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Please help me understand Space.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
That is not a good benchmark, considering that Columbus got to America after several waves of people through the Beringia bridge, and after the Vikings, and after the Chinese. And very likely, after the Portuguese had found Brazil.
And he died not even realizing that he had found a new continent. Instead thinking he found another way to Asia.
Worst yet, he didn't really reach the American continent, he just found an Island near the continent.
And he was so dumb, that he called it the west Indies. But even if there was no America, and he had reached Asia, by going west, he would reach the east most part of Asia. So it should be called East Indies.
Columbus has to be one of the worst explorers in human history.

I think you make my joke even better.
The real answer is no human knows…..yet
Some theories have the universe as a sphere and possibly we are in a black hole of another universe
The flat theory is that the universe is flat and ever expanding but then you can have other theories on top of the flat theory, for instance if the universe is ever expanding does it at some point stop expanding and starts to retract or does it keep expanding till everything burns up and there is no more stars being produced by galaxies ….

Know one knows,
I like the black hole theory which the science and math are starting to coincide with this theory……freaky….

By the way, you asking the question doesn’t make you look or seem dumb. It makes you look hungry for knowledge to have a better understand what’s going around you, these are the rabbit holes you wanna fall down…enjoy


This reminds me a bit of when I was in my Astro physics course in university and one kid ask what the planets (and space) were floating in… he couldn’t understand that they don’t float in anything. Simply couldn’t wrap his head around it.


I get that this might make me look incredibly stupid, but while I watch a lot of space videos on youtube, there one thing I simply cant seem to warp my head around:

Is space flat? Can you UP in space?

I understand that the sun bends the fabric of space which makes all the planets circle around the bend so clearly it has a floor. Floor is bent but its there. But what the hell is up there? If all the solar systems are circling a galaxy which have a massive black hole in the middle then is ALL of it flat? When you go to space do you see stars above and below you?
I think space is a 3d manifold. Some liken it directly to a 3-Sphere.
But thats what bugs me. if we want to leave the solar system, why do we have to go past neptune? why not just go up?

You can go "UP". A good example of this is the Voyager 1 mission.

But if you are talking about straight up, like closer to a right angle to our orbital plane, it's basically just extremely energy inefficient to exit the solar system this way.

Voyager 1 trajectory relative to our solar system orbital plane. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...0.png/1280px-Voyager_1_-_14_February_1990.png
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Sources which are close to the situation but have requested to remain anonymous have told me the universe is racist.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Space is three-dimensional, not flat. Lots of sci-fi (and even science programs) try to simplify space for human understanding by showing lots of objects on the same plane, making you think it's flat - because that's what humans are used to living on a flat surface our whole existences.


In reality, this shit is impractical - three ships convening at the same point in space all more or less oriented the same direction on the same plane and facing each other. This wouldn't happen by chance, and would take a massive amount of coordination in real life.

The planets revolving around the sun on a stable plane is the result of billions of years of gravity stabilizing a system of angular momentum. It's also why spiral galaxies seem "flat" on a more grand scale.

You could depart from Earth in a spacecraft traveling perpendicular to the orbital plane in either direction (or any direction), and there would still be space there. There isn't a "floor". There are other stars and other galaxies "above" and "below" the solar system's orbital plane.

One of the best novels explaining the basics of this concept, in my opinion, is Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.

Yep. Eve Online has the right idea when it comes to what battles in space might look like.


Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving
And revolving at 900 miles an hour.
It's orbiting at 19 miles a second, so it's reckoned,
The sun that is the source of all our power.
Now the sun, and you and me, and all the stars that we can see,
Are moving at a million miles a day,
In the outer spiral arm, at 40, 000 miles an hour,
Of a galaxy we call the Milky Way.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars;
It's a hundred thousand light-years side to side;
It bulges in the middle sixteen thousand light-years thick,
But out by us it's just three thousand light-years wide.
We're thirty thousand light-years from Galactic Central Point,
We go 'round every two hundred million years;
And our galaxy itself is one of millions of billions
In this amazing and expanding universe.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs


I get that this might make me look incredibly stupid, but while I watch a lot of space videos on youtube, there one thing I simply cant seem to warp my head around:

Is space flat? Can you UP in space?

I understand that the sun bends the fabric of space which makes all the planets circle around the bend so clearly it has a floor. Floor is bent but its there. But what the hell is up there? If all the solar systems are circling a galaxy which have a massive black hole in the middle then is ALL of it flat? When you go to space do you see stars above and below you?
There is an 'Up' (and Down), its just not efficient to leave the solar system in that way.

The theory with out solar system is that the planes formed over billions of years from a collapsed cloud of dust and gas and so formed in a disc like way. Although, not all planets are exactly on this plane, Pluto orbits at an angle. But to leave the solar system its much more efficient to use the gravitational force of the planets in our solar system to slingshot off of.

Oh and as for seeing starts all around us, thats because even though the solar system is pretty much all in all in a row (except Pluto, you dog), the milky way is indeed disc like also (well a disc like barred spiral), but even though its disc like its still 1000 light years thick, so yeh, stars all around us.

Edit: and here we go with the wacky theories again :messenger_weary:
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Gravitation slingshot. Long story short, you steal kinetic energy from the planet to get extra speed on your space craft. If you've had physics they're basically doing a perfectly elastic collision with each planet to get extra speed.
I always like this video:



Space is really, really big. So big, in fact, that if you lost your car keys in it they’d be almost impossible to find.

You’re welcome, OP.


The real answer is no human knows…..yet
Some theories have the universe as a sphere and possibly we are in a black hole of another universe
The flat theory is that the universe is flat and ever expanding but then you can have other theories on top of the flat theory, for instance if the universe is ever expanding does it at some point stop expanding and starts to retract or does it keep expanding till everything burns up and there is no more stars being produced by galaxies ….

Know one knows,
I like the black hole theory which the science and math are starting to coincide with this theory……freaky….

By the way, you asking the question doesn’t make you look or seem dumb. It makes you look hungry for knowledge to have a better understand what’s going around you, these are the rabbit holes you wanna fall down…enjoy
We can see other galaxies all around us though, so depends on the definition of 'flat', as I've explained above, the milky way is considered 'flat' but its still 1000 light years thick (thats nothing compared to its diameter though).

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I get that this might make me look incredibly stupid, but while I watch a lot of space videos on youtube, there one thing I simply cant seem to warp my head around:

Is space flat? Can you UP in space?

I understand that the sun bends the fabric of space which makes all the planets circle around the bend so clearly it has a floor. Floor is bent but its there. But what the hell is up there? If all the solar systems are circling a galaxy which have a massive black hole in the middle then is ALL of it flat? When you go to space do you see stars above and below you?

I'm currently in Australia. If I look at the night sky tonight, which direction will I be looking in?

There is no up.

up the movie GIF
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
People say our universe is a sphere but isn't it more like a donut or tire that we are living inside of? For fans of Planescape, our universe is basically like Sigil but expanding.

So what's up with the center part where the "hole" on the outside would be? Well maybe that's something that's spinning the whole universe around or whatever or as some people believe, we are living inside a black hole and that part is the "outer" portions of the black hole. Maybe the "entrance" and "exit" of said black hole are in other universes.

Oh lawd.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Not FTL, Dune idea is the correct one - you are not moving (speed is 0), you are folding space to wherever you want to go. Star Wars and all others solutions are BS, given that Milky Way alone is 100 THOUSAND light years in diameter, so even if ship travelled 100 faster than the speed of light it will still take you ONE WHOLE YEAR to go from one edge to the other.
I think it's mentioned in Enterprise or one of the other Star Trek shows that in the future, starships will be able to fold space and travel instantaneously to even other galaxies.

Folding space/wormholes seem the best way to go.


I think it's mentioned in Enterprise or one of the other Star Trek shows that in the future, starships will be able to fold space and travel instantaneously to even other galaxies.

Folding space/wormholes seem the best way to go.

And even that hypothesis comes from our current (public disclosed?) lvl1 conscious/science understanding without taking in account civilizations that are trillions of years ahead of us. Not only technically but spiritually as well. Which is also tech.
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