I love this from the gamexplain interview:
"A: So yeah youve got Dexio and Sina, as well as professor Oaks cousin n the game, and I think this being the 20th anniv. Project, Ive definitely tried to make sure theres a lot of things--a lot of surprises or fun things in here for fans of each of the different generations."
I won, I won!
I'm too good for
you, <Player>!
You did well to
even reach me,
<Rival>, the
PKMN genius!
Nice try, loser!
So who's going to wait to see what the Switch entails for the Pokemon series?
Very excited for the potential of a Pokémon game on it.
Boss doggie what happened in the anime?
So they couldn't even tie it to the demo...
I love how Ash lost a third of his team in that ep. GG
To be fair, Goodra only came back for the league.
And with that the best season of the series ended. Been fun xyz. Too bad sun and moon is replacing you.sorry missed out on the ep stream and had to go for raws
Ash just returned goodra back to his family
suddenly Xerosic
Greninja becoming solid snake
Xerosic's Malamar mindcontrolled Clemont to build his machine
BUT IT WAS A RUSE ALL ALONG, Clemont resisted control
greninja gets appointed by zygarde as Kalos's hero, like in the past
although for some odd reasonGreninja is permanently in Ash Greninja form
I mean he only caught 5.
True, but I still don't know why the writers went with that as a thing. And now leaving Greninja too? He's gonna come back to Kanto with just 3 new Pokemon lmao
I mean he only caught 5.
I really hope Ash and Pikachu get personalities again in Sun & Moon.
Pikachu has been super bland since at least Black & White, minus some fun episodes (like the Pokéball factory), and Ash was like a block of wood in X/Y.
The new animation style pretty much guarantees it, just in terms of how they move/interact, but I hope it also translates in the story/writing.
Is there going to be any sun and moon info this week?
Thanks!Thursday at 9 AM EST
What's happening Thursday 8 AM Central?
next trailer on the youtube channel
So is it even worth finishing the XY anime? I'm still waiting for the dub to finish.
So is it even worth finishing the XY anime? I'm still waiting for the dub to finish.
So is it even worth finishing the XY anime? I'm still waiting for the dub to finish.
Heck yea it is. Me and my oldest child love it. The team flare arc was pretty good. Best season of the anime for me.So is it even worth finishing the XY anime? I'm still waiting for the dub to finish.