode on you while your turn mode is recharging. This build and strategy also works perfectly for the final boss of the game as well.
Sorry for the length of this post. Some of the things you already probably knew about if you have a decent amount of the trophies already. But it is an older game and since you said you’ll be basically starting from scratch, I figured you could use this as a good reference post if you decide to go back to it. Good luck with the plat!