Could someone edit my Avatar so the Moon is in the upper right corner of my avatar?
I will be forever grateful![]()
Didn't look good on the right:
And flipped:
Could someone edit my avatar so it Mettaton is holding the moon logo in his open palm?
Now that one would be hard since the moon logo is cut off on the side...
Lemme see if I can fill out the rest of the logo.
I don't ACTUALLY think that there's going to be an NX version at launch, but of course they're going to say it's a 3DS-exclusive now- the NX isn't revealed yet, and they'll want to avoid talk of mobile ports.Just PR to show that you can only enjoy pokemon on nintedo systems or hope that it will only be a launch exclusive for 3ds and later an improved version for NX might be possible, like Zelda TP?(<-naive speculating, i know..but believe ;-) )
Oh don't worry about it if it is extra work. Just one of the corners would be fine.
I did it with and without and outline on the logo.
Here's the full version of the logo I made.
What I'm curious about is how Sun/Moon will push the 20th Anniversary aspects because X/Y already felt like a celebration of the entire series to me with its callbacks and large roster of older Pokemon.
Maybe they'll bring back past human characters to play a part in the main story? We have that commemorative artwork of Red pulling a can with a rainbow on it out of his backpack, maybe it's foreshadowing an appearance.
also possibleOr it could be fans looking for something that is probably nothing.
Maybe they'll bring back past human characters to play a part in the main story? We have that commemorative artwork of Red pulling a can with a rainbow on it out of his backpack, maybe it's foreshadowing an appearance.
I cant get my hands on a pokemon code. Its always been my dram to own a Mew and I guess it will remain unfulfilled till the end of time.
I really like how this announcement messes up the patterns people always feel are set in stone. It's always funny seeing people argue videogame related stuff with things like "this company has always done this so they'll do this next!" and then seeing it turn other way.
It's also pretty hilarious we got no game footage. Such a tease.
Can't wait until May to hear the next batch of news.![]()
Bought Omega Ruby today! This will be the first time I'll venture out into the Hoenn region.I bought a white box as well, as I don't like the red one.
If you are talking about Omega Ruby it is pretty straightforward. I'd say just use the Pokémon you like the look of! You should be able to get by with pretty much any group you collect.Any tips to someone who is playing Ruby for the first time?
Holy crap, the Flare Admins are amazing in the cartoon.
Also, it seems they're recycling the Thunderbolt animation now. This might've been the case (this was the case prior to X/Y), but Pikachu used it so many times this episode, it was easy to tell.
The Pokémon Day stream on Twitch is live now and for the next 24 hours.
It's not news we are looking for. It's to celebrate all things Pokemon. Being nostalgic and just enjoying it. Unfortunately I'll go to sleep in two hours. Unless I'm still up playing Omega Ruby.I can't imagine any news dropping via the twitch stream, especially after they had a Direct.
It's not news we are looking for. It's to celebrate all things Pokemon. Being nostalgic and just enjoying it. Unfortunately I'll go to sleep in two hours. Unless I'm still up playing Omega Ruby.
Ah, apologies. I thought you were reporting it as a possible source of info for Sun/Moon.
Hopefully the next CoroCoro will have some kind of info on the games since we don't really have anything right now.
Right, which is why I said I noticed it prior to X/Y, and this episode caught me by surprise.They always recycle animations. The trick is hiding it, XY does it well because no more shitty attack lines.
I remember when Pokémon started becoming popular during middle school. I remember the commercials, and the TCG became popular enough to be banned from school. Out of curiosity, I decided to watch the animé series on Kids WB, the episode was "The School of Hard Knocks". My parents told me not to watch it because I was "too old for it". Even so, I became a closet fan until a few years later when no one in my family really cared anymore. The idea of being a Pokémon trainer was exciting to me because of the notion of having a personalized team of 6 Pokemon with my own strategies and moves, especially the Psychic-type Pokémon Alakazam, which was awesomely powerful (especially in the first games, where Psychic type was outright broken).
By this time, Gold & Silver were on their way, In 2000, I joined my first message board, a Pokémon community called Psypoké where I remained for some 6 years. I made a lot of good friends there too. I eventually held off buying a game until Crystal came out in 2001, when I also bought a Game Boy Advance. I loved it, caught as many as I could, and then 2003 rolled around and I bought Pokémon Sapphire. The game felt like a breath of fresh air for me, as the graphics were greatly improved over the 8-bit Gen I and Gen II games. It remained my favorite game (at least until the remake) because of the region, the storyline with Team Aqua and Magma, and some of the best Pokémon ever (including my favorite, Gardevoir). Later came the remakes of Red and (the Japan-only) Green, and I had taken advantage of my brother's Game Boy Advance SP to trade and try to collect them all (and I came close too).
However, it was during my playthrough of FireRed that I started to burn out on the constant need to grind experience and the barebones and formulaic story. It was after it took me a year to get through Diamond (DS) that I decided to take a break. I skipped Black and White, but Black 2 and White 2 came with what amounts to achievements, and a Pokédex feature that allows you to organize by area to see if you've seen and caught all Pokémon there. I got Black 2 and it turns out that break was good for me. I blew through it, and actually got excited for Pokémon X, which got a simultaneous worldwide release (a first for the series). I loved it thanks to the fully 3D graphics and Exp. Share which got rid of grinding. Alpha Sapphire came out a year later, and now I'm looking forward to the recently announced Pokémon Moon.
As much as I wanted Pokémon Stadium (Pokémon in 3D instead of 8-bit graphics!), I never did get a Nintendo 64, not that it would have helped without any of the Game Boy games (I didn't get Crystal until the Gamecube came out). I did get Pokémon Colosseum and XD, and while again, it was nice to have Pokémon in 3D, the games paled in comparison to the portable versions, mostly due to lack of wild Pokémon encounters and use of N64 models. i had more fun with Pokémon Battle Revolution (trainer customization!) than other people, but it was unpopular due to being a stripped-down Pokémon Stadium.
I never really got into the Trading Card Game, though when I lived in Calhan, some friends I rode the bus with gave me a good number of them. As for the animé, I kept watching until they reached Hoenn, then I just dropped off, checking back now and again to find that Ash has never aged a day, and due to his poor decision making, almost never wins a Pokémon League tournament, only to toss out his good Pokémon (sans Pikachu) and start fresh in a new region.
Oh, and Pikachu itself? It's cute, but there are better Electric-type Pokemon to use instead, like Magneton, Luxray, and Zebstrika, which I've used on my teams in the past.
So Happy 20th Anniversary to Pokémon, and here's to more great games, though I wonder how far it can go.