Eteric Rice
Since my question was missed. 
Does this version make breeding/getting good or decent EVs/IVs any easier?
Does this version make breeding/getting good or decent EVs/IVs any easier?
Plasmid said:Got the final badge, but i'm nowhere near ready for the E4. I guess ill grind on Victory Road.
Nope, only new pokes until you beat the game. Darmanitan is the fire type to get.eosos said:Last question, is growlithe in the game? If not what fire type should I get? Thanks.
AFAIK no more so than HG/SS.Eteric Rice said:Since my question was missed.
Does this version make breeding/getting good or decent EVs/IVs any easier?
Zierath said:Nope, only new pokes until you beat the game. Darmanitan is the fire type to get.
AFAIK no more so than HG/SS.
You could use the power items to increase the chances of certain IVs being inherited.Eteric Rice said:I didn't finish HG/SS, did those games make it easier?
Billychu said:Was that actually a picture of toys? I WANT THAT PREMIER BALL. I used to have a Master Ball toy from Burger King or something, but that ball is ugly.
1. Probably.Magnus said:1. At this point, should I be grabbing Platinum instead of Diamond or Pearl, for the best experience?
2. If I want a Lugia in my own game, I should be going for Soul Silver, si?
3. Is discussion of downloading Event Pokemon a violation of GAF rules?
4. Between the Event Pokemon available via that method, a playthrough of say, Platinum, Soul Silver and White, and some trading, is it conceivable to actually get every Pokemon in existence, including the older rarer ones like Mew (and obviously not including the ones Nintendo has yet to release via events)?
I've noticed he's better kinda in the beginning, but overall my snivy helped through the later part.Jamesfrom818 said:So I just started playing. Is Oshawott the best choice for a starter? I haven't looked at any of the evolutions.
Jamesfrom818 said:So I just started playing. Is Oshawott the best choice for a starter? I haven't looked at any of the evolutions.
Teknoman said:Personally, i'd say just go with the starter you want.
Roto13 said:1. Probably.
2. Yes, though you can get it in HeartGold as well.
3. Not as far as I know. Probably not.
4. Well, technically you can get them all in Black and White if you're really lucky at trading, but if you want to catch most of them yourself, you'll probably need Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald too.
KingDirk said:1807 1503 1233
Help a guy out here--let me know if this is registering
And I'm sorry if I'm spamming--trying to get the most out of this awesome game!
Whatcha looking for? I'm in need of someone to trade two Pokemon with so they'll evolve.KingDirk said:1807 1503 1233
Help a guy out here--let me know if this is registering
And I'm sorry if I'm spamming--trying to get the most out of this awesome game!
Holy Order Sol said:Just burn your cash and suicide grind on the E4 itself.
If you have Black you can always battle at black city I think plus the E4 have a good amount of money.Zzoram said:Isn't money a limited resource in B/W due to no re-battles?
Yes, lots of it.Zzoram said:Is there a lot of post-game content besides catching Pokemon?
There are some you can do daily. Like the sports arenas.Zzoram said:Isn't money a limited resource in B/W due to no re-battles?
The Elite Four literally open up your backpack and start pouring in money when you beat them.Zzoram said:Isn't money a limited resource in B/W due to no re-battles?
JetBlackPanda said:I am thinking of pickup up Black/White is there any reason to get one version over the other? also can me and a friend get different versions and get the pokemon from each version?
sorry im a pokemone noob
Roto13 said:4. Well, technically you can get them all in Black and White if you're really lucky at trading, but if you want to catch most of them yourself, you'll probably need Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald too.
MatthewB92 said:So you can get a zen mode Darmanitan. Neat.
White has a better version-exclusive area and personally I like the version-exclusive Pokemon better, but there is no "best" version. It's really just up to personal preference. Check the version difference charts in the OP and see which one looks more appealing to you.JetBlackPanda said:I am thinking of pickup up Black/White is there any reason to get one version over the other? also can me and a friend get different versions and get the pokemon from each version?
sorry im a pokemone noob
PounchEnvy said:There should be a Pokemon that loses a type when it evolves.
Nope. You just need a rarecandybar and feed it to one of them Zen Mode Darmanitan at the relic castle.Teknoman said:Yeah, but we've got to wait till game sync options are up...right?
Shiggie said:razgriz417, let me know when you're ready.
MatthewB92 said:Nope. You just need a rarecandybar and feed it to one of them Zen Mode Darmanitan at the relic castle.
It would need to be a mix attacker.Teknoman said:I wonder how you would go about ev training one of those anyway...Does the attack stat just switch values with the special attack when zen activates?
Repels work on every pokemon that is lower level then your front pokemon. Though you can still run into shaky grass.Zzoram said:Does Max Repel just last longer than Repel? Or does Repel not work on higher level Pokemon?