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Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 |OT| Zero Shades of Grey


Ive only fought Iris a couple of times, but Im starting to like her theme, it really fits her and her status as the Champion.


Will QA for food.
Come on, Rushan, you can do better than that.

Also really don't get Pokédex 3D Pro unless you like 3D models that are probably getting used in Mystery Dungeon 3D.

To be fair to Pokedex 3D Pro, the models are a lot better than the Mystery Dungeon ones. But that's all it is.. Pokemon models. Steep price for $15, especially given I won't be able to access it during game to check something, and more detailed information is found online for free.
Still buying. :/


I'm full of rage. N's Darmanitan has killed itself in front of me just before the sandstorm could do it. My great balls! They're gone ;_;
Wait, you mean you only get one chance to catch N's Pokemon?

If so, then sorry Ferroseed...


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I wish IVs and EVs were easier to figure out in-game. That's one of the reasons I don't invest much in the meta game. Too much esoterica.

It's done like that to keep the game simple and accessible to children (and anyone else who just wants to collect monsters and go on a journey). Out of sight, out of mind.

For people who are interested in IVs and EVs, the game gives you some indicators and tools (characteristics + NPCs which tell you a pokemon's potential and its best stats, for one), and you can do the number crunching yourself, or with tools the community makes.

Mr. Matthew

Neo Member
Didn't know you could catch N's Pokemon. I was in the desert for the first time and saw a Sandile with weird beginning animation. I caught it and then realized it was N's Pokemon. Cool I guess. Until I ran into a level 35 Darmatarian. My Pokemon are around level 23-27. Luckily I used Thunder Wave in the beginning, he did belly drum and I threw a Great Ball and got it on the first try. Man, that as exciting, especially since that thing could have KO'd everybody with one attack!
Oh, earlier today, I caught Virizion in two Ultra Balls.

I don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......

I caught him/her and Cobalion in a net ball lol. Ultra balls and dusk ball continued to fail. I was down to my Master ball and a my net balls, decided well it couldn't hurt to try them because I am not wasting my Master ball on them.
Hey guys are there any good pokedex apps for iOS? I would like to have a reference on the go and bulbapedia sucks on mobile devices.

Oh and how is the 3DS pokedex app? Does it actually give useful info or it's just like the in-game dex? And is it out yet? I don't have a 3DS to check.

I've been using AAA Pokedex which is pretty involved. It shows cries, male/female versions, complete move lists for all generations, and a way to show only your favorite 'mons. It hasn't been updated for B2/W2 move tutors though. It's only 4 bucks if you have the cash.



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I've been using AAA Pokedex which is pretty involved. It shows cries, male/female versions, complete move lists for all generations, and a way to show only your favorite 'mons. It hasn't been updated for B2/W2 move tutors though. It's only 4 bucks if you have the cash.


Why would you pay money for a pokedex when you can get all the data for free from bulbapedia? And I'm sure there are free pokedex apps out there, as well


I used Lukomon Pokedex App for my iPhone and it was amazing since it also had built in links to Smogon, Veekun, Serebii, and Bulbapedia on every Pokemon's page.

EDIT: Even had an EV tracker and other neat competitive tools built in.

Unfortunately it looks like according to their blog, Nintendo forced them to take it down from the app store. :(
The Pokemon selection is pretty incredible. Before the second gym I've already encountered Mareep, Growlithe, Riolu, Elekid (or Magby if you have Black 2), and Magnemite.

Been spending way too much money on Poke Balls. Got a Timid Magnemite but it's Sturdy. Close enough.

PS Any Pokemon app recommendations for Android?


Finding a shiny Woobat would probably be the most bittersweet thing to ever happen to me while playing a Pokemon game.

Woobat is my least favourite design out of the whole ~700

I think it's the only possible Pokemon that I was actually upset to find a shiny of. I saw the sparkle and thought, "fuck, that's all I'm gonna get."

My first and last shiny. Woobat.

I remember catching another shiny somewhere over the series' history, but I can't remember what it was. Woobat is the only one that comes to mind, because... Woobat.

What makes it worse is I have friends who always rubbed their awesome finds in my face. Shiny Heracross, shiny Gliscor, shiny Gible... and I get a Woobat.
For anyone looking for
N's Pokémon
, the three that are at Pinwheel Forest are in the grass outside of the forest entrance. I spent two hours looking inside the forest before I thought to look outside. :(
Why would you pay money for a pokedex when you can get all the data for free from bulbapedia? And I'm sure there are free pokedex apps out there, as well

*Shrug* Personally, I got it when it was only 99 cents. It's a nice app if you're out and have no access to wifi or not in the mood for 3G to load (I have a 4s). The UI is pretty clean as well.

I brought in a starter team from Black (Sigyliph, Zoura and Croagunk), and added an awesome Azurill at the beginning of the game. I'm now at Mistralton City about to take on the fifth gym, and these 4 have ran roughshod all over Unova. I love it when a team comes together.



I've been playing the Pokémon games since day one and have replayed each game multiple times. The only two shiny 'mons I've ever seen are a shiny Pineco, which I caught, and a shiny Graveler, which used Selfdestruct. I have no memory of catching the Pineco, though - I pulled out one of my GBA games in preparation for D/P and saw it in my Pokémon box and it said I was the original trainer.
I think it's the only possible Pokemon that I was actually upset to find a shiny of. I saw the sparkle and thought, "fuck, that's all I'm gonna get."

My first and last shiny. Woobat.

I remember catching another shiny somewhere over the series' history, but I can't remember what it was. Woobat is the only one that comes to mind, because... Woobat.

What makes it worse is I have friends who always rubbed their awesome finds in my face. Shiny Heracross, shiny Gliscor, shiny Gible... and I get a Woobat.

I got a tentacool, the zubat/woobat of the sea! and that was back in Ruby as well where tentacool is like the most seen pokemon ever, I just thought it was a glitch at the time.
So basically i'm saying mines worse, any other shiny pokemon I have are from the Gen 4 GTS and likely hacked, but I want to believe that my gold Steelix is legit (or at least just a clone) it was an Onix from victory road owned by some guy called cloud, I have to believe!

Anyway i'm about to enter victory road, I can barely contain my excitement for more caves.


I am a shiny hunter, so I have quite a few. But many of them have required a LOT of time. The favorite one I own is my Seviper. Got him in only 200 eggs during a Masuda Hunt. :)
I kill Shinies for breakfast.

Actually I've only seen one and it was an Absol but I only realized it was shiny until long afterwards. Oh well, don't like Absol anyway.


My first shiny was a Wobbufet... In the Safari Zone in Ruby. I was SURE I wouldn't catch it, but I magically did. My second was a Tentacool. A god damn Tentacool. I would much rather have a Zubat.

In other news, I finally made it through Victory Road! Phew! And my Nagnezone can get Thunderbolt at last.


Finding a shiny, only for it to ultimately kill itself is the stuff of nightmares, man. I'm so sorry.

I still remember seeing two shiny Hariyama in Victory Road on Sapphire (on two separate playthroughs), only for them to use Whirlwind right away.

Other than that, so far I've found a shiny Zubat and Seviper on Sapphire. Back when my Gold cartridge battery was still running, I had a shiny Poliwag (which meant it had maxed out IVs, I believe) and evolved it into a Poliwrath with the Mind Reader + Fissure combo. If only Zubat stayed green instead of becoming a pink Crobat...

Other than that, I got a shiny Digglett and Dratini in return for some old forum's e-currency, and an Eevee and Venonat I found on the GTS. The Venonat doesn't have godly IVs, so I guess it isn't a hack, and I eventually evolved it to my favorite pokémon, Venomoth.

Right now I'm replaying Heart Gold using only flying types, at least until I get my copy of Black 2. Sadly, when I went back to transfer all my HG pokémon to my Diamond save I realized my DS phat's top screen has 20+ dead pixels for some reason. Oh well, at least the DS Lite I bought two years ago still is in good shape.

Mr. Sam

Eight badges; done.

I like Flygon, it's got a good mix of types and selection of moves - a pity it's so easily swept aside. Think I'm going to make a last minute replacement with Starmie.


My shinies, apart from the multiple red Gyarados, are a green Bronzor, a green Tauros and a green-eared Clefairy. Is it me or is green a really common color for shinies?


My shinies, apart from the multiple red Gyarados, are a green Bronzor, a green Tauros and a green-eared Cleafiry. Is it me or is green a really common color for shinies?
Funny, an ongoing color in my shinies is purple/pink. I've got Cofagrigus, Wobbuffet, Mareep, Snubbul and Slakoth. However, I also have a shiny Tyrogue and Ralts which are blue. Mareep, Snubbul, Tyrogue, Ralts and Slakoth are from the PokeRadar in Platinum.
For anyone looking for
N's Pokémon
in Chargestone Cave, lead with a level 28 Pokémon and use a repel. It will filter out most of the other wild Pokémon and greatly increase your chances of finding what you are looking for.
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