It's not like there are any other good ones anyways.Whoa, I want that shiny Krookodile. Truly the best Dark type that learns Moxie.
It's not like there are any other good ones anyways.
I think there's one other one with moxie, but he sucks so no one cares.
Honchkrow gets Moxie in Dream World.
Hell Yeah fantastic
The shades. The shades.
Why is there no love for Bluebro?Huge List Of The Greatest Shiny Pokemon (not in any order)
Shades, eh? I think I prefer the kind of shades that are on Sunglasses Sandile like that.
Whoa, I want that shiny Krookodile. Truly the best Dark type that learns Moxie.
It's not like there are any other good ones anyways.
It looks gold in Pokemon Stadium 2 when you use Harden. And overall bronze if it's shiny.Those are really nice, but my issue with the Steelix one is that it isn't gold enough. Still great, but a missed opportunity in my book.
how i could forget him? soooo gooodI forgot about Scizor.
Soooooooooo good. Probably my favourite shiny.
I would take that Scizor to a Pokémon Center. It's never good when your Pokemon is a bile like color.
I like shiny Azumarill.
He's trying so hard to be Pikachu.
Hell Yeah fantastic
I'm looking for some help on a Pokemon game here. This thread seems to be the place to ask, I hope I'm not mistaken.
I'm playing through Soulsilver at the moment, and my experience with Pokemon games consists of this game and Green Leaf, if memory serves. I had no problem on the first gen game apart for the final fight and the insane grinding I had to do to win it.
But Soulsilver is another story. I beat all 8 gym leaders and must now capture Lugia.
My problem is, I have a so hard time with the game that I don't know if I'm playing it 'right'. Level-wise it feels like banging my head against a wall. I can't seem to follow 10 minutes of plot without having to spend hours on fights to be in the level range of the boss fights. I had to redo the kimono ladies several times for example. And now I see Lugia is lvl 45 and my most advanced Pokemon is 38...
Well, I have no problem with experience grinding, but where do you think I should do it ? Wild Pokemons are not really experience-friendly in general, my phone contacts rarely propose a fight, how can I buff my little team ? (of adorable losers ^_^)
I'd save that for one of the roaming Pokemon (Entei/Latios/Raikou) if I were him.If you're really that worried, just catch Lugia in your Master Ball
Just kicked Roark's dumbly named arse. Turtwig fucked up all 3 of his Pokemon with ease- the only hiccup being the failure to OHKO Cranidos. Fucker had a sliver left, then Roark used a Potion. He was dead the next turn. I forgot it only evolves at Lvl 18.
Caught a Zubat, a Ponyta, a Geodude and a Psyduck. Obviously, I named the Psyduck after Billiechu. No deaths yet!
Team is currently:
TURTWIG, lvl 16
Beef the Shinx, lvl 13
Billie the Psyduck, lvl 13
Captain the Starly, lvl 13
Fang Time the Zubat, lvl 9
Furious D the Ponyta, lvl 7
Or an Ice move, since by its final evolution it'll have a 4x weakness to that. Better have it sit out the 7th gym if it's still alive by then.Or some cheap-ass bullshit, either/or really.
It's been awhile since I've played but isn't it possible to temporarily skip Lugia for now by losing on purpose and returning to fight/capture it at a later time? I think I did that in my game but I'm not completely sure.I'm looking for some help on a Pokemon game here. This thread seems to be the place to ask, I hope I'm not mistaken.
I'm playing through Soulsilver at the moment, and my experience with Pokemon games consists of this game and Green Leaf, if memory serves. I had no problem on the first gen game apart for the final fight and the insane grinding I had to do to win it.
But Soulsilver is another story. I beat all 8 gym leaders and must now capture Lugia.
My problem is, I have a so hard time with the game that I don't know if I'm playing it 'right'. Level-wise it feels like banging my head against a wall. I can't seem to follow 10 minutes of plot without having to spend hours on fights to be in the level range of the boss fights. I had to redo the kimono ladies several times for example. And now I see Lugia is lvl 45 and my most advanced Pokemon is 38...
Team is currently:
TURTWIG, lvl 16
Beef the Shinx, lvl 13
Billie the Psyduck, lvl 13
Captain the Starly, lvl 13
Fang Time the Zubat, lvl 9
Furious D the Ponyta, lvl 7
Or an Ice move, since by its final evolution it'll have a 4x weakness to that. Better have it sit out the 7th gym if it's still alive by then.
I've been warned, especially given Platinum Candance is even more dangerous than normal.
Thanks! Looking over it now.Oh, and here's your guide, Nub:
I'm looking for some help on a Pokemon game here. This thread seems to be the place to ask, I hope I'm not mistaken.
I'm playing through Soulsilver at the moment, and my experience with Pokemon games consists of this game and Green Leaf, if memory serves. I had no problem on the first gen game apart for the final fight and the insane grinding I had to do to win it.
But Soulsilver is another story. I beat all 8 gym leaders and must now capture Lugia.
My problem is, I have a so hard time with the game that I don't know if I'm playing it 'right'. Level-wise it feels like banging my head against a wall. I can't seem to follow 10 minutes of plot without having to spend hours on fights to be in the level range of the boss fights. I had to redo the kimono ladies several times for example. And now I see Lugia is lvl 45 and my most advanced Pokemon is 38...
Well, I have no problem with experience grinding, but where do you think I should do it ? Wild Pokemons are not really experience-friendly in general, my phone contacts rarely propose a fight, how can I buff my little team ? (of adorable losers ^_^)
so i fought roark with a level 17 turtwig lol
On it Scrafty! I just figured no-one wants to be Zubat or Geodude. :lol
Green scar, where's your avatar from?
It's so cute *w*