Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


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Not every episode, but they show up from time to time. Their tone is a lot more serious now and they're become "competent" too.

Ah, I see. Good that it's less, I know after watching tons of Seasons of the Pokemon Anime, the whole Team Rocket every episode except one grew old very quickly for me.

It was almost like a privilege to not see them because they'd do the exact same thing as before.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
That video seems to dash hopes of the Straighton Trio being the Shadow Triad too, since the one who talked wasn't voiced by any of the VAs from the anime (and iirc they used Bel's and Elesa's anime VAs for this).

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Make Masquerain Bug/Water, and give it Levitate or, like, don't because Beedrill, Dustox, and Venomoth don't have it.

Surskit >>> Masquerain is GameFreak's biggest mistake. :<


hi guys, just a quick question. I never played Black and White, but I am thinking of getting Black 2 or White 2. Should I play the first games or not? It seems like the story is going to be connected so I'm thinking of getting them now. I was initially turned off by Black and White because the new pokemon but if I have to play it to get the story I will. I have a 3ds by the way so does that affect the games in anyway? Thanks in advance if someone answers me!


hi guys, just a quick question. I never played Black and White, but I am thinking of getting Black 2 or White 2. Should I play the first games or not? It seems like the story is going to be connected so I'm thinking of getting them now. I was initially turned off by Black and White because the new pokemon but if I have to play it to get the story I will. I have a 3ds by the way so does that affect the games in anyway? Thanks in advance if someone answers me!
If you'll love BW2, you'll love BW too. If you're absolutely certain you won't like BW but like BW2, then don't bother with BW, but I don't think that'll happen.

The story can be summarized in a few sentences and pictures and you won't miss a thing. It's a non-issue.
Not to mention GF would do everything in its power to make sure people who never played the first ones will feel at home. They're good at that.
Shame that anime trailer for the game didn't show the female pc or Homika but beggars can't be choosers. I wonder if the rival will actually be buddy buddy with the main pc or was it just something they felt like doing for the hell of it? Kinda miss having a rival you would love to punch in the face...


Shame that anime trailer for the game didn't show the female pc or Homika but beggars can't be choosers. I wonder if the rival will actually be buddy buddy with the main pc or was it just something they felt like doing for the hell of it? Kinda miss having a rival you would love to punch in the face...

Cheren and Silver were definitely punchable....especially Silver.
Can I transfer my Pokémon Black pokémon to some kind of pokémon virtual box thingy?

I've been scouring the internet and I can't find anything ):


Make Masquerain Bug/Water, and give it Levitate or, like, don't because Beedrill, Dustox, and Venomoth don't have it.

Surskit >>> Masquerain is GameFreak's biggest mistake. :<

Well, personally I'd rather see Grass/Dragon than another Fire/Dragon, even if the former does get its STABs resisted by Steel.

Or we could just add Brave Bird to Salamence and Gyarados move pool, just do they could be more broken.
Could you guys mention more stuff like this? I mean, some more metagame insight and criticisms for what should be done to make every pokemon viable in some form or another. Whether it be movepool adjustments, type alteration, or base stat meddling.

Going 3rd gen and back.
Touche. Silver deserved to be punched but actually I'm still waiting for someone on Gary's levels. He was the ultimate jerk and I loved beating his team over and over again. Is it wrong I only found Cheren annoying at best? He didn't seem all that bad...he was ambitious but I've seen worse.


Hey ya'll, not sure if this is the right place to post this, and if it's not I preemptively apologize for interrupting BW2 hype. But a friend and I are going to try having our first "serious" (breeding, EVs, natures, the whole kit 'n kaboodle) battle next week. I've been trying to decide which pokemon to use, and two I've been looking at, Charizard and Slowbro, seem to require their dream world abilities to be competitively viable. Problem is that despite the fact that I've been playing pokemon since red/blue came out when I was nine years old, I'm apparently an old man now and everything regarding the dream world is too nutty for me to understand

So my question is, is it even possible for me to get either a slowpoke or a charmander from the dream world right now? Like, are certain pokemon only available at certain times or during events, or is it all chance based which ones I run into on the dream island? I won't even bother asking if anyone would be willing to trade since I probably have nothing bombass. Big ol' 'preciate'cha to anyone who reads this probably really dumb post
Touche. Silver deserved to be punched but actually I'm still waiting for someone on Gary's levels. He was the ultimate jerk and I loved beating his team over and over again. Is it wrong I only found Cheren annoying at best? He didn't seem all that bad...he was ambitious but I've seen worse.

Sit back, because I'm about to blow your mind.

Such a rival exists in Black and White; it just so happens that it's the MC from Cheren's perspective.

The player is to Cheren what Blue is to Red; someone who always pops up and makes him look stupid.
Could you guys mention more stuff like this? I mean, some more metagame insight and criticisms for what should be done to make every pokemon viable in some form or another. Whether it be movepool adjustments, type alteration, or base stat meddling.

Going 3rd gen and back.

Okay, here I go:

-Edit Shedinja's stats and movepool to make him more viable. As he is, he's a joke character who's overshadowed by his counterpart.

-Please, please, please, please, PLEASE make Dunsparce better. He's one of my favourite Pokémon, and yet he's virtually unusable. Perhaps an Attack/Speed augmentation and some more good moves? You could even make him Normal/Ground if it helps. An ideal set would be something like: Body Slam, Earthquake, Headbutt, and Curse.

-Add some variety to the random encounters. Don't make every cave Zubat and Geodude and every ocean Tentacool and Magikarp.

-Add some moves and stat boosts to the starters in order to make each one equally viable, instead of everyone choosing Charizard.

-Improve Delcatty and Sunflora. Both are useless Pokémon who evolve from useless Pokémon

And that's all I can think of off of the top of my head. If I get more ideas, I'll post 'em here.


Shedinja is pretty fine as is. Sees moderate usage in every official metqgame ever. His issue is Tyranitar and Abomasnow who are omnipresent more than anything and that's something that stats and movepool changes can't fix.

OMG Aero

Hey ya'll, not sure if this is the right place to post this, and if it's not I preemptively apologize for interrupting BW2 hype. But a friend and I are going to try having our first "serious" (breeding, EVs, natures, the whole kit 'n kaboodle) battle next week. I've been trying to decide which pokemon to use, and two I've been looking at, Charizard and Slowbro, seem to require their dream world abilities to be competitively viable. Problem is that despite the fact that I've been playing pokemon since red/blue came out when I was nine years old, I'm apparently an old man now and everything regarding the dream world is too nutty for me to understand

So my question is, is it even possible for me to get either a slowpoke or a charmander from the dream world right now? Like, are certain pokemon only available at certain times or during events, or is it all chance based which ones I run into on the dream island? I won't even bother asking if anyone would be willing to trade since I probably have nothing bombass. Big ol' 'preciate'cha to anyone who reads this probably really dumb post
A select few Pokemon are only available through certain events but for the majority of the Pokemon it is just chance who you run into, with the selection of Pokemon changing as you use it more and earn more points. I'm pretty sure that Charmander is one of the Pokemon that you can only get through an event that hasn't been held yet but it is possible to get Slowpoke right now. In fact, if you give me time I can breed my Dream World Slowpoke and give you one to save you messing around with Dream World and potentially not getting one for days.

Okay, here I go:

-Edit Shedinja's stats and movepool to make him more viable. As he is, he's a joke character who's overshadowed by his counterpart.
Yes please. Shedinja is my favourite Pokemon and it's terrible that there is basically no situation I can use it in without it getting killed by weather or spikes or something instantly. Hell, they even took away it inheriting moves from Ninjask learned at the moment of evolution so it can't even get swords dance now.
I wouldn't even mind if they kept all its stats the same but changed wonder guard so that super effective damage is the only thing that gets through. No spikes, weather or status effect damage. If they kept it at one HP that still wouldn't be overpowered.
Shedinja is pretty fine as is. Sees moderate usage in every official metqgame ever. His issue is Tyranitar and Abomasnow who are omnipresent more than anything and that's something that stats and movepool changes can't fix.

I wouldn't be using him for meta play; just for the main campaign.

I just want to be able to use him without having to Baton Pass buffs onto him. His stats as they are are kind of tosh.


A select few Pokemon are only available through certain events but for the majority of the Pokemon it is just chance who you run into, with the selection of Pokemon changing as you use it more and earn more points. I'm pretty sure that Charmander is one of the Pokemon that you can only get through an event that hasn't been held yet but it is possible to get Slowpoke right now. In fact, if you give me time I can breed my Dream World Slowpoke and give you one to save you messing around with Dream World and potentially not getting one for days.

Ahhhh thanks a bundle, I'd really appreciate it so long as it's not that much trouble for you. I'd PM you my friend code but I don't have the game on me right now. Feel free to send me yours though


Got a Milotic in my first playthrough of Ruby (started years ago), yeah! Berries hadn't been growing for ages, but luckily enough, I had the exact amount of proper berries left anyway to make the right Pokéblocks.

Now need to wait for a mate to get me a Latias, Cradily and Huntail and I'll finally have all the 200 of that game I started with back in the days.
Got a Milotic in my first playthrough of Ruby (started years ago), yeah! Berries hadn't been growing for ages, but luckily enough, I had the exact amount of proper berries left anyway to make the right Pokéblocks.

Now need to wait for a mate to get me a Latias, Cradily and Huntail and I'll finally have all the 200 of that game I started with back in the days.
I'm actually working on a Ruby nuzlocke myself. Only one death so far (Nuzleaf, fittingly enough) and en route to my sixth badge.


Nuzlocke? Well done taking on the challange. Still a level too high for me (plus, don't wan't to erase this Ruby file yet).

Though my initial Ruby playthrough wasn't Nuzlocke, I did end up with many 'first catch' Pokémon at the end: Swampert, Beautifly, Ralts and Linoone - all have been caught in the first areas of the game - were on my team that beat the Elite Four the first time.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
-Add some moves and stat boosts to the starters in order to make each one equally viable, instead of everyone choosing Charizard.
Pretty sure Blastoise and Venusaur are now used more than Charizard thanks to Stealth Rock.

I started a Nuzlocke on Platinum the other day, I'm using the catch the first Pokemon in each named area (plus first Honey Encounter, Fishing Rod) rule, although allowing myself to not count Pokemon I've already caught. I'm also not dumping my Starter if he dies, lol.

So far I've lost Machop to Cranidos' Pursuit. But the funnest part of Nuzlocke is using Pokemon you'd never touch otherwise, like depending of Bug Bite Wormadam to take on Gardenia.
Pretty sure Blastoise and Venusaur are now used more than Charizard thanks to Stealth Rock.

I started a Nuzlocke on Platinum the other day, I'm using the catch the first Pokemon in each named area (plus first Honey Encounter, Fishing Rod) rule, although allowing myself to not count Pokemon I've already caught. I'm also not dumping my Starter if he dies, lol.

So far I've lost Machop to Cranidos' Pursuit. But the funnest part of Nuzlocke is using Pokemon you'd never touch otherwise, like depending of Bug Bite Wormadam to take on Gardenia.

I was talking strictly campaign, not metagame.

I've successfully completed two Nuzlockes to date; one of Platinum and one of my friend's copy of White. They were both a lot of fun and really emotional.

My team for Platinum was:

Goku (Infernape. Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Mach Punch, Stone Edge)

Ionic (Porygon-Z. Tri-Attack, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot)

Castor (Drifblim. Thunder, Rain Dance, Fly, Shadow Ball)

Voltekka (Jolteon. Thunderbolt, Charge Beam, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave)

Groucho (Probopass. Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock, Shockwave)

Apoedia (Vespiquen. Attack Order, Power Gem, Sludge Bomb, Defend Order)

And here's my White team:

Murdoc (Emboar. Flare Blitz, Brick Break, Heat Press, Head Smash)

Zangief (Beartic. Icicle Drop, Superpower, Rock Slide, Bulk Up)

Arkadi (Gigalith. Stone Edge, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Facade)

Leonardo (Carracosta. Waterfall, Rock Slide, Surf, Shell Smash)

Rawk Hawk (Braviary. Brave Bird, Crush Claw, Superpower, Fly)

Gus (Amoongus. Spore, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain, Toxic)


I know nuzloke says you have to ko shinies I think...but what if the first encounter of an area is shiny?

That's news to me. The general opinion I've heard is that catching shinies is always fine, as long as you don't actually use them if they're not the first one you find. And if they're the first one you come across, go for it.


Isn't the whole idea that killing shinies and legendaries is a full endorsement of the rules? As you're supposed to only catch first-you-see Pokémon and a new one in case any of them dies.

Catching or killing a shiny is fine by your own choice, though it means you won't get XP if you do, which might mean you won't level up that time and won't learn a certain move that might be crucial next battle and..... blah blah one big 'what if' story.

I'd say: if you really want a shiny to import to another Pokémon game, just catch it. No one knows and it probably won't be a significant 'miss' of XP anyway.
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