Watch Da Birdie
I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Surprised Mudsdale is going to be playable in Berserk Musou. 0.o
They can and have blocked legendaries obtained through glitches in the past (Darkrai/Shaymin from D/P, briefly shiny Jirachi from the bonus disc even though that was entirely legit) so we can probably expect the same here. How they go about doing this has yet to be seen, though, as I'm pretty sure if you were to reset for the ID and/or OT of the Japanese event Mew you would be able to send it forward. There's not exactly a lot of ways to check legality in Gen 1.I've asked here before but I don't think I got an answer. Any idea if ill be able to transfer my Mew from red version over to sun/moon? It's absolutely caught and in my game but I certainly had to use the glitch to get it. Since there's no legit way to get them in the games without the glitch I wonder if there will be something preventing it from transferring.
Umm, so, when do we expect the next batch of news? CoroCoro?
With copies making their way across the world over the next week or two, there's a very real possibility that the next stuff we hear will just be people playing through the game. The X and Y leaks nearly a fortnight beforehand were famous, but there were people with copies of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire more than a week before the launch.
Umm, so, when do we expect the next batch of news? CoroCoro?
Surprised Mudsdale is going to be playable in Berserk Musou. 0.o
Surprised Mudsdale is going to be playable in Berserk Musou. 0.o
They can and have blocked legendaries obtained through glitches in the past (Darkrai/Shaymin from D/P, briefly shiny Jirachi from the bonus disc even though that was entirely legit) so we can probably expect the same here. How they go about doing this has yet to be seen, though, as I'm pretty sure if you were to reset for the ID and/or OT of the Japanese event Mew you would be able to send it forward. There's not exactly a lot of ways to check legality in Gen 1.
That is messed up. Why did it not bring the girl back?Well shit, this XYZ "Mystery of the Legendaries" special is pretty fucking dark, and the atmosphere is really good, barring the weird "Poke-Greeks and POKE-ROMANS in ancient France" thing. I mean, they use weapons holy shit!
Basically Lysandre and Alexa discovered a statue of a girl and its ties to the XYZ legendaries. Then we flashback to Ancient Kalos which is apparently Poke-Greece, they're trying to avert Yveltal's attack with Jean (the dude) riding on Gogoat firing arrows on Yveltal, SotC style. Even sicked Talonflame who then got blasted, turned to stone, and crashed. Oh and his girlfriend Ilia turned to stone. He fell to a cliff with his girlfriend statue and Gogoat while Yveltal destroyed Poke-Greece. Yveltal then turned to a cocoon and dived into the sea.
Then he looked for Xerneas's tree, ended up with Poke-Romans burning it because sacrilege or something. He tried to stop them since you need Xerneas to undo the damage Yveltal did, but the tree was burning already. Zygarde then came and destroyed everyone because fuck ningens
Jean still holds on to his stone gf and then Xerneas then appeared, so he begged Xerny to revive her. Xerny was like "lol no". So then out of hope, he dragged her statue with Gogoat in a cave and spend his life there. Then we see Poke-Greece trying to rebuild but couldn't because everything's dead.
Suddenly Xerneas appeared and revived everything! lol no girl still statue.
So Jean grows old like Gogoat (whoa old Gogoat), and in his last moments a girl who suspiciously looks like Bonnie (even carries a Dedenne!) sees him, asks him what the statue is about, basically as a way to tell the legend about the legendaries, before presumably passing away
My impression is Litten is a Pokemon that just hangs around the school...i'm starting to think that ash is gonna get both rowlet and litten
That is messed up. Why did it not bring the girl back?
Zygarde first mass murdering Pokemon?
It's evidently a parable about things that are never meant to be, no matter how hard you wish for them, obviously. Like Ash winning the league.
Well shit, this XYZ "Mystery of the Legendaries" special is pretty fucking dark, and the atmosphere is really good, barring the weird "Poke-Greeks and POKE-ROMANS in ancient France" thing. I mean, they use weapons holy shit!
Basically Sycamore and Alexa discovered a statue of a girl and its ties to the XYZ legendaries. Then we flashback to Ancient Kalos which is apparently Poke-Greece, they're trying to avert Yveltal's attack with Jean (the dude) riding on Gogoat firing arrows on Yveltal, SotC style. Even sicked Talonflame who then got blasted, turned to stone, and crashed. Oh and his girlfriend Ilia turned to stone. He fell to a cliff with his girlfriend statue and Gogoat while Yveltal destroyed Poke-Greece. Yveltal then turned to a cocoon and dived into the sea.
Then he looked for Xerneas's tree, ended up with Poke-Romans burning it because sacrilege or something. He tried to stop them since you need Xerneas to undo the damage Yveltal did, but the tree was burning already. Zygarde then came and destroyed everyone because fuck ningens
Jean still holds on to his stone gf and then Xerneas then appeared, so he begged Xerny to revive her. Xerny was like "lol no". So then out of hope, he dragged her statue with Gogoat in a cave and spend his life there. Then we see Poke-Greece trying to rebuild but couldn't because everything's dead.
Suddenly Xerneas appeared and revived everything! lol no girl still statue.
So Jean grows old like Gogoat (whoa old Gogoat), and in his last moments a girl who suspiciously looks like Bonnie (even carries a Dedenne!) sees him, asks him what the statue is about, basically as a way to tell the legend about the legendaries, before presumably passing away
This shit should have been in the game but nope Xerneas/Yveltal gotta be used as a battery source, while Zygarde gets ignored and we watch boring AZ appear out of nowhere and sob about his boring dead Floette.
I agree, that fact that we have to rely on the anime to give us some proper insight on the legendaries and especially the mythicals is annoying as fuck, though that could be a deal that GameFreak have with TV Tokyo, the games introduce the legendaries and the anime fleshes them out, which is a fair deal I suppose, but not any less grating.
man it's starting to dawn on me that sun and moon are only two weeks away now
only two weeks
They hate Europe.19 days is a bit more than two weeks.
They hate Europe.![]()
19 days is a bit more than two weeks.
I mean I'm pretty sure that's more or less what was expected. The whole reason for the delay is speculated to breaking street date in the first place.Inb4 stores break street date on the 18th.
Sorry, it just doesn't really support it. Pokemon SuMo is pretty much 2D only outside of PokeFinder. Having a 3DS or N3DS won't really affect it.Quick question here. I still have the original 3ds and just today I downloaded the Pokémon sun moon demo. If I buy a new n3ds will the game be 3d? Because the demo is just 2d and if I remember correctly, the n3ds is more powerful? Or is the 3d feature just not something that the game supports? I was thinking about the n3ds xl galaxy version. But not really sure anymore.
19 days is a bit more than two weeks.
I don't get the notion that leaks are intentional.
Why wouldn't they release the media themselves then, they'd get even more attention.
Yeah no I doubt the leaks are intentional.
It's just the side-effect of having a third party Chinese company methinks. Same thing happened with KoF14.
What's the ETA on the game unlocking in 18th on eshop? 12AM?
Except Gen VI didn't have that going on.
Gen VI didn't have Chinese partnership iirc, it was only in Gen VII did Pokemon started a Chinese trademark
I still think the X/Y leak where we saw Hawlucha and Greninja (two of Generation VI's most popular Pokemon) a bit before the full leaks set in was totally done on purpose to drum up PR.
You know we're talking about this:
right? I mean personally I don't buy that it was a planned leak but the Chinese third party is only relevant to the leaks in Gen VII, which is not currently the topic.
The bank for sun and moon won't be available until January. And once they are sent to sun and moon they are stuck there.Can I pull down Pokemon from Omega Ruby into X, or can it only go from X into OR?
I finally got my Bank set up, so I transferred what I had in Black into X, will finish up X, then put all those guys into the bank in preparation for Sun/Moon.
Can I pull down Pokemon from Omega Ruby into X, or can it only go from X into OR?
I finally got my Bank set up, so I transferred what I had in Black into X, will finish up X, then put all those guys into the bank in preparation for Sun/Moon.
Bought some Pokemon games today:
Battery on Emerald is dry though. What time should I set the clock if it's going to be stuck the whole time?
So will this unlock at Midnight on the 18th or 10 AM on the 18th?
I'm debating if I should go to the midnight release for my Physical Moon copy or play my digital Sun copy at Midnight.
Quick search on Bulbapedia tells me that the tide at Shoal Cave is also affected by time of day. Low tide looks like it lets you explore more of the cave, so it seems like setting my clock for low tide would be a good idea?Awesome haul
I think the only thing that the time changes in Emerald is whether Eevee evolves into Espeon or Umbreon, which is only relevant if you have another game where Eevee is actually obtainable (FireRed/LeafGreen/XD: Gale of Darkness). Everything else is based on the passage of time, not the actual time itself.
It'll prob unlock at midnight EST or near then IIRC - I recall doing the same for XY, and it was rough then since everyone was downloading it back then, lolSo will this unlock at Midnight on the 18th or 10 AM on the 18th?
I'm debating if I should go to the midnight release for my Physical Moon copy or play my digital Sun copy at Midnight.
You can't catch Snorunt at all if you don't set it for low tide, so go with that.Quick search on Bulbapedia tells me that the tide at Shoal Cave is also affected by time of day. Low tide looks like it lets you explore more of the cave, so it seems like setting my clock for low tide would be a good idea?
I think I'll just set the in-game clock to 6pm. I thought about changing the battery, but I'd have to buy a replacement battery, buy the right screwdriver, then hope I don't mess up the solder as I haven't soldered anything since with grade. Nah, not worth it for some berries.You can't catch Snorunt at all if you don't set it for low tide, so go with that.
Alternatively, you could look up how to replace the battery before you start. It's a little bit more difficult with GBA carts than GB/C carts, but when I was inexperienced it only took about an hour (4 tops if you get somebody at the plant who really loved soldering things).