This song makes me tear up a little, and I'm slightly ashamed by the fact. Actually you know what, fuck it, one of the best Summers of my life playing 200 straight hours of Pokemon Gold
Anyone else get the official Mew when Pokemon went on tour around 2000? I have fond memories of the lady doing the transfer calling me Gary because she saw my MC was named after the star child Oak. It was pretty funny for me at the time. I came home with two badges the Boulder and Cerulean. I still have them somewhere...
Yellow was also disgusting. IT'S NOT EVEN A PRIMARY COLOUR!
This thread brings back so many memories. Good stuff, OP.
As someone who has been playing Pokémon since Red, I'm very excited for X/Y!
To this day I still think how bizarre it is that the whole world in game revolves around Pokemon. Like there are no jobs other than Pokemon related jobs.
That Pokemon battling is the be all and end all of every situation.
You defeat Giovanni in a Pokemon battle and he's like 'fuck it, I lost at Pokemon, my evil (Pokemon) empire is over.
Great thread; shame I couldn't get to it before the people who can't just leave people who like the older games alone to talk about the older games. .
Anytime I play Gen 2, I try and try to resist catching a Mareep but as soon as the first one pops up, it's all over and I have to get one.
Ahhhh these games were amazing. Charmander line is seriously the best starter. I also loved yellow since Pikachu followed me around. Don't really get why they stopped with that after putting it in Gold/Silver.
Still got my Pokemon cards around here somewhere. I have... a bunch. ._.
Still have binders of mine, too. I still collect them today, in fact. :3
Whatever happened to Gary in the anime?
So what's the stupidest card trade we made as kids? Once I traded away a Machamp I got out of the Starter Pack pretty much immediately for... I dunno, like a Pikachu and a bunch of Energy?
I was a dumb kid.
Those days are with us once more!
In primary school we all genuinely believed that Pokémon were real in Japan, and one of my friends convinced the rest of us that he was going to go there on holiday, and he said he would bring back our favourites.
Good times.
I've heard the Diamond/Pearl season is quite good if you skip the filler (there's something like a year's worth of filler in between the 7th and 8th badges alone).
I'm pretty sure one of the PokéGAFer's compiled a list of non-filler episodes somewhere
What's with the 4 letter names? Are you playing the Japanese version?
Nope that's their nicknames.![]()
Why is Pokémon music so nostalgic? I mean, most videogame music from older games has a nostalgic touch to it, but Pokémon is on a whole different level.
I always thought the Kecleon episode in the middle of the Johto arc was fucking weird. How come Gen III showed up that early? And why Kecleon?
Mind you, paved the way for the amazing Blaziken appearance at the end of it all.
Why is Pokémon music so nostalgic? I mean, most videogame music from older games has a nostalgic touch to it, but Pokémon is on a whole different level.
Personally, it reminds me of the times I used to visit my grandparents when my mother had to shop near their house. She used to drop me there for most of the day because it was a one hour drive from our house. Usually, me and my grandfather went to the store to buy gameboy games and I always bought the newest Pokémon game with him.
So when my mother finally returned later that evening, I usually had about one or three badges already. I tell you this because I bought like every Pokémon game with my grandfather back then and I ALWAYS got to the thirth gym leader or so before my mother arrived. I think it's part of my Pokémon nostalgia, thinking about the times I visited my grandparents and played Pokémon. I always did this in the same sofa too. It was damn comfy.
These days, I only visit my grandparents a few times a year because we hardly have the time to go to their town. It's kinda sad, I really miss the times when I was younger and I bought every Pokémon game with my grandfather. He would always wait till about 1PM before going to the store and I was always hyped as fuck because I knew we were gonna buy the latest Pokémon game.
I miss those times. My grandfather is getting older too, it's getting harder and harder for him to just go outside and drive his car.![]()
I'd like to start off with some superb 8Bit music.
Part 1 (Will post Part 2 of 8Bit later)
Pokemon TCG
- Club Master Duel!
The intro to this song is an interesting power build up, and the background beat I suppose is deck shuffling? It sounds really great, especially when the song picks up with it.
Certainly one of the best 8Bit tracks ever.
- Pause Menu
Is this the greatest pause menu theme ever? Yes.
- Grand Master Duel
Creative, but it starts out slow. That is fine though, because for such a battle and the way these games are played, it has a nice build up to where it really kicks off. However, when it does kick off, gosh is it amazing.
- Ronald's Theme
The simplistic sound of this song isn't quite so simplistic. The beat is consistently slipping against itself, making some interesting sounds.
- Imakuni's Theme
An odd and hilarious tune, it fits perfectly with the odd character Imakuni that was absolutely random. It's quite catchy too. I like how there are fast bits that pop every second or so.
- World Map
I wouldn't say it's as catchy as the Mario theme, but this song is certainly is catchy. It's also charming to listen to due to how soft it is.
- Duel
My pick for the greatest song in this game as it has everything. Engaging segment, tone that represents basic parts of a match, creativity, and easy on the ears.
Pokemon Red & Blue
- Pokemon Opening
Perhaps it's nostalgia, but nothing is like hearing this song. It represents everything Pokemon is, and was to me.
- Last Battle (VS Rival)
Whoever wrote this song is a musical genius. It has such an epic sound, like nothing else matters, just you and your opponent exist. This song makes up half of the battle in that game.
- Battle (VS Gym Leader)
Nothing rings a bell for a battle song like this one. When I listen to these tracks, I kinda realize Pokemon hasn't had music on this level since these games, I guess that's a big portion for me.
- Bicycle Theme
You're at a fair! That's the vibe it gives, and I suppose that's the feeling of excitement you feel when you ride a bike for the first time. Very happy tune, and so pleasent to hear.
- Pallet Town
I guess I like this song a lot because it really does fit from an area that's suppose to be your beginning. It's soft, charming, and peaceful.
- Your Rival Appears
Instant classic, and for how randomly Gary appears in this game, this song increases that surprising feeling. It also has a tone that matches Gary's personality, like he knows he's better than you.
- Lavender Town
Ominous, creepy, and just right. It's a clash of low tone with high tone to emphasize on how spooky this town is.
- Cerulean City
Super catchy, and possibly the most memorable town team in the game only from how catchy it is.
- Celadon City
Possibly my favorite town theme in this game. Odd thing to say, but I'm going to say this is perfect "skipping" music, hah.
- Pewter City
Another memorable tune, I like how happy the vibe of music in this game, but how often it switches from happy to ominous, or engaging, when the time fits it.
- Viridian Forest
Mysterious tone for a mysterious area. Your entry into this forest introduces you to a mix of spooky with mystery, "what will happen next?". This song makes the forest in my opinion, it also has a nice creative beat.
- Wild Battle
I like how the intro starts out slow to give you that anxious feeling, "I wonder what Pokemon it is!". but takes off into the battle shortly after leaving you no time to second guess about the mysterious vibe that originally was playing. Certainly a classic.
- Pokemon Center
To this day, I still haven't heard a Pokemon Center theme that I like more than this one.
Music from games like Pokemon really makes me want to learn how to compose GBC music... There's just something about GBC music that feels distinct from NES music. Not sure what exactly it is.
Got a Game Boy Camera? It's got a music sequencer in it, and it's surprisingly good.
Use it with an aux cable to your PC to record and the possibilities are endless.
Or get LSDJ and a midi to link cable port adapter, then you can literally play a keyboard and have the GB output the sound.
nonfinite is a great site to start with, and they sell both LSDJ carts and MIDI adapter cables.
I always thought the Kecleon episode in the middle of the Johto arc was fucking weird. How come Gen III showed up that early? And why Kecleon?
Mind you, paved the way for the amazing Blaziken appearance at the end of it all.
Music from games like Pokemon really makes me want to learn how to compose GBC music... There's just something about GBC music that feels distinct from NES music. Not sure what exactly it is.
Got a Game Boy Camera? It's got a music sequencer in it, and it's surprisingly good.
Use it with an aux cable to your PC to record and the possibilities are endless.
Or get LSDJ and a midi to link cable port adapter, then you can literally play a keyboard and have the GB output the sound.
nonfinite is a great site to start with, and they sell both LSDJ carts and MIDI adapter cables.
Not that early considering The Kecleon Caper Japanese air date was July 5, 2001, Ruby and Sapphire was released in Japan November 21, 2002.
The pattern is the same for the US but just a year later.
Junichi Masuda explains how he did the Pokémon Game Boy on his Blog
It's a shame Game Boy Colors can't be backlit modded, only frontlit modded.
Have one from when I was a kid and as a result my Pokemon saves will never die. I can backup the save, replace the battery in the cart, and then reload the save onto the game.
Those of you who are afraid your saves may one day die out should consider investing in one of these:
Have one from when I was a kid and as a result my Pokemon saves will never die. I can backup the save, replace the battery in the cart, and then reload the save onto the game.
Those of you who are afraid your saves may one day die out should consider investing in one of these:
Have one from when I was a kid and as a result my Pokemon saves will never die. I can backup the save, replace the battery in the cart, and then reload the save onto the game.