Perfect. All types represented.
Was looking at the list you posted in the other thread. Interesting stuff. Seeing Zoroark outside of the top 15 surprises me even now. It got a Lucario like push, had good design (to me at least), and has a very fun and unique ability (/gimmick). Yet it didn't even come close to Lucario levels of popularity (maybe too similar?). Makes me wonder what most factors into a pokemon's widespread popularity.Fire Emblem type eh
also glad Japan back then loves Joltik
I was mostly serious with my reply. I could see them using Scizor as a bug rep and Tyranitar for rock. Both are pretty popular and having a mega form seems to help. Diggersby is more of a reach but I'd love to see it guys some times, while i still want those types i dont think they are the most needed things for this game, i'ld just find it nice to see all the typesa there
plus i'm not really that big of a fan of the fire type and it now having 4 pokemon, i dont like it
Chandelure is still cool though and i'm happy we got a big out of left field pick
Official poster
Now I know Ash sucks at thrashing Pokemon but the times we those were pre-XY Ash. XY Ash thrashed mons like Hawlucha, so maybe he can actually thrash Volcanion now.
I was mostly serious with my reply. I could see them using Scizor as a bug rep and Tyranitar for rock. Both are pretty popular and having a mega form seems to help. Diggersby is more of a reach but I'd love to see it happen.
I really hope we do see full type representation though. Would help makes things feel more complete. If there are no bug types I'd be a little let down (one of my favorite types).
Dunsparce could be the perfect normal rep to fill the joke character slot.
Didn't Ash take a Solar Beam from Venusaur in Johto.
Official poster
While I would love a gen 6.5 as it would make up for the low Kalos Pokémon count and give us more cross gen evolution. it's unlikely to happen for "Pokémon Z" as the the "third" version marks an end of the generation basically acting as its' swan song.
Wonder what the setting may be this time around. The background looks fairly generic, but it could be a savanna considering Volcanion is supposed to be a kinda-sorta lion.
>The official Movie 19 Website has updated. Translations follow:
>A Pokémon came falling from the sky!
>As Satoshi continued his journey aiming to become a Pokémon Master, a lump covered in white smoke suddenly dropped out of the sky and landed in front of him and his friends.
>As white smoke spread around as far as the eye could see, a shape appeared from within it;
>The mythical Pokémon Volcanion.
>Ignoring the worried Satoshi and his friends, Volcanion, who hates humans, immediately tries to leave the place.
>However, the impact of the fall caused Satoshi and Volcanion to be linked together by a strange device, leaving them unable to separate...!
>Volcanion runs off and Satoshi gets dragged along by it, eventually reaching the Azot Kingdom, a city of super-machinery where gigantic cogwheels are all over the place and rotating.
Why did Volcanion fall from the sky?
>And why did it head to the Azot Kingdom!?
>With the mechanical kingdom of machinery as its setting, the hottest legend in Pokémon history begins!
>What is the power hidden in Volcanion's arms!?
>Volcanion violently expels boiling steam!
>Its arms can move freely and are split in two; the steam launched from them packs a punch! With this steam it is said to be able to blow away mountains and use the thick fog to hide itself. Because it possesses both the Fire and Water type, unlike other Pokémon before it, the water inlets of its arms can launch both Fire type moves and Water type moves. Also, the blue color of the windows on its arms seems to be related to the remaining water in its body.
>For Volcanion, who uses fire and water to create steam explosions within its body and launch moves, water seems to be the source of its energy.
I bought Alpha Sapphire used, off of a friend, for $20. He'd paid $35 at EB, plus tax.
Did I buy the right one?
I would say it matters for legendary Pokemon.It really hasn't mattered since gen 4, but if you want to ignore the ease of the internet I'd say that...OR has a slightly better selection. Regular Sapphire destroys Ruby so this is a reversal.
Yeah it's weird. At least Mewtwo Y gets represented in Smash. Charizard Y gets nothing (but the cover of super mystery dungeon I guess).Regular Mewtwo having X as his Mega in Pokken is super disappointing, it feels pointless to have two Mewtwos in the game and have them have the same Mega...
It really hasn't mattered since gen 4, but if you want to ignore the ease of the internet I'd say that...OR has a slightly better selection. Regular Sapphire destroys Ruby so this is a reversal.
Regular Mewtwo having X as his Mega in Pokken is super disappointing, it feels pointless to have two Mewtwos in the game and have them have the same Mega...
Finally got to the point in XY where the first mega evolution episode aired. Would it be better to watch it alongside the series or would I be ok to watch all four now?
I'd recommend that you do the delta episode in the post game before selling. It starts immediately after you beat the elite four and is only a couple hours long. It was one of my favorite parts of the remake, but part of that may be since it was new content.I'm not going to play it to 100%, and just want to beat the main campaign. I'm not the type to grind, mate, etc. and beat the Elite 4 in the post credits stuff.
I'll likely beat the campaign then sell it.
But I was curious if it is better than OR. I like the Pokemon on the cover of OR better. I normally use a fire team, though, and if the baddies are a water team, that's out the window.
Ok thanks! Watched first episode and thought it was really good. Looking forward to watching the next parts of it, although that will be a while down the line.Alongside is better![]()
What is the power hidden in Volcanion's arms!?
But Y gets the lion share a lot.
Oh yeah they fixed it as Azoth Kingdom.
Why oh why does West Shellos have such an inferior design and yet is the only type available for like 4 gyms?
Magcargo doesn't look that strong? With stuff like N and whatnot you can come back decently well. The issue is if you have no Supporter in hand and don't draw one for a while. Pokemon is a very draw-heavy game.So I played Pokemon TCGO a bit today and, wow, there's really no way to come back when your opponent has a strong Pokemon out, huh? Was playing against this guy and I got Magcargo out on turn three and totally destroyed him as he was incapable of doing anything.
Also I forgot how many coin flips this game has. Geeze.
That's interesting as there was a book in Team Magma/Aqua base with talking about Primal Reversion and Megas and the letter A,Z,O,T,H was mentioned.
I wonder if this is a connection and what it will mean for "Pokémon Z"?
I wouldn't mind.Who is hyped for?BW3
to be fair though "azoth" is an alchemy term
Running back and forth to make sure I have a Roselia before Lvl. 19 is PAINFUL. Fuck friendship evolutions + a line's best attack for awhile being exclusive to one evolution.
So I went away for a few days and managed to finish Red in the meantime (I consider finishing Red as everything up to catching Mewtwo).
Here are some of my thoughts.
- While not as bad as Diamond/Pearl Red is very slow. Having to go to the menu to use HM moves does not help much
- The Pokémon League is pathetically easy, especially Blue. I was around 12-18 levels below Blue when I beat him (highest member was Zapdos at 53)
- Some Pokémon are just not worth using if you don't give them certain TMs (Nidoking in general and he needs a lot of TMs, Arcanine needs Dig otherwise he's just a worse Charmander, Exeggutor needs Mega Drain/Psychic)
- Nostalgia trip is pleasant but I imagine a lot of people that buy these games on 3DS are going to realise how far behind Red & Blue really are
I just realized that in Ash's XY team, only Noibat hasn't had a chance to fight in a gym battle.
Would be neat to see him in Wulfric's fight.
I just realized that in Ash's XY team, only Noibat hasn't had a chance to fight in a gym battle.
Would be neat to see him in Wulfric's fight.
Did Ash always took so long to catch his last Pokemon?
I know in OS he got his 7th mon earlier since it was a plot point, and he kept rotating around his mons throughout OS.
He didn't exactly rotate his Pokémon in Kanto, once Butterfree left his 6th slot was empty and later fulfilled by Primeape. Which he then left it behind with a trainer to train for the P-1 and for the rest of the Kanto arc it was left empty and didn't get filled until he caught a Snorlax in the Orange Island.
>XY&Z13 - Sceptile
>XY&Z14 - 50% Zygarde
>XY&Z15 - Chesnaught
>XY&Z16 - Dragonair
>XY&Z17 - Zapdos
>XY&Z18 - Binacle
>XY&Z19 - Sylveon
>XY&Z20 - Delphox
>XY&Z21 - Buneary