less laughter
Those are all Torchic nuggets ;_;
I like that pikachu is doing it with him.
That's why I loved Mime Jr. on the show too.
I like that pikachu is doing it with him.
Those are all Torchic nuggets ;_;
So how about them waste bins past Red and Blue not containing items? What's up with that?
So how about them waste bins past Red and Blue not containing items? What's up with that?
The bags crawled out and became Trubbish that migrated from Kanto to Unova.So how about them waste bins past Red and Blue not containing items? What's up with that?
They also stopped dropping their coins in the Casino.People started being more sensible with what they threw away I guess.
Don't some still do? I remember the Old Chateau in D/P having one... but that's been it for a while...
I always check them, too. Damn OCD. T_T
This site is pretty cool.
I have a general question.
When breeding, how does one choose which IV to pass down?
For example, Tirtouga - if I am breeding a Tirtouga who has a high defense stat, with the attack being the second highest stat, and the parents have 28's in defense, and 27's in attack, how should I choose WHICH of these two to guarantee to pass down (with an item, of course)? Do I choose defense since it's the highest base stat? Or do I choose attack since it's the second highest and also high in each parent's IV's? Do I want to risk the defense being low by not passing it down even though it's the highest base stat?
I'm just wondering how people decide to do this.
If the base defense stat is the highest the Pokemon has at level 1, would I want to pass that down or would I want to pass down attack as it's the second highest possible stat?
I'm having a rough time deciding which to pass down.
The Pokemon in question is Tirtouga.
Thanks for any help, all!
Mean answer: I'd pass down neither, because I don't sully my hands with anything less than perfect IVs.
Polite answer: Choosing which IVs to pass on depends on what role you want the Pokémon to have. For a Pokémon like Tirtouga The defence stat would be my priority, so it has the best chance to survive the first turn and get a Shell Smash in to sweep. Unless I planned on using a focus sash, in which case I would focus on Attack.Actually, I would focus on speed, but in this example...
i dont care about EVs or IVs
I am less cool as a person![]()
It must be nice being able to have fun while getting curb stomped repeatedly.I'm gonna battle pokegaffers in bw2 and I will win at HAVING FUN
all y'all so mean to me ;~;
So how about them waste bins past Red and Blue not containing items? What's up with that?
You make it so easy!
Sends a bad message to kids.
Sends a bad message to kids.
EVs are because you have more stats to add with em, however if you have a speed Pokemon on your team, not having maxed Speed in an IV will cost you a lot of matchups.
Well they are back to encouraging it in BW2.Sends a bad message to kids.
I wonder if threatening to blow up an entire village with a bomb is a bad message as well?
Very. It's why Pokemon is still on Family groups bad list.
Unless the Pokemon depends on Hidden Power :lolEh, EVs are more important than IVs anyways.
Is Flaaffy supposed to be total shit or what? My level 28 Flaaffy can't OHKO a level 18 Goldeen with Thundershock. It's so embarrassing. Will he get better when evolved or do I need to start leveling a new a Mareep?
That's a simple way to put it, yes. SkarmBliss had the issue of a lot of us being on Smogon and stepping it up after 2010 which meant they got less traffic. They were doing things very similarly to Smogon. With Nugget Bridge, we have pretty much every relevant VGC person who used to be on SkarmBliss and Smogon. We're also trying to do things a little differently as we don't agree with how they were done there.So Nugget Bridge is the new SkarmBliss? But with more content?
So I recently just started trying to EV train pokemon and succesfully just finished my first one. Its still a pretty low level though, so now that im done ev training, would it be ok to give it exp share and power level it with the elite four?
So I recently just started trying to EV train pokemon and succesfully just finished my first one. Its still a pretty low level though, so now that im done ev training, would it be ok to give it exp share and power level it with the elite four?
Yes, although grinding for Audinos and giving it a Lucky Egg is probably much faster.
If you want to make sure you didn't miss a few points, make sure to pick up the Effort Ribbon in Opelucid City. A lady in the house above the Pokemon Centre will look at the first Pokemon in your party. If the Pokemon has the full 510 EVs, you'll receive a ribbon on that Pokemon.
You don't get a ribbon anymore. She just says your Pokemon worked hard or something.
So guys, should I get Pokemon Conquest?
Just started my White save and have been using Oshawott soley. Dubbed him Kanji (Don't ask) but I'm not sure who to go with next. I would like a full party but until I get through with the story, I'd rather stick with 3 as it's easier to level that way. Who else should I consider? I was thinking one past gen Poke and another Gen V one. As for the older gen Pokemon I'd consider...
Was gonna add Ludicolo to the list but having a water type kind of makes him half useless. Poor Ludicolo. Oh and any suggestions for another Gen V Pokemon would help too!
Just started my White save and have been using Oshawott soley. Dubbed him Kanji (Don't ask) but I'm not sure who to go with next. I would like a full party but until I get through with the story, I'd rather stick with 3 as it's easier to level that way. Who else should I consider? I was thinking one past gen Poke and another Gen V one. As for the older gen Pokemon I'd consider...
Was gonna add Ludicolo to the list but having a water type kind of makes him half useless. Poor Ludicolo. Oh and any suggestions for another Gen V Pokemon would help too!
I want a Gengar in my White so badly. :/