Everyone suggesting to have them with water....I'm confused. Isn't that basically the routine method?
Or do a lot of people actually just take pills dry?
Exactly! I mean, the only pill that I'm able to swallow without water is a small 20mg coated pill and I still have to salivate enough to make some water puddle in my mouth to be able to swallow.
I hit this hurdle when I was a young kid, and I got over it as soon as I realized that most pills are as small or smaller than bites of food that I was swallowing after I'd chewed a bit. I mean, I see that you're a compulsive chewer and like to gnash the crap out of your food before swallowing....but maybe that strategy'll help anyway? lol
You know, I'm somewhat aware that this has to be a psychological thing. Basically either I haven't *learned* how to swallow pills, or there's something blocking me from doing it (scared of choking, bad taste of pills, etc). I need to work on that. But in the meantime I need some tricks to get past this.
By the way, thank you guys, keep the suggestions coming. I don't think I'm going to crush pills and shoot them up my urethra or anything similar, but I will try the less outrageous stuff with M&Ms, as suggested.