So... have any of you played Hey You Pikachu before? That game is so hilariously terrible! One of the weirdest things about it is that you can get Pikachu to eat almost anything if you try hard enough. For example, I've made Pikachu eat: Magnets, Swords, Light Bulbs, and even Balloons (and yes, they pop if he tries to eat them lol)! And of course, the voice recognition sucks, so sometimes Pikachu does stuff like electrocutes me.
Also, there's a hilarious mission in the game where you have to make Pikachu go shopping at Abra's store (which is inside a tree for some reason), and you have to make Pikachu think hes being independent by going stealth... aka, walking around inside a cardboard box. Metal Gear anyone?
Finally, sometimes Pikachu would start throwing these weird brown objects that had fumes coming out of them at me... they sorta looked like turds

Does anyone else have any amusing memories from this so bad its good game?