Quick gif I made to demonstrate the feature.
May I use this, credited, on my site?
Hasn't quite come for me yet
Quick gif I made to demonstrate the feature.
From what people on reddit are saying, this new tracking has only been rolled out to San Francisco so far.
Oh wow. But how accurate are the IV stats?
this? https://i.redd.it/srz95smb64dx.pngWasn't there a pictograph of which pokemon are the best to use at a gym? It had the sprites from the pokemon games, does anyone have it?
this? https://i.redd.it/srz95smb64dx.png
DPS : http://m.imgur.com/HZMhyFg?r
Defending gyms: http://m.imgur.com/jLXHS6B?r
If I log in on this, will I be at risk of getting banned from the game?
If I log in on this, will I be at risk of getting banned from the game?
I have absolutely no idea. I guess not?
Again, it's the same as the Pokeadvisor login, with your Google authentication. If anyone here knows more about the possibility of being banned for using an stat viewing tool like this, feel welcome to tell us.
wait, how do you read this? what's the blue bar?
The blue bar is the pokemon's IV. You can sort your list by many stats and I had it by IV.
The "bar" is just a representation of the IV% (Green is HP)
Whoa! My Nearby section just changed. It will show the closest Pokestop if a pokemon is near there now.
Cool, that's a very nice solution to the problem!Whoa! My Nearby section just changed. It will show the closest Pokestop if a pokemon is near there now.
Cool, that's a very nice solution to the problem!
Wait, so won't the Pokemon show up once you arrive at the poke stop?Well not really but its improvement to barely working tracker.
The only thing I'd change is I wish it gave you the general direction of the wild pokemon. Like if you click on it, your avatar turns to point the right direction.
Wait, so won't the Pokemon show up once you arrive at the poke stop?
Quick gif I made to demonstrate the feature.
Do they intentionally put rarer pokemon further back on the capture screen so they're almost impossible to hit? I found a Dragonite today and couldn't touch it on all but my best throws. I eventually decided to just chuck great balls because I had already wasted like 25 ultra balls today (and because I already have a Dragonite with perfect IVs, but Steel Wing and am 80ish candied into my next one, so I wouldn't be devastated if this one ran. It turned out to be crap anyway, like 35% Dragon Breath/Dragon Pulse).
Did not see this posted. Got to https://pogobag.me for IV needs my friends.
I am level 14 now with a bunch of lucky eggs and Pokemons to evolve. What's the best time to do this? I read somewhere that you shouldn't evolve anything until you hit level 20. What's the reasoning there?
I would merely remove all reliance from pokestops and allow you to click on any spotted pokemon and have that pull up the map and put the pink circle on it so you know where to head to get any pokemon.
but I mean I live in an area without a lot of pokestops so I am likely bias and just want to ruin the game by having a feature that works for everyone and not just people who have a lot of pokestops![]()
Couldn't I just wait to evolve with my lucky egg till I am lvl 20? Because I am soon lvl 17 and haven't used my lucky eggs yet.Pokemon get harder to catch post level 20 so make the most of your carefree days while you can. Once you hit level 20 it doesn't matter anymore so go nuts with the lucky eggs![]()
If this new "Tracker" uses Pokestops to help find new Pokemon, what are people like myself going to do, since we only have one stop in a 2 mile radius.... Does that mean we are just left with nothing and have to still wander around randomly looking for that bloody squrtle thats no.2 on my list?
Why can they not just give you a "Nearby" list that show all the Pokemon close to you (Within 300m) and then when you select one it just gives you a small compass above the tracker pointing towards the direction that it's in,but with no detailed directions, I would prefer this.
If this new "Tracker" uses Pokestops to help find new Pokemon, what are people like myself going to do, since we only have one stop in a 2 mile radius.... Does that mean we are just left with nothing and have to still wander around randomly looking for that bloody squrtle thats no.2 on my list?
Why can they not just give you a "Nearby" list that show all the Pokemon close to you (Within 300m) and then when you select one it just gives you a small compass above the tracker pointing towards the direction that it's in,but with no detailed directions, I would prefer this.
Imo you should build up a lot of 'fodder' to evolve (pidgeys, caterpies, weedles, whatever is really common for you) and pop your lucky egg when you have 50+ or so of them to evolve. That'll give you tons of XP. Imo you want to get to level 20 pretty quickly as it's not really worth evolving/powering your actual good pokemon before that. Don't spend ANY stardust before level 20.I am level 14 now with a bunch of lucky eggs and Pokemons to evolve. What's the best time to do this? I read somewhere that you shouldn't evolve anything until you hit level 20. What's the reasoning there?
The sightings list does work a lot better now though, relatively easy to use it to narrow down the location of a pokemon. Would assume this tracking is not the final version either, they're likely/hopefully working on a version that adds more feedback for pokemon that aren't near stops.We're basically as fucked as we have been.
It's cool for people by a bunch of pokestops though!
Whoa! My Nearby section just changed. It will show the closest Pokestop if a pokemon is near there now.
It's true i've updated the game and it's like the screen and gif for me.If true, game changer.
Yup. Likewise. I got the update too.Makes sense. That's where I am and my friend who is also there also got it.
It's true i've updated the game and it's like the screen and gif for me.