he weepin.Save me hahaha
he weepin.Save me hahaha
Decided to drop by a square near my office that had some lures going on yesterday and today. I had a blast. Lots of people of all ages playing and shooting the shit about the game and Pokestops in the city, and I managed to grab a few I didn't have yet (started the day with Pokedex at 20 caught, now it's 29). Spent a little over 30 minutes roaming there then came back, but people were still at it when I left and I can see the lures from here.
Highlight was when I went to the opposite direction and one of they guys I spoke to that was in a group came back to tell me a Ryhorn had spawned. "Ryhorn, Ryhorn!", I had just captured it and said "Just got it!". Also cool when me and 3 other guys all stopped at the same time to grab a Ponyta.
Brazil btw, and yeah, no one was having their cellphones stolen and shit like people love to joke about. Very pleasant atmosphere, it was an area with 3 Pokestops one close to the other forming a triangle (hospital, church and square). Nice that I was able to experience the social aspect of the game, I was looking forward to it.
caught nothing but crap today so instead of nothing lets do a squad post show your strongest pokemon youve caught so far these are mine
no limit you might be having a connection error try restarting the app
Decided to drop by a square near my office that had some lures going on yesterday and today. I had a blast. Lots of people of all ages playing and shooting the shit about the game and Pokestops in the city, and I managed to grab a few I didn't have yet (started the day with Pokedex at 20 caught, now it's 29). Spent a little over 30 minutes roaming there then came back, but people were still at it when I left and I can see the lures from here.
Highlight was when I went to the opposite direction and one of they guys I spoke to that was in a group came back to tell me a Ryhorn had spawned. "Ryhorn, Ryhorn!", I had just captured it and said "Just got it!". Also cool when me and 3 other guys all stopped at the same time to grab a Ponyta.
Brazil btw, and yeah, no one was having their cellphones stolen and shit like people love to joke about. Very pleasant atmosphere, it was an area with 3 Pokestops one close to the other forming a triangle (hospital, church and square). Nice that I was able to experience the social aspect of the game, I was looking forward to it.
You all have such strong and for me, rare Pokemon. I've hardly seen any of these in your list. I'm level 19 now and still getting rubbish, most of the time 300+ cp and best I've caught in the wild was a 600+ Jynx about 2 weeks ago
Anyway here is my list:
34x great balls and no pokeballs.. :/
buy a buus ticket and do a full round redeeming the pokèstops on the way,you should go back to full in no time
What I'm saying it, releasing them specifically in generation-by-generation waves doesn't necessarily seem like the way to go. It seems like the obvious choice for longtime fans, but I think there are smarter ways to do it. Like, smaller (but perhaps more frequent) blocks based on popularity, or event (film releases, game releases, and other events) and seasonal driven releases. Especially with Sun & Moon JUST around the corner, waiting to go through blocks of ~70-150 every several months doesn't seem like an ideal rollout plan. There will be a batch of newly popular Pokémon who wouldn't hit Go until like, sometime around gen 8's release. I feel maybe 20 or so specifically chosen Pokémon every month or two would be more logical and engaging than just hitting everyone with an average of over 100 new Pokémon once or twice a year.
Yes, since I imagine that the daily active users has dropped considerably lately. This "bug" has been around for almost a week now. It's not new.
Where is this? Avenida Paulista is also a great place to socialize/catch rare Pokémons, there are a lot of lures all around.
here's my 12
I think there's a good chance most players who are 33-34 or higher are cheating. I even saw some level 38s here today while checking out gyms. Hope something will be done about that soon.
The two Dragonites is believable. Close to where is live there was an insane Dratini nest (my friend posits they accidentally put two on top of each other), and in one night I was able to catch 36 or 37 Dratini. Now, if there wasn't a nest for that player to go to then it is highly suspect.
I hate how everyone but me has an Arcanine ;_;
I hate how everyone but me has an Arcanine ;_;
Got my first Eevee from a 10K egg. Guys is the naming trick still in? And what's the best evolution?
Growlethe, Geodude, Evee, Ekans and Sandshrew are so common here (apart from fodder like Rattata, Pidgy, Weedle, Caterpie which are common everywhere). I have 3 Arcanines lol.
Was lucky enough to catch Snorlax at a Pokestop with Lure on. Caught a Dratini too.
Still no Pikachu :'(
Oh and caught 1000+ Magmar <3
Now out of Ultra balls. Why can't we buy Ultra Balls?? Normal balls are almost useless.
Lemme post my best 9 too!
No Arcanine either ;-;
Yes, Vaporeon then Flareon then Joleton. But all are pretty solid at high enough levels. Just Vaporeon has better moves / base stats.
I heard people screaming outside my office, i ran to see WTF was going on
Best way to start the weekend
...and i just checked the IVs...sigh
I called my Evee Rainer and it evolved into a fire type
guess I had to logout?
Have you used the Rainer name before on another Eevee? It only works the first time. I learned that the hard way :[
would it help if I renamed the first Rainer?
Have you used the Rainer name before on another Eevee? It only works the first time. I learned that the hard way :[
Ths is so dumb I might just do itbuy a buus ticket and do a full round redeeming the pokèstops on the way,you should go back to full in no time
IMO they should go all out with relasing the Alola Pokemon when we get Sun and Moon, maybe even a little batch even before Sun and Moon comes out to build some hype.
I heard people screaming outside my office, i ran to see WTF was going on
Best way to start the weekend
...and i just checked the IVs...sigh
I'm level 20 and my best Pokémon is a 1150 Hypno ¯\_(ツI feel like at level 18 I should have better pokemon.