How about the real mainline titles
1. Pokemon Dash
2. Pokemon Ranch
3. Pokemon Dream Radar
4. Pokemon Battle Revolution
5. Pokemon Rumble
I see you forgot the one and only Pokemon Channel.
At least Palkia was water/dragon Groudon is (lol i still can't realize why they have done this) only groundWorse than Palkia? COME ON.
You, you take that back.
How about the real mainline titles
1. Pokemon Dash
2. Pokemon Ranch
3. Pokemon Dream Radar
4. Pokemon Battle Revolution
5. Pokemon Rumble
I will the day Keldeo will be on a boxart
I once considered getting Pokemon Channel to play the Pokemon Mini games on it, and then I decided that even I can't waste money like that.
I avoided it because it seemed like it had no value whatsoever. Then, 6 months ago, I tried it, and...yeah, none.
How can we forget Pokemon Snap Crackle and Pop?
How can we forget Pokemon Snap Crackle and Pop?
I really fail at getting sarcasm in the daytime...=p
OK, kids, time to start up some arguments.
What are your favourite to least favourite games in the main series (including remakes)?
So basically that means ranking:
- Red/Blue/Yellow
- Gold/Silver/Crystal
- Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
- FireRed/LeafGreen
- Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
- HeartGold/SoulSilver
- Black/White
- Black 2/White 2
I'll figure mine out later.
At least Palkia was water/dragon Groudon is (lol i still can't realize why they have done this) only ground
That actually looks kind of fun. I want a Pokemon 2D platformer now.
I know, right? What a weird type for a Pokemon that represents land in a land vs water debate.
But it's awfully weak to his counterpart (not that i complain too much, Kyogre is da best), they could've easily used Steel because the inside of the earth is full of metals or something to make it more balanced.
That's why Ruby is the stupid version of gen 3.
Water resists Steel type attacks. It's still unbalanced.
But it's awfully weak to his counterpart (not that i complain too much, Kyogre is da best), they could've easily used Steel because the inside of the earth is full of metals or something to make it more balanced.
That's why Ruby is the stupid version of gen 3.
BUREIBU BARUDOSo we also got, along with Smash antics, a closer look at Brave Bird:
which still looks excellent...
???Take one look at Hoenn and tell me Groudon being weak to kyogre doesnt make sense.
So we also got, along with Smash antics, a closer look at Brave Bird:
which still looks excellent...
didn't know it was the japanese name as well. :lol
Also the animation is too long, my fears are starting to come true.![]()
Touching story, would buy on special edition DVDbrave bird
bird goes brave and kills shit
bird sacrifices its life and saved every1... rip bird you were a hero........................
bird bird bird
didn't know it was the japanese name as well. :lol
Also the animation is too long, my fears are starting to come true.![]()
Touching story, would buy on special edition DVD
I give it 4out of 5.
A resistance is times better than a supereffectiveness also because Groudon would then learn moves of other types.
Does anyone else see the red line under Pokemon names and actually looks for misspellings for a second as if the name actually exists in the dictionary?
trust the dunsparceI think I'll live with not comprehending dunsparces.
Does anyone else see the red line under Pokemon names and actually looks for misspellings for a second as if the name actually exists in the dictionary?
Look at him go!
Actually I was thinking the tune from Fievel Goes West.