Boy or Girl?
Despite being a man myself, I've always played as a girl in Pokemon games when given the option. My reasoning is that the early games forced you to be a boy, and the male character usually has a silly looking hat, while the girl trainer has a better hat.
Haha, I was thinking of exactly this earlier. What was up with the hats?!Despite being a man myself, I've always played as a girl in Pokemon games when given the option. My reasoning is that the early games forced you to be a boy, and the male character usually has a silly looking hat, while the girl trainer has a better hat.
Can you explain what you mean by this? I am not familiar with the game system you are describing.Picked up the game today. Preordered at Gamestop and apparently they had it on Sunday but didn't call me. =_=
Anyway, I've captured the first two kingdoms so far. Ignis and Greenleaf, I believe? I've got Eevee, Jigglypuff, Darumaka, Charmander and Sewaddle. I'm really liking this game so far, but it is on the easy side from what I can tell.
I'm a bit nervous about months passing by. Is there a time limit? I want to take my time and enjoy this game, but skipping by months is just a bit nerve wracking for me.
According to one review, you only have one chance to get some pokemon (legendaries? not sure) so you need to make sure to save first, too.Only one save.
The custom art for this game is AMAZING.
I'm guessing it doesn't matter since I was reading the game had up to 60+ hours of playtime after the main mission stuff is over, but I'm not certain.Picked up the game today. Preordered at Gamestop and apparently they had it on Sunday but didn't call me. =_=
Anyway, I've captured the first two kingdoms so far. Ignis and Greenleaf, I believe? I've got Eevee, Jigglypuff, Darumaka, Charmander and Sewaddle. I'm really liking this game so far, but it is on the easy side from what I can tell.
I'm a bit nervous about months passing by. Is there a time limit? I want to take my time and enjoy this game, but skipping by months is just a bit nerve wracking for me.
;~;What is this? Your life changing decision is based on hats? Girls are icky and should be thrown into jail and not allowed in playground and they smell! BOY!
I'm a bit nervous about months passing by. Is there a time limit? I want to take my time and enjoy this game, but skipping by months is just a bit nerve wracking for me.
Well, let's say you enter a kingdom. You fight some wild Pokemon or recruit some Warriors. After that, it says you can't do anything else, and you go to the next month. At the side of the screen it says (Month name), (Year 1) or whatever. So I'm wondering how many months or years you have to beat the main game, or if it's just infinite. I'm not entirely sure what it's for. There are other things you can do like mining for gold or going to shops but I'm not sure if those take up time or if it's just clearing the map.
Hmm. I guess we'll see.Could be wrong, but I think it's just another way of saying Turn 1, Turn 2, Turn 3, etc.
Picked up the game today. Preordered at Gamestop and apparently they had it on Sunday but didn't call me. =_=
Anyway, I've captured the first two kingdoms so far. Ignis and Greenleaf, I believe? I've got Eevee, Jigglypuff, Darumaka, Charmander and Sewaddle. I'm really liking this game so far, but it is on the easy side from what I can tell.
I'm a bit nervous about months passing by. Is there a time limit? I want to take my time and enjoy this game, but skipping by months is just a bit nerve wracking for me.
What is this? Your life changing decision is based on hats? Girls are icky and should be thrown into jail and not allowed in playground and they smell! BOY!
EDIT: Amazon order expected delivery June 21.... What gives.![]()
Picked up the game today. Preordered at Gamestop and apparently they had it on Sunday but didn't call me. =_=
Anyway, I've captured the first two kingdoms so far. Ignis and Greenleaf, I believe? I've got Eevee, Jigglypuff, Darumaka, Charmander and Sewaddle. I'm really liking this game so far, but it is on the easy side from what I can tell.
I'm a bit nervous about months passing by. Is there a time limit? I want to take my time and enjoy this game, but skipping by months is just a bit nerve wracking for me.
Hey, did you manage to recruit the Greenleaf Warlord by any chance?
No. =( I wasn't sure if you could. Thinking about it, I should've sent my Fire types to face his Snivy but I ended up using my Eevee instead, damn it! But I heard there's an extra condition to get special Warlords, so I'm not sure what those are.
If you meet certain conditions while battling another Warrior, such as defeating their Pokemon in less than four turns or by using a supereffective move, that Warrior will want to join your side and will become available to recruit after you win the battle.
Oh wait, this comes out next week? I was excited to go look at Best Buy/Wally World after work today.
E: OP says today, but Best Buy says 6/25/12. ffff?
Some stores are weird...Wal Mart website says the 18th.Oh wait, this comes out next week? I was excited to go look at Best Buy/Wally World after work today.
E: OP says today, but Best Buy says 6/25/12. ffff?
Seems to be a problem with Best Buy not getting the first shipment. I bought the game from GameStop today.
Some stores are weird...Wal Mart website says the 18th.
This thing is like $37 on Amazon. I forgot that Nintendo games on Amazon are stupidly priced.
Huh, I preordered it discounted for like $29.96, and I thought it listed the full price at $29.99 or something. It's not sold by Amazon directly though, so presumably that's why?This thing is like $37 on Amazon. I forgot that Nintendo games on Amazon are stupidly priced.
Huh, I preordered it discounted for like $29.96, and I thought it listed the full price at $29.99 or something. It's not sold by Amazon directly though, so presumably that's why?
Just got back from there and they said tomorrow : / bummedAre these instore at Gamestop? Their website says it releases tomorrow.
Do any of you guys who got it from Gamestop have the universal codes for the preorder Pokemon?
Boy or Girl?
Dratini Sr5Z5GqAgR
Pansear niE33w9rwM
Gyarados mq2xRVNgRL
Oshawott frCLRpXG88
Eevee 2rz3XFCKmR
Panpour CNZF3wpq3x
Gible LTb3n3RYJ8