Dragoon En Regalia
Top percentage of anime crossovers? I never thought you'd ask!
Jesus Christ, did Homika's Koffing really take down 2 of Ash's evolved Pokémon by itself in the new episode? That's a bit of a stretch, writers.
We had a small discussion about this a few pages back. We suggested it was due to vitamins and her being a rock star.
Ah, I see. That explains it, then.
I hope Homika uses a similar/identical team in BW2; it would make for a good battle.
She's the second Gym Leader so she most assuredly won't. She might use a Whirlipede, or a Trubbish, but she won't be using Scolipede or Garbodor.
Koffing is so awesome. I get why it's Ryan Davis's favourite Pokemon now.
And Keldeo definitely still sucks.
HipsterGreat, now I hate Koffing.
Great, now I hate Koffing.
Great, now I hate Koffing.
Maybe Pokedex memory isn't transferred from Pokedex to Pokedex and like the games, data is only recorded when you actually scan the Pokemon so he wants to fill it up even if he has already seen a Pokemon before. Also Ash's selective memory regarding Pokemon is pretty much a character trait at this point, I loved how in the last episode Ash was lecturing a kid using his Pikachu about using thunderbolt on Krokorok even though he makes that same mistake all the time.He also had to scan Zorua again. Maybe he's secretly a Venture and is cloned at the beginning of every season, only without the memories of the past clones. It would explain his apparent amnesia when it comes to battling, type advantages and old species.
Seeing the Pokemon Conquest commercials, it makes me wonder why Eevee wasn't the main Pokemon in the old games.
Eh. Every time he's fought a Koffing before it was the one owned by an inept gangster. In a serious gym battle he'd need more strategy than "Pikachu, use Thundershock"![]()
Pokédex has a purpose in the game; it tells you the area of the game that Pokémon come from and is fairly vital in trying to complete your collection.
The Electivire/Magmortar split solidifies my decision to get White 2.
Jesus Christ, did Homika's Koffing really take down 2 of Ash's evolved Pokémon by itself in the new episode? That's a bit of a stretch, writers.
excellent, my sister is gonna love those toys!
Like how quick can we post to get this off the page?
Check out Sonicwave1000, REGIROCK and PokéRemixStudio's works. They're not exclusively D&B, but each has their fair share.
yea, sure, your "sister"
hapinano's famous medleyWhat even is that pic??? .___________________.
My pokemans return to black is so fun! I finally got to chargestone cave where I picked up my final pokemans, Joltick.
So may party is right at this moment
35 Darmanitan
35 Dewott
35 Krokorok
35 Archen (I didn;t realise he canny learn fly yet T__________T)
35 Scraggy
30 Joltick
It was a bit of a lonely journey till route 4 for my Oshawott. But there my party went for 1 to 4 instantly. Then I raced over to grab archen after the road block was cleared and my path to the ruins was open.
Man Archen is so cool. I only wish he could FLY(hm)
Also anyone know of any good pokemon DnB/electronic remixes? I found some on soundcloud which are pretty damm good..
http://soundcloud.com/empiricdnb/pkmn-gold-lance-vs-red <-- I wish this was longer
http://soundcloud.com/tomphilip/tomiphilip-abandoned-pokemon <--sooo soothing ^_^
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