D-Pad said:Finally ready.
0647 5048 2722
3224 5066 3253 (Arek)
Edit: Thanks so much!
D-Pad said:Finally ready.
0647 5048 2722
zoukka said:Also how do I get into the grass patch where there's an old guy saying "I sense a fierce pokemon around". Also do I need "dig" to hunt for the treasures shown in the "radar".
He's the same cock-block that stops you from leaving the first town without beating the gym. Just an invisible wall really. Not sure when he leaves his post in the forest.zoukka said:Also how do I get into the grass patch where there's an old guy saying "I sense a fierce pokemon around". Also do I need "dig" to hunt for the treasures shown in the "radar".
Gravijah said:BW being 10 years after DPPt is fan speculation, right?
D-Pad said:What font does the NeoGAF logo use?
After you capture/defeat the first of Black and WhitesBlue_Gecko said:He's the same cock-block that stops you from leaving the first town without beating the gym. Just an invisible wall really. Not sure when he leaves his post in the forest.
Glad I could help!Blue_Gecko said:You are a Gentletrainer and a Pokescholar, D-Pad. Many thanks.
Going by the Japanese event, they'll all be fixed to maleNeoForte said:woooo! Glaceon mineI really hope these are female, or at least have a 50% chance.
Gravijah said:I just walked through 3 sections of grass in Emerald and didn't encounter a single Pokemon. It's so beautiful.
Blue_Gecko said:http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/7/77/Dream_Black_Flute_Sprite.png[mg][/QUOTE]
I bet GF made the encounters so annoying in BW so that they could get rid of random battles altogher in Gen VI. Yeah, you heard me! ;(
How in blazes would that work? How would you catch / level Pokemon?Gravijah said:I bet GF made the encounters so annoying in BW so that they could get rid of random battles altogher in Gen VI. Yeah, you heard me! ;(
Blue_Gecko said:How in blazes would that work? How would you catch / level Pokemon?
I feel you on the backlog bit. Golden Sun is still sitting untouched on my dresser after getting it for Christmas, despite being so hyped about it beforehand.vall03 said:fuck yeah! I've finally completed the Pokedex for the first time ever! I've played all Pokemon games but I have never completed them before and the closest I got was around 400+ in my Pearl!
guess I'll stop playing Pokemon for a while... I really need to finish my backlog. Havent touched my Golden Sun: DD and Okamiden yet and Im still waiting for my copy Trails in the Sky and The 3rd Birthday. Will pass on creating a team for now...
yeah backlogs are so difficult, but I what I find weird is the time I spent to complete the Pokedex which is around 96 hours excluding my time with my Black version. And before I even started Pokemon, I was able to finish Ys I & II and Radiant Historia... and Im very busy at school to boot!Blue_Gecko said:I feel you on the backlog bit. Golden Sun is still sitting untouched on my dresser after getting it for Christmas, despite being so hyped about it beforehand.
Blue_Gecko said:I feel you on the backlog bit. Golden Sun is still sitting untouched on my dresser after getting it for Christmas, despite being so hyped about it beforehand.
NooooooooooooooooooooooooooooSalsaShark said:As a huge Golden Sun fan: Dark Dawn sucks.
Im so sorry![]()
SalsaShark said:As a huge Golden Sun fan: Dark Dawn sucks.
Im so sorry![]()
Oh, don't feel bad. Some people are just born stupid. ;PSalsaShark said:As a huge Golden Sun fan: Dark Dawn sucks.
Im so sorry![]()
Articalys said:Okay, Elite Four R2 complete!Now to find that Thundurus I accidentally killed a while ago, then finish off the Unovadex. Which would be easier if it weren't for all the Pokemon you can't find in the wild that evolve at stupidly high levels from Pokemon you can only find at stupidly low levels.Now I actually have a Hall of Fame entry.
Roto13 said:Oh, don't feel bad. Some people are just born stupid. ;P
Dark Dawn is great. Better than the first two, if anything, except for the missable Djinn and summons.
So did you guys play completely different versions of the first two games that were actually challenging in some way?Chorazin said:Really? I played half way through so far and I think it's the worst in the series. So fucking boring, the combat is easy as hell, and the puzzles are dead simple. I fear that unless it gets better it'll be traded in soon.
Gravijah said:hehehe @ teddiursas hidden ability
honey gather
After playing this game i keep wanting to back to watching to Anime, i remeber loving it when i was a kid.Soru said:Started watching the anime from diamond and pearl. Wasn't expecting much, but this is super fun to watch. I remember the Indigo league anime as a kid and it being awesome. I also remember trying to watch the indigo league again and feeling like "meh". However, diamond and pearl season it's super fun to watch. There's a good mix between aimed at kids and mature content, was seriously surprising. One of the weirdest parts was when James was talking about his "M.O" . Kids at 12 years old are not gonna know what an M.O is, heck I didn't even know until i was 17 or something.
Good show, I am approve.
SalsaShark said:As a huge Golden Sun fan: Dark Dawn sucks.
Im so sorry![]()
Did you actually get a shiny? How many eggs did it take?xSL4INx said:So, I've got boxes full of Sandiles at level 1 that know Crunch and Earthquake.
If anyone wants any, let me know now, since I'm going to start releasing them to make room in my pc.
Parents were Japanese Krookodile and American Krookodile that were bred using the Masuda Method to obtain a shiny Sandile.
OMG Aero said:Did you actually get a shiny? How many eggs did it take?
What actually changes anyway? I know you can find Vanillishes and Spheals more commonly, and Icurrus City and Twist Mountain change a bit. Anything else?BGBW said:So tomorrow will be winter. Oooh the excitement.
MatthewB92 said:My Ds hinge D: It's about to snap off ;( I'm sad.
Roto13 said:Dark Dawn is great. Better than the first two
MatthewB92 said:My Ds hinge D: It's about to snap off ;( I'm sad.
MatthewB92 said:My Ds hinge D: It's about to snap off ;( I'm sad.