I swear to god GTS
So remember I was looking for Rufflet/Braviary and Thundurus earlier?
Well I missed the chance to trade here on GAF the other day, so I figured I'd try on GTS. Through a hilarious combination of putting up Vullaby and spamming <3 and then putting up a mix of Black exclusives including Cottonee, Gothita, Reshiram, and then putting up bird pokemon and spamming <3 some more with Vullaby visible, I *finally* got a few people to figure out what I wanted.
They put up Braviary! Yay! Twice! Both times I got disconnected just as we were about to trade.
The last who figured it out? He put it up and rejected _everything_ I offered. Starters, Zorua, fully evolved mons, high level dragons, pokerus infected stuff, Ditto, eggs, whatever. He took the time to

every single thing I offered until I ran out of things to show. I have been successfully trolled.
ANYWAY. I'm still looking for both

I'll be around all afternoon, so I can trade if anyone has time. I need a Rufflet/Braviary, I can offer any of the Black exclusives, a pokerus infected mon, Zorua, starters, or just something silly if you don't need anything.
As for Thundurus, I just need him to get Landorus, so if you're comfortable loaning one, I could do that, or if you're not, just trading back and forth so I can get him in my pokedex and look for him on GTS trade would work also (haw haw level <9 reshiram)
edit: Community is the worst thing