I think i read somewhere that (in genv?) it'll keep passing the move that it had as long as you don't take it out and put it back inDelio said:Eh really? I thought it cant pass it down anymore once its gone from it's list in the daycare?
I think i read somewhere that (in genv?) it'll keep passing the move that it had as long as you don't take it out and put it back inDelio said:Eh really? I thought it cant pass it down anymore once its gone from it's list in the daycare?
eek5 said:you actually like two of the simis? D:
eek5 said:I think i read somewhere that (in genv?) it'll keep passing the move that it had as long as you don't take it out and put it back in
You're right. That's why you should try to keep a close eye on the father when you passing down egg moves.Delio said:Eh really? I thought it cant pass it down anymore once its gone from it's list in the daycare?
eek5 said:I think i read somewhere that (in genv?) it'll keep passing the move that it had as long as you don't take it out and put it back in
eek5 said:i have 4 31 dittos (31spe, 31 spa, 31spd/28atk/30hp, and a 31atk/30spatk) as well as a 29hp/28 atk/29spa/28spe ditto that you can have. take your pick
sure. i dont want your ditto... trying to get rid of themMurkas said:Nice, can I have the Ditto with 31 Special Attack?
You want the 31 SpDef ditto I got aswell?
eek5 said:sure. i dont want your ditto... trying to get rid of them![]()
np. i got the shiny doing ditto for ditto trades on gts.. the ivs are awful on it though so no real point in keeping it other than its color lolMurkas said:Thanks eeks, nice shiny Ditto
Thanks for the extras aswell
grumpy said:Thanks very much, dude!! I'm now only 14 pokemans away from completing the original 151 KantoDex![]()
Wow shiny squirtle, awesome! I would have kept it in the wartortle stage, one of my favorites...Murkas said:You can transfer them from HeartGold/Soulsilver to Black/White using the Poketransfer. I had a shiny Squirtle which I evolved to Blastoise, looks awesome!
Congrats on the shiny, what is it?
Dechaios said:I got a shiny misdreavus from the safari zone!
Dechaios said:Wow shiny squirtle, awesome! I would have kept it in the wartortle stage, one of my favorites...
I got a shiny misdreavus from the safari zone!
eek5 said:you actually like two of the simis? D:
Wiseblade said:So It's been a month, how many of you have developed new favourites?
Dechaios said:You have no idea.. first shiny I ever encounter and its a god damn safari zone battle..
Delicate balance between bait, rocks and spamming safari balls... never going back there again!
Murkas said:No problem.
Which 14, I may have them![]()
grumpy said:My bad, it's actually 13:
Arcanine (again with the stupid black city bs)
Chansey (stupid 1% appear rate)
Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops & Aerodactyl (Are the sidequests for these available in SoulSilver or was it only a Gen1/3 thing?)
Articuno, Zapdos*, Mewtwo & Mew (I believe I can catch them all in Kanto in SS, right?)
*I got Moltres a couple of days ago by trading a Lv1 Chikorita![]()
Not as bad as the time I fucking ran away from a shiny haunter...Gravijah said:Shiny Miltank in the safari zone. It got away. -cries-
Murkas said:I can trade you Arcanine and Chansey and breed Scyther, Kabuto and Aerodactyl
Birds and Mewtwo you can get in SS, Mew was an event I believe.
grumpy said:Only if it's not too much trouble.
If you're interested in anything i've got, I can breed you:
All pokes from Gen 5
All 3 starters from Gens 1, 2, 5, Torchic from 3 and Chimchar from 4
Various pokes from gens 2-4 (seen 535, obtained 431)
arrrgghhh, stupid limited time events.
Murkas said:Got your stuff coming on now , you got any of the following:
Pidgy line
grumpy said:I've got a spare pidgeotto ready, but you must give me ~10 min to breed the rest.
brb, going to wake poor Ditto.
Murkas said:In that case you can ignore Magmar and Electabuzz, I've got their baby forms, just couldn't be arsed leveling them up lol
All I can think of when I see that.
Masked Man said:The problem is that Braviary hasn't been released yet on DW, making it a moot point. :/ Pretty sure that a few people on Smogon tested the mechanic, however, and found that the boost only applies to stats lowered by an opponent's attack. In other words, self-inflicted stat drops do not activate Defiant.
All I can think of when I see that.
Delio said:Funny i think of Kamen Rider when i see him.
They were awesome, but I hated the reason for them showing up.Gravijah said:alien rangers were the best, btw
Masked Man said:I thought Ultraman, but perhaps it's just me.
Delio said:I can see Ultraman as well. He is totally Toku inspired either way.
Masked Man said:On the subject of designing the Pokémon, I would love to follow the team around for a few weeks just to see what their creative process is like. I loved the snippet about the starters that we got from Pokémon Pia; it's a shame that we don't have more interviews like that.
Masked Man said:On the subject of designing the Pokémon, I would love to follow the team around for a few weeks just to see what their creative process is like. I loved the snippet about the starters that we got from Pokémon Pia; it's a shame that we don't have more interviews like that.
Delio said:I liked the interview i read about the design put into Oshawott. It explained the final form well enough (even if most didn't quite get it at first me included)