I respect Prof Beef for not giving a fuck about people's opinion of his opinions
then why is beefs pillow so tear stained
I respect Prof Beef for not giving a fuck about people's opinion of his opinions
Probably won't hit US until at least late 2013 so you should get Tri and play with Billie and I.
What, you guys still play Tri? I thought I got left behind by taking a break too. Who else still plays?
then why is beefs pillow so tear stained
then why is beefs pillow so tear stained
What, you guys still play Tri? I thought I got left behind by taking a break too. Who else still plays?
I haven't played very very recently but that's because of my whole job thing... but now that I don't have a job anymore I should be able to play more.Not this coming week though. But after I should be good to go.
I tried getting Billie to play last month but he was like "NO ANDREX I HATE YOU STUPID EXAMS ARE MORE IMPORTANT" and I just assumed it was that time of the month or something and haven't asked to play with him since. :<
then why is beefs pillow so tear stained
I think you're confused, hon.
"How come he...because i saw that episode of fresh prince again
You're hard to keep straight, teehee.
In this post, I reveal I'm playing Pokemon for the wrong reasons. Haha
Now I can put up with a lot of questionable opinions in this thread (what with their being Digimon and Hoenn fans up in this joint) but did someone really call Partners in Time better than Superstar Saga?
Don't get me wrong now, PiT gets a lot of undeserved hate but man, that shit is just cold.
Hey guys! I just made a history video on Pokemon Gold/Silver, I thought you guys might like it.
I think we all have the wrong reasons.
Hey guys! I just made a history video on Pokemon Gold/Silver, I thought you guys might like it.
Pokemon is always 'ignored' at E3. They only announce stuff we already know. It's too close to NCL's heart to let NOA have a Pokemon exclusive. There's no surprise there.
Hopefully the 3DS / Wii U will have some utility games / apps for Pokemon B/W2, like PokeBox and Stadium titles. But we'll never find that stuff out at E3.
By NCL you mean Nintendo Japan?
Yah, Nintendo Co., Ltd.By NCL you mean Nintendo Japan?
Nintendo Co., Ltd.
There is no "Nintendo Japan."
Yah, Nintendo Co., Ltd.
It's true, the only place I expect to see brand new news pop up goes like:
Pokemon Smash (footage, usually)
Assorted variety shows (Oha Star and the like)
Well it is Nintendo, in Japan.
It's a self sufficient promotional cycle, completely independent of the gaming industry's major events.I think that Game Freak (in cooperation with the Pokemon Company) has constructed a system in which, between the games and the surrounding media, they can release a steady trickle of announcements year-round, avoiding the need for "megaton" press conferences. The games themselves are full of secrets that require developer intervention to be unlocked legitimately, often at events that coincide with anime film releases.
It's a self sufficient promotional cycle, completely independent of the gaming industry's major events.
Just finished Platinum for the first time. Now I understand why people were praising B/W's dogshit story for being amazing; it really was in comparison to the turd that was Platinum. Man.
I still think Platinum's localization blows Black and White out of the water, though.
But Nob's been on since the beginning of the series lolPlatinum is what happens when your translator is a member of Something Awful.
Kazerei is, apparently.One more week until Pokémon Conquest!
Who's doing the OT?
Gen 6 is going to be so good if the 3DS remains unhacked. Real surprises for the first time in the history of the series.
Well, I mean, even ignoring the internet jokes, Platinum is...more lively than Black and White's stilted translation.Platinum is what happens when your translator is a member of Something Awful.
Hey guys! I just made a history video on Pokemon Gold/Silver, I thought you guys might like it.
So, the Keldeo Cover leak (which has been removed) was posted on an official site, so no one actually has the magazine yet it seems.Hopefully we start seeing stuff tonight.
Only rumor I've heard is that Ash's new BW rival is a Keldeo using guy named Kaiba. :0
Well, I mean, even ignoring the internet jokes, Platinum is...more lively than Black and White's stilted translation.
Plus I kind of like some of Platinum's story, like the introduction of Handsome, the implied back-story with Charon, and other little things, like Volkner and Flint's relationship. Sure, Black and White had a better immediate story, but I still find DPt more charming overall in its world.
Huh.Only rumor I've heard is that Ash's new BW rival is a Keldeo using guy named Kaiba. :0
Were it not for Nintendo's co-ownership of the franchise, then they could probably get away with releasing a game system that only played Pokemon games, exclusively.
Wait, so will he be getting more than 8 badges now?
Wait, so will he be getting more than 8 badges now?
Nah. Homika gives him his eighth badge, with a three minth gap before the league, and Drayden and Shizui factor into the upcoming World Tournament arc.Wait, so will he be getting more than 8 badges now?