I was just thinking about how there's no squid Pokemon and there should be.
There needs to be a Dark/Water vampire squid Pokémon that looks like this:

I was just thinking about how there's no squid Pokemon and there should be.
Eh, it's pretty vanilla in the context of pokemon names - that's my viewpoint. Ultimately, fans give it extra meaning on their teamsYeah but still, it sounds sooo... you know, like those awesome pseudo-viking names like Rockmuncher or Ironballs
Did anyone post the parody thread?
Did anyone post the parody thread?
That's why the title of the parody thread should be "PokéBOMBs From My Ass: New CREDIBLE Pokémon X/Y Rumors".
It parodies the "Tales From My Ass" threads which has bullshit info. It is somewhat vague, but it acknowledges it is fake.
But... why? It devalues the whole PokéBOMB thing that's apparently what we're going with, and is irrelevant to all but the small handful here that have been following the Pokebeach rumours.
It's not even pretending to be an actual leak, it's just a gag. A pretty amusing gag, sure, but a thread isn't made every time there's a joke made on the internet.
If one of you guys does make a thread, be sure to include something along the lines of "laugh of the day" in the title to avoid confusion and/or Junior-ing. CO still hasn't recovered from his Junior status yet.
You actively have to be made into a proper member again, and that basically doesn't happen. The junior membership doesn't wear off.
I just think making a thread for a niche, vaguely amusing pisstake is unnecessary and overly-risky. Feel free to disagree.
It's not really a punishment, just an acknowledgement that CO makes threads which either creep others out or simply contribute nothing. It's inherent in his style. He hasn't changed, and it's easy to see why the mods wouldn't change their mind.Oh I know, I meant that a mod hasn't made CO back into a full Member yet either out of forgetfulness or as part of a prolonged punishment (I wasn't here when all that jazz went down).
Either way, I think that posting this wouldn't be any more risky than posting another thread about something vaguely amusing/stupid that Hideki Kamiya said on Twitter, but I'm sure as heck not doing it. GAF is crazy judgemental.
I actually feel kind of embarrassed when I look back to when I made weird, oddball threads.
Sometimes I wish I could stop being a junior member, but I doubt that will change any time soon.
On a related note, people saying that the old anime was good need to rewatch them. Holy shit the fillers were downright awful and even certain episodes like the Bulbasaur-catch episode was slow and had a terrible pacing.
On a related note, people saying that the old anime was good need to rewatch them. Holy shit the fillers were downright awful and even certain episodes like the Bulbasaur-catch episode was slow and had a terrible pacing.
No series of the anime is good, no matter how much I like it.On a related note, people saying that the old anime was good need to rewatch them. Holy shit the fillers were downright awful and even certain episodes like the Bulbasaur-catch episode was slow and had a terrible pacing.
Just stay here. We understand you.![]()
Honest question, do you just hate everything from the older era of Pokemon?
As long as this thread exists it's good.
Makes me wish I had a way to travel through time.
No series of the anime is good, no matter how much I like it.
I'm sure most forgot about those topics.
I'm sure most forgot about those topics.
Honest question for you: do you just hate everything from the newer era of Pokemon? You refused to even rank the games on your list.
I'd STILL take the old anime over Best Wish's any day of the week.
Honest question, do you just hate everything from the older era of Pokemon?
No series of the anime is good, no matter how much I like it.
No need to shit on what people like.
There are a handful of things I like from Gen V
What did and didn't you like about Gen V? I'm not trying to heckle you, just get some insight into your opinion.
I liked the all animated sprites in battle, I liked some of the new Pokemon and the combination of types they did, I liked a few of the characters annnnnd, that's about it.
On a related note, people saying that the old anime was good need to rewatch them. Holy shit the fillers were downright awful and even certain episodes like the Bulbasaur-catch episode was slow and had a terrible pacing.
We're seriously doing this again?
He didn't enjoy it. That is his prerogative. I like it a lot. That is my prerogative. Neither position needs justifying or questioning.
Whoa. I'm trying to create discussion and understand his POV better. I'll stop if it's bothering you so much.
It wasn't that long ago I watched them. In fact, I have them all on box set. First series is my favourite, simply because it's silly and I find it amusing. Team Rocket were the best. And funnily enough, it was that Bulbasaur ep that introduced me to Pokemon. I still remember waking up one morning as a kid, turning on the TV and there was Bulbasaur fighting Pikachu.
Okay. Is there any reason why you didn't like the advancements to the battle system or the copius amounts of bonus content or the greater focus on story or the music?
Hoenn > Sinnoh > Orange > Kanto > Best Wishes > Johto
I can see that, although I think I'd rank Sinnoh lower.
You'll never get game rankings out of me, though!
I guess people are ranking it low because of Tobias, but honestly Indigo Plateau's Ritchie was the more cop-out one, as well as the Hoenn's "dressed Meowth".
Since you're clearly running a Dual Screen team your prime goal is to load your team up with a ton of powerful sweepers and not worry about playing defense. Your Mandibuzz sticks out like a sore thumb because it kills your momentum (by eating up Dual Screen turns). Trust me, you shouldn't worry about trying to counter or check anything. Might I suggest using Swords Dance Samurott in its place. It's a ludicrously powerful attacker and it lures out the Pokemon that counter / check Crawdaunt (Tangrowth).
Samurott @ Life Orb
EVs: 4hp / 252 Atk / 252 spe
- Swords Dance
- Waterfall
- Megahorn
- Aqua Jet
Sandslash also strikes me as a suboptimal choice. It's not a good sweeper in RU, and your team definitely doesn't need Rapid Spinning. You should use Double Dance Rhydon in it's place. It's a monster when screens are up, your opponents will have a field day trying to kill it.
Rhydon @ Eviolite
Trait: Doesn't matter (lol)
EVs: 4hp / 252 Atk / 252 spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature (do you want to outspeed Cincinno after a Rock Polish?)
- Swords Dance
- Rock Polish
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
I'd also consider using Giga Drain over Petal Dance on Liligant (I've always been fond of its healing ability, and it doesn't lock you in) and running Timid on Magneton because it outspeeds Adamant Kabutops (who's kind of a big deal) and an assortment of neutral base 80s/70s.
I think with the suggested changes you could absolutely play without this team any problems (since it's Dual Screens. Uxie >>> Screens >>> Sweep. If you fail step 1 you'll probably lose, so keep that in mind)
Good luck!
Welcome to GAF!As the author/artist of Nerd Rage I just wanted to personally say thanks. I'm glad so many people are enjoying this one.
And thank you for linking to my site, instead of hotlinking or reuploading the file. It really, really means a lot.
Well, I saw Sinnoh dubbed, so that might be the problem.
So, yesterday I worked and compiled a list of all the limited edition Pokémon consoles that have existed and it made me wonder, what ones do you guys have? Any rare ones?
Oh I know, I meant that a mod hasn't made CO back into a full Member yet either out of forgetfulness or as part of a prolonged punishment (I wasn't here when all that jazz went down).
You don't get un-juniored that easily. When you're juniored, you're essentially put on the shit-list, and you have to work hard to get off of it. Opiate himself has stated that it's akin to being on probation, and you have to actively try to improve your posting in order to be considered to be un-juniored.It's not really a punishment, just an acknowledgement that CO makes threads which either creep others out or simply contribute nothing. It's inherent in his style. He hasn't changed, and it's easy to see why the mods wouldn't change their mind.
I like you, CO, but I'm just pointing out the facts.