Japan almost gets it.Watch Da Birdie said:1. Chandelure
2. Whimsicott
Japan almost gets it.Watch Da Birdie said:1. Chandelure
2. Whimsicott
btkadams said:wtf, my black city is like broken lol. yesterday i beat the 5 trainers, and today the 5 trainers are there but won't battle? i've been doing this every day that i play the game so that they stay int he city but it won't let me battle them again. totally weird.
hmmm. i am actually. should i switch back to beat them? or is it pointless? i don't want to lose my black city peeps ha.grumpy said:Are you playing on a different console today? Same thing happens to me when I switch from my DSL to the 3DS.
btkadams said:hmmm. i am actually. should i switch back to beat them? or is it pointless? i don't want to lose my black city peeps ha.
EvilMario said:Want:
Bidoof - Moody
Carvaha - Speed Boost
Corphish - Adaptability
Drifloon - Flare Boost
Gligar - Immunity / Poison Heal
Poliwag - Drought
Shellos - Sand Strength
Tropius - Harvest
Vulpix - Drought
GoldenChicken said:Those are the ones I have. I'll trade you 3 or 4 for:
-Slowpoke - Regenerator
-Tangela - Regenerator
-Helping me evolve my shelmet and karrablast
It might take me awhile to get all the eggs together, so just let me know![]()
Schmitty said:What should I train my Umbreon in? HP, SpD, Def?
N I'm not surprised about, but the Subway bosses are that popular?Watch Da Birdie said:Oh, and top fifteen human characters are...
1. N
2. Emmet
3. Ingo
4. Skyla
5. Elesa
6. Cheren
7. Cilan
8. Hilbert
9. Bianca
10. Hilda
11. Grimsley
12. Caitlin
13. Cynthia
14. Burgh
15. Iris
Pretty interesting results. This is probably the only Gen outside of Gen 1 and 2 where the male character would probably beat the female character, I assume.
Winter.Blu_LED said:How in the world do you get to the area above the Gym in Icirrus City?
Ravidrath said:Fuck yeah, shiny Litwick after 128 eggs! I'm naming him "Fulgorgeist," meaning "Light Ghost."
EVs aren't great and it has Flash Fire, but it's Modest.
Lone_Prodigy said:What's wrong with Flash Fire? Fire immunity is nice.
Also, experience scaling is probably the best addition to Gen V.
EvilMario said:Indeed, Flash Fire is the preferable ability. Flame Body is just luck based, and Shadow Tag is not yet available.
Not only fire guys learn fire attacks. And fire guys can learn things which are not fire attacks.Ravidrath said:Huh, I guess I don't think I'd ever throw a Fire guy out with another Fire guy on the field?
Ravidrath said:Huh, I guess I don't think I'd ever throw a Fire guy out with another Fire guy on the field?
it was discussed a while back. he is banned until july i think?EvilMario said:Wow, Andrex is banned. Anyone know the reason?
EvilMario said:Flash Fire gives you an immunity, and boost your own STAB moves. You can't see why it would be beneficial, even when switching into other Fire types?
Ravidrath said:I can see how and why that's useful, it just seems pretty situational. Flame Body is 30% all the time, whereas the situation you described doesn't seem like it'll come up that often?
I don't really play any multiplayer, BTW, so my needs likely differ from yours, too.
It wasn't in Diamond/Pearl either. Will probably be in Gray.Giard said:Hello, small question...just finished the game.
In Platinum there was a place in the Battle Tower where you were assigned 3 random (bad) pokemon and had to fight with them. You could then switch one with the opponent you just beat.
I found the Battle Subway, but don't think you can do this there... Is there a place where I can do what I just said above?
Damn.upandaway said:It wasn't in Diamond/Pearl either. Will probably be in Gray.
Flame Body is a bit more useful when switching it against another Pokemon (exactly like Flash Fire).EvilMario said:In multiplayer, Fire moves are very common because it's a good offensive type (and very poor defensively). Fire types are not hit by many physical contact moves anyways (ie; Surf, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Stone Edge.. none of these make contact, so Flame Body is useless).
Lone_Prodigy said:I wonder if the enemy AI is deliberately dumb. I've been EV training a Grass type against Victini and 90% of the time it DOESN'T use Incinerate. Heck, at one point I even forget it had that move since it kept spamming its other 3 moves.
I'm all for this. You'd keep your pokemon, but just start all over.ColtraineGF said:It would be a bit hardcore if future games ever had a 'new game+' option, where every single opponent, wild and trainer, used Battle Tower A.I.
Lone_Prodigy said:Holy cow. I was about to offer a Tepig on GTS for Oshawott and was cycling between the ones I had and then noticed a star on one of them. IT WAS A SHINY TEPIG AND I ALMOST GOT RID OF IT. It's also Adamant. <3
Being colour-blind sucks sometimes. :lol
It still sparkles!Ravidrath said:I will give you a Shiny, uh... Exeggcute for that!
...If you're colorblind you can't appreciate the different colors, right? So it's worthless to you... Right?
I can give you both the stones, I hope you can help me with a few pokémon.grumpy said:HALP, PokéGAF! Only two Pokemon left to finish my National 'Dex!
I need either a leaf stone and dawn stone, or someone to temporarily trade me a Shiftry and a Gallade.
I can breed any pokemon you ask, I can give you all the moon and water stones you need and I even have a spare Arceus, which I'm sure is "hacked".
Aad said:I can give you both the stones, I hope you can help me with a few pokémon.