What is ReBurst?
.(Kinda giving the pokemon little personalities to make this more fun. I know weird but why not!)
That's not weird; I love giving my Pokémon personalities (Nuzlocke or otherwise).
In my Nuzlocke of White, my Beartic, Zangief was very kind and fiercly loyal to both me and Unova even if he wasn't the brightest, and my Braviary, Rawk Hawk, was always rushing headlong into battle and loved to fight, his confidence augmented by his diverse moveset.
AwesomeI do wish Heart was not Modest though as that cripples her useful stat. Ah well she does get support moves.
What is that one pokémon manga where the main character had a microphone who can make him talk to pokémons? i remember enjoying a lot when i was a kid.
Bless reBurst.
There should be an anime/special run. Only use Pokemon Ash, Red, and other main characters use. Should be easy to pull. Only hard part is Yellow or Blue's team.
I did that in Emerald. Limited myself to his Hoenn Team, which was pretty good (Sceptile, Swellow, Torkoal, Corphish, and Glalie), although I allowed myself to fully evolve Corphish and kept spot 6 open for my HM Slave, which was mainly Linoone who helped with Pick Up, and later Rayquaza after obtaining him. Was rather fun.
Doing that in Diamond and Pearl wouldn't be too hard either, since you'd have Pikachu (Light Ball + Volt Tackle), Torterra, Infernape, Staraptor, Buizel, and Gliscor/Gible.
Try his Jotho team after most of his kanto team took off. Kinda bad if you stick to his first stage stuff. Bayleaf, Pikachu, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Noctowl and Heracross.
He got Phanpy near the end too, although it evolved years later during the Battle Frontier saga.
And it's been about seven years since then.![]()
He got Phanpy near the end too, although it evolved years later during the Battle Frontier saga.
And it's been about seven years since then.![]()
Reburst killed GAF.
Killed it? Or made it stronger?
NeoGAF Reburst
The Neo GAF Rises
His Cyndaqui also evolved years later too...
I did an Ash team in Yellow once.
Okay, I guess I cheated with evolving Bulbasaur and Squirtle, but whatever.
If you wanna get technical he never caught Haunter either.![]()
edit: OK, I saw they did an episode where Ash brings back Cyndaquil, and given that the Johto series was my heroin as a kid obviously I need to watch that. And WTF IS WRONG WITH NURSE JOY'S VOICE, and Oak's too
I knew about the cast change but this is the first time it's hurt. Ah well, the Sinnoh League is still proving to be a real nostalgia blast. Heracross is a boss. And Cyndaquil evolved! Awesome.
Barry is a lot of fun.
They're pretty good now. Bad at first but much better now.
Nostalgia makes it impossible to call, though.
I didn't like his anime version at first, took me until the actual Sinnoh Conference for me to warm up.
Ah, this is my first time watching DP in a long time (think I saw a couple episodes of the first DP series) so it's my first time seeing anime Barry. The talk of fines was something I totally forgot his game version did. :lol
Pokemon League continues to be vastly superior to the rest of the series, as usual. Shame they still insist on Team Rocket.
Have fun... this asshole is going to ruin it.
I definitely consider the original voices a lot better. 4Kids may not be too good(although there are reasons for this), I always liked the voice actors they choose for main characters.
Their One Piece choices were terrible outside of Zoro though.
Sanji's voice was pure gold.Their One Piece choices were terrible outside of Zoro though.
Their One Piece choices were terrible outside of Zoro though.
Their One Piece choices were terrible outside of Zoro though.
That's because One Piece is terrible. :3
I'm sorry to all of those to whom I am about to cause mental harm, but it is my duty to post this in response to anyone defending or praising 4Kids:
Never again.
Honestly the dub would be so much better if they just stopped dicking with the soundtrack.Yeah, Team Rocket is the worse part of the new dub...mainly the lines. Meowth and Jessie have alright voices, but man, they really took off with the rhyming and alliteration. It calms down in Best Wishes...but that's because now they suck and they're boring. :{
I have no problem with Ash now, nor Brock, Dawn, Iris, or Cilan, although the latter three never had any old VAs so it doesn't matter much.