Nimbasa City, man. When you get there, prepare to have your world rocked and your sexuality questioned.Calcaneus said:What is this Musical Theatre you speak of?
Nimbasa City, man. When you get there, prepare to have your world rocked and your sexuality questioned.Calcaneus said:What is this Musical Theatre you speak of?
Am in Waifu land now.Gravijah said:Meet me in WiFiland, Suairyu.
Suairyu said:Just to confirm, in the WFC you can trade directly from PC boxes, right? I know you can in GTS but I wouldn't put it past GameFreak to have different restrictions for different connections.
Indeed! But you have to use the DPAD to horizontal scroll. It looked like only Box 1 was accessible. Unintuitive as fuck.Nayishiki said:Yes you can trade directly from PC boxes.
I love you.teeny said:For those of you who have just entered Pokemon for the first time since the original games, like myself, this might help.
This allows you to download all of the event pokemon for Diamond, Peal, HG and SS. I guess some may consider it cheating, but for completionists playing a single player game, I dont see the problem.
Suairyu said:Indeed! But you have to use the DPAD to horizontal scroll. It looked like only Box 1 was accessible. Unintuitive as fuck.
edit - Ta, Gravijah!
: /HiddenWings said:That's not actually true, you can slide across that unintuitive looking bar at the bottom to change what box you're looking at.
WHY U DO THIS, GAMFREAK?Drkirby said:I wonder if anyone is going to farm those feathers you can find on the bridges, since they can raise EV values without the 100 EV cap (Though they only do 1 point each)
Shiggie said:Got done hatching about 30 scraggy To get a Adamant one with Moxie.
Who wants an extra. im on black btw.
teeny said:For those of you who have just entered Pokemon for the first time since the original games, like myself, this might help.
This allows you to download all of the event pokemon for Diamond, Peal, HG and SS. I guess some may consider it cheating, but for completionists playing a single player game, I dont see the problem.
They'll scare the kids away if they reveal the hidden variables. In any case I'm pleased they've not invented negative EVs yet or a more dynamic EV system (more along the lines of SaGa, if I'm one shotting say a Machamp with psychic why should that cause my physical attack to go up...from what I see it natures and IVs are the developers way of genetic variation but EVs are life experiances variations, watching a boxing match doesn't make me stronger which is where the system fails here, but a more realistic system would be even more of a chore to gind so...).Billychu said:WHY U DO THIS, GAMFREAK?
When are they going to let us see our EVs and give us an easier way of raising them?
That cave is really tiny. I forget what happens in there, but I think you have to go there after fighting the second gym leader anyway maybe? Either way there's an item and some yet-unseen Pokemon in there that can be kind of useful.Dartastic said:So I just got to the city with the 2nd gym leader. I gotta train up for sure I think, but I was thinking of doing it in the grass with the two pokemon at the same time. Anyway. I didn't go in that cave earlier. Anything worthwhile in there? I should go check it out, but... meh. I hate caves.
This works a charm! In PAL territory using PAL DS Lite and PAL SoulSilver, and it's fine with me downloading the US Event Pokémon. I do feel quite guilty for just downloading Pokémon with no effort, though. I guess events are unfair to begin with.teeny said:For those of you who have just entered Pokemon for the first time since the original games, like myself, this might help.
This allows you to download all of the event pokemon for Diamond, Peal, HG and SS. I guess some may consider it cheating, but for completionists playing a single player game, I dont see the problem.
Easy there, pal.Dartastic said:I was thinking of doing it in the grass with the two pokemon at the same time.
Starwolf_UK said:They'll scare the kids away if they reveal the hidden variables.
Or at least having more in-game keywords about it. Kind of like how IVs there is a person who will give you ballpark values by the text they say.Holy Order Sol said:A Classic/Advanced setting would do the trick. Alternatively, have a character in the post-game allow you to check them accurately. The main gripe I have with this is that because I play this on and off in general, it's easy to lose track of what I was doing with each Pokémon.
Also, portability is hurt by having to resort to websites to use those calculators.
I don't know for this gen but in Gen 1 EXP all divided the stat experiance (you could divide it as dividing 1 by 2 in Pokemon maths equals zero) and I remember Gen 3 sharing the EV (but I think it was only normal so the front liner having macho brace didn't mean the rest got the boost). They may have changed it in subsequent gens but its easy to test, just get some stuff you don't care about, and fight some stuff that gives a lot of that EV (but preferebly low EXP), level up and if you see that stat go up by a mad amount you know it worked.Zzoram said:So EXP SHARE shares EVs? Being a part of a battle means every Pokemon gets the full EV amount?
They are good when the evolve.Green Scar said:Er, wild Pansage? Didn't realise they could be found in the wild. Cool. I know the monkeys are shit (swapping out Panpour for Victini soon) but they seem rare.
MatthewB92 said:They are good when the evolve.
I think the pokemart at the E4 has them all. I could be wrong though.Drkirby said:Any place sell all the special types of pokeballs, or would I have to go from town to town for them?
Oh man I just realized how bad that sounded. o.oSalaadin said:Easy there, pal.
warpaint said:just put it in my DS so happy i bought it, any tips on this not to do and things to do
Parts said:FUUUUUU
Just got hit by that double-knockout glitch, lost two hours progress. Unbelievably frustrating.
Oh well, I wasted shit loads of that time explorin' parts with nothing too good in them, but still...
Watch Da Birdie said:Alright, my Timburr and Roggenrola just evolved...probably just going to wait till I get to the Elite 4 and the rest of my team have evolved before I trade them to their final forms.
Really? Gurrdur and Boldore are my favorite members in both lines.Gurrdur looks so ugly though. :lol Plus his evolved form just looks awesome.
Oh this wasn't just me then. It's really weird. You need to shift your Pokémon around in such a way that the two you want to send out are at the front of your party, then it'll drop you back in the battle. It might not have been exactly this, but I know I resolved it by switching party positions.Gravijah said:I don't think it's a glitch, you just have to do some odd shit to get your people back into the party. I thought I was screwed but I ended up getting my Pokemon to shift in.
Marvelous Bridge
Truly marvelous! And also a bridge!
Yeah. I can see if it was when you were starting a new game, but come on.Can I just note that I'm very glad the "A save file already exists, overwrite it?" message has gone. I mean, that was the most pointless thing I have ever read in my entire life, and it gets god damn annoying.
Watch Da Birdie said:Oh yeah...I believe you have to first choose which one of the fainted Pokemon you want to switch out for, and then choose one of your alive dudes to switch it with. Confused me in the Japanese version, but I don't think it's a glitch...just confusing.
Really? Gurrdur and Boldore are my favorite members in both lines.![]()