Too much luck involved trying to avoid falling orbs while catching the ball. It would happen eventually but I have better things to do.Merovin said:They key is patience, thankfully only took me a few tries for my Glaceon!
You did fine!Holy Order Sol said:Yeah, I should definitely stick to singles. It was interesting, but I don't see myself getting any good at this.
JVIDICAN said:Give your team a certain purpose, and center your mons around completing that purpose. Take my team for example. I have a single high speed mon that can get defenses in place fast teamed with a multi-talented but slower heavy hitter to distract/take out immediate threats. Once my defenses are set up, I bring in a trickroomer and prep the field for my main tank. Suddenly my slow team easily out-speed even legendaries and they hit incredibly hard while doing so.![]()
It's not really that bad. I have a strong singles team aswell. D-pad will attest to that.Holy Order Sol said:I get the idea but I'd need a whole other team because what I use in singles is impractical for doubles since I can't really avoid getting hit even with enough power and speed to sweep, and it's even harder to set up in the first place. Not to mention, having to learn team building all over again and considering my options for predictions when facing two mons is more than I can handle anyway.
Roto13 said:I wish there was a Lighting/Flying Pokemon that could learn Fly and wasn't a Legendary.
Roto13 said:I wish there was a Lighting/Flying Pokemon that could learn Fly and wasn't a Legendary.
Marvie_3 said:How many total Pokemon are in Black/White without trading/importing?
Andrex said:466 plus the 32 White Forest exclusives equals 498 Pokemon for White.
There not hard to obtain though. I bred around 15Marvie_3 said:Charmander.
Thanks for the info.
I'm using Zapdos in my team now, actually. I just wish it could be an Emolga or something.AzureJericho said:Regardless of legendary status, this is why Zapdos was always my favorite electric type. Although Drill Peck > Fly.
Hmm, maybe I should make a Team Kanto and revive my old Red version beast mode team.![]()
I wonder if there's a way I can still find one of these.JVIDICAN said:
Couldn't you get it from the pokewalker?Roto13 said:I wonder if there's a way I can still find one of these.![]()
Can I?JVIDICAN said:Couldn't you get it from the pokewalker?
If you are talking about the Pokemon rather than the card, the only way to get a flying Pikachu recently was through the Yellow Forest Pokewalker course, but since the Poketransfer requires you to delete a Pokemon's HM moves before transferring, you can't get a Pikachu with Fly in Black and White unless they release one through Dream World.Roto13 said:I wonder if there's a way I can still find one of these.![]()
you'd have to remove Fly to transfer it to B/W, so there's not much point.Roto13 said:Can I?Let me see what I can find about this.
Wiseblade said:you'd have to remove Fly to transfer it to B/W, so there's not much point.
Oh, right. Pfft. Also there's only a 2% chance of finding one in the Yellow Forest after 10,000 steps, and only if it randomly picks the right group out of two, and you can't tell if you've caught one until after you transfer it to HG/SS. So it's way too impractical anyway.OMG Aero said:If you are talking about the Pokemon rather than the card, the only way to get a flying Pikachu recently was through the Yellow Forest Pokewalker course, but since the Poketransfer requires you to delete a Pokemon's HM moves before transferring, you can't get a Pikachu with Fly in Black and White unless they release one through Dream World.
I still don't understand why they make you erase HM moves. When you get to the Poketransfer you either have all the HMs or can walk to the place you get the last ones from, so it's not like you could sequence break or anything.
Yeah, mine:Andrefpvs said:Blastoise is totally playing the piano/keyboard there!
...Wasn't there an avatar like that?
There is one way.. >.> <.<Glix said:I had a buddy ask about this...
You can't re-teach it fly once it has been brought over, can you?
How do you breed the pokemon in this game? I haven't played a Pokemon since Leaf Green and sorta jumped head first into this one without reading up on anything.JVIDICAN said:There not hard to obtain though. I bred around 15![]()
Put a male and female pokemon belonging to the same egg group together in the daycare and rub them together.Marvie_3 said:How do you breed the pokemon in this game? I haven't played a Pokemon since Leaf Green and sorta jumped head first into this one without reading up on anything.
I am! :OMatthewB92 said:Almost winter! Who's ready!
I'm honestly surprised there's that many in B/W; I thought the number of unobtainables would be far greater. Are there really that many old gen pokes in the eastern routes?Andrex said:Hrm, let me see if I can do this.
153 non-event Unova Pokemon, but counting Victni.
493 pre-Unova Pokemon minus 180 unobtainables equals 313.
153 + 313 = 466 Pokemon for Black.
466 plus the 32 White Forest exclusives equals 498 Pokemon for White.
DoomXploder7 said:ok i need the Regis which i seem to have no access to, could someone trade me them so i could gts for my own and complete my pokedex?
Nayishiki said:I can my FC is 2322 5415 4411.
DoomXploder7 said:ok mine is 62 on the googledocs list
JVIDICAN said:Put a male and female pokemon belonging to the same egg group together in the daycare and rub them together.
For example.
Perfectly natural. :')
The new areas.Insaniac said:so i just beat the game, and now my pokemon are between level 45-50 and I'm getting my ass kicked all over the place by regular trainers in the new areas. Whats a good place to grind on wild pokemon while still getting decent exp?
Izayoi said:The new areas.
Insaniac said:all i've been fighting are rufflets which are netting me like 600 exp![]()
DoomXploder7 said:audinos are your frienemy .
also thanks Nayi!
DoomXploder7 said:audinos are your frienemy
MatthewB92 said:Almost winter! Who's ready!
Roto13 said:So, aside from clones and the Red Gyarados, I have two shinies I'm not that attached to. A Golem:
And a Fearow:
Would anyone like to trade a different shiny for one of them? I'd make specific requests but shiny Pokemon are rare enough for that to be pointless, so just make me an offer.
What're their abilities?Wiseblade said:So yeah, I've got two adamant darumaka with 31 IVs in Attack and Speed to give away, anybody want them?