Whoa I haven't realized these will already come out so soon! I guess it's time that I finish playing White and get on the White 2 hype-train

I don't even know why I'm pretty hyped for White 2 to be honest but I somehow am.
I played alll Pokemon games religiously and even always bought both versions as a kid, heck I also loved Colosseum and XD but once Soul Silver and Heart Gold were released suddenly the games failed to catch me. And with catch me I mean that I never was able to put a Pokémon game down before I finished the story. Pearl started to get a bit of a chore for me and while Soul Silver hit all the nostalgia spots yet I barely made it to the second arena :/
Now before anyone says "you probably just got older and grew out of it!" I honestly doubt that as I still play through all my jRPGs (Tales of Graces F, Neptunia, Trinity Universe, Megaman Battle Network and so on) with fun and ease so the only explanation I have myself, it happened because I changed the way I play Pokémon.
Before Pearl I always used the steamroller-approach, in Red and Blue I beat the entire "endgame" with a Raticate and Bodyslam... and this trend went on all the way till Emerald, the only time I used other Pokémon than my main were either the Legendary's or should my main Pokémon have fainted from a lucky hit.
Starting with Pearl however I tried to balance things out and build a versatile team with equal levels because I heard many people say "isn't it kinda lame to steamroll with a single Pokémon?" and I found myself agreeing with that thought, that's why I started to balance and suddenly the games fail to catch me
Am I the only one with that problem? (I realize I should probably post that in the community thread and not here...)
But yeah back to Black and White 2, I'm hyped for whatever reason and even though I spend waay too much for games lately, I will try to make it a day one!