Cute Dragon Here
What is Reburst supposed to be? Crappy Pokemon cosplay manga?
Pokemon fusion...with humans. So...Pokemon fanfiction?
For some reason I'm much more OK with the first idea.
What is Reburst supposed to be? Crappy Pokemon cosplay manga?
Pokemon fusion...with humans. So...Pokemon fanfiction?
That ain't no fusion, that's some fool in a suit.
Good chance of Mewtwo returning with the new form, then?
Some cute Pokemon-amie pics
...and a scary one!
I would argue there are two scary pics
That would be worse than LucarioGood chance of Mewtwo returning with the new form, then?
Some cute Pokemon-amie pics
...and a scary one!
Yeah. It doesn't take much to figure it out. I'd say Mewthree has been a shoe-in since reveal. Especially with how similar they can keep him to Lucario and Mewtwo.That's pretty much how it's always looked like how it went. Pokemon in Smash Bros. always felt like it was heavily influenced by the anime.
I've always wondered about what's everyone's favourite Pokémon this time around, now that Gen V's coming to a close.
Now after Gen V, mine is Snivy. Bulbasaur is second place.
I've always wondered about what's everyone's favourite Pokémon this time around, now that Gen V's coming to a close.
I've always wondered about what's everyone's favourite Pokémon this time around, now that Gen V's coming to a close.
Speaking of them, what do you think of Chespin? Do you think he'll be your new favourite, or will he play second banana to Snivy?
Now after Gen V, mine is Snivy. Bulbasaur is second place.
Still buizel and jolteon.
Scrafty, Munchlax and Espeon are still my Top 3.
Helioptile's line may invade that with the advent of Gen VI though.
Chandelure is god
Has any of them changed since the last time someone asked you that, by the way?
I kind of love Noivern and Chespin these days. Maybe they'll replace Axew/Haxorus and Turtwig for me.
I've always wondered about what's everyone's favourite Pokémon this time around, now that Gen V's coming to a close.
I'd have to say... Volcarona, Whirlipede, Durant, and Joltik (and Galvantula). I'd include Heracross (my favourite Bug-type in general), but he doesn't really count as a Gen V design. Generally, I feel like the quality of design for Bug-type Pokemon really, really stepped up in Gen V. I hope Gen VI continues on that trend (and Vivillion is a good indicator).I've always wondered about what's everyone's favourite Pokémon this time around, now that Gen V's coming to a close.
I've always wondered about what's everyone's favourite Pokémon this time around, now that Gen V's coming to a close.
Also, everyone should totally be going on #PokeGAF on
No excuses! Even if you are lazy, there is a lazy link for you!
I've always wondered about what's everyone's favourite Pokémon this time around, now that Gen V's coming to a close.
I've always wondered about what's everyone's favourite Pokémon this time around, now that Gen V's coming to a close.
Love me some trashbag Pokemon. Don't know why, just do.
I will hug all of you.
Best pokemon are 1 to 151.
So I'm sitting on the train playing Dungeon Village and I have a thought.
Similar to other Kariosoft games Pokemon would make an amazing simulator.
Imagine Gym Leader Story. Similar to the popular GameDev game.
Instead of a pokemon game where you gain badges, you start out as a new gym leader. You have to train and level up your pokemon. Build a gym type, which you could possibly change over time.
Gain enough respect to hire people to work in your gym, making it harder for trainers who would act as events to challenge you. Possibly gain notoriety by teaching a certain move to trainers who can beat you, making your gym popular.,
As well as competing in the league. You can also go as far as setting up the design of the gym, adding traps, mazes ect.
This would be an awesome sim game.
My top ten list of Pokemon lists:
1. Favorite Pokemon
2. Favorite Starters
3. Favorite Generations
4. Favorite Rivals
5. Pokemon that need evolutions
6. List of Friend Codes
7. Reasons why Fairy type will make the game more unbalanced
8. List of glitches that proves R/B are horrible games
9. Reasons why new Pokemon are terribly designed
10. Reasons why old Pokemon are also terribly designed
What about you guys?