My bag has hidden compartments too
EDIT: weird because i havent leveled up before this pic. and still the same level now
Wtf?! 21x Lucky Eggs??!
It's all about timing. Some special moves need to be dodged right when the text appears, others you need to chill for a second or two before you dodge. I've found it pretty reliable when you get the timing down.Also, dodging is still completely unreliable for me. I anticipate when a special move is coming before it even happens and yet still no matter how much swiping left or right it does nothing.
Not like driving is any good for hatching eggs anyway. However the "it's just a game, play tomorrow" argument is pretty lame on a gaming message board tbh.I really dont get it why people drive around to hatch eggs...lazyness is strong...
"But ehhh its raining..." Its just a game, if you dont hatch the egg today you will hatch it tomorrow, Jesus...
For sure, sometimes I got the app running in my car in slow traffic or a traffic jam but I would never go outside, sit in my car, and drive slowly on purpose just to hatch an egg...
It's all about timing. Some special moves need to be dodged right when the text appears, others you need to chill for a second or two before you dodge. I've found it pretty reliable when you get the timing down.
Not like driving is any good for hatching eggs anyway. However the "it's just a game, play tomorrow" argument is pretty lame on a gaming message board tbh.
Yeah I'm really thankful I had a Tangela nest at a local park (which has since changed to Rhyhorn), because outside of that spot I have never seen a single one.All I need (besides region-exclusives and legendaries) are Dugtrio, Tangela, Omastar, and Kabutops. A small part of me wants to book a flight to LA (Santa Monica Pier) for the latter two.
It's also obnoxious that I haven't hatched a single Tangela.
How do I calculate my IV's? Now that I'm lvl 20 I want to get into it. The pogobank website never loads for me, is there another way?
I want to be sure I'm evolving the right Eevee.
I came back from holiday in Barcelona and when I opened Pokemon Go I just got sadit's insane how much of a difference there can be in variety between cities
I use that pokeadvisor clone:
Did Niantic add another "bug" that made pokemon even harder to catch tonight? I swear tonight they were just jumping and attacking like crazy. Not to mention breaking free more often. So damn frustrating.
You don't wanna know.Saw a Grimer on my nearby as I left my parents house so went and tracked it down and...
Saw a Grimer on my nearby as I left my parents house so went and tracked it down and...
Really sick of the first ball launching out of orbit "bug". Just lost a great dratini cos my subsequent ultra ball was not able to be razzed.
Yeah that's rightWhat do you mean "was not able to be razzed"? I thought if you use a berry its "in action" until you hit the mon with a ball...
What do you mean "was not able to be razzed"? I thought if you use a berry its "in action" until you hit the mon with a ball...
Lol, something similar happened to me. There is pretty much no Pokemon anywhere in my neighborhood, but I went to the grocery store and there were about 8 of them just sitting outside. There isn't even a PokeStop there.Saw a Grimer on my nearby as I left my parents house so went and tracked it down and...
How do you pronounce "Charizard"?The rejection emboldens me. I will continue to spread the good word.
Blast-us saves
Yeah that's right
How do you pronounce "Charizard"?
Yes,you can hatch them,i have 2 Mr mime.Wait, what? You hatched Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime, Farfetch'd, etc. from 10k eggs? So it is possible?
Apparently, L.O.R.D just said he hatched the exclusives from 10k eggs, so it might be possible after all, and just super, super rare.
How do you pronounce "Charizard"?
Thanks. Does this not give an overall score/percentage then, just individual ratings for attack/defense/stamina?
So with level 20 being the soft cap does it mean that I'll be able to catch just as powerful pokemons as someone with level 20-30?
Nah it's more of a soft cap in the fact that it takes more and more xp to get trainer levels starting at 20.
A level 30 trainer can still level up their Pokemon a lot higher than a level 20 trainer.
Working next to a Zubat nest...
Sucks when the most common Pokemon you see everyday doesn't evolve with 25 candies. It will take me weeks before I can do the lucky egg thing (only have 4 Pidgey, 8 Caterpie, 9 Weedle, never see a Rattata, etc). And I wasted some Zubats on my first week too since I wasn't aware of the lucky egg. man. I sigh heavily when I hear some uncultured goon say Blastoyz.
I contemplate ignoring them, but I don't really have a choice if I want to at least keep chipping away at the XP since I'm having a hard time amassing any of the cheap evolution Pokemon. The variety where I live is decent if I go out of my way for a bit, but my normal day-to-day is filled with the fuckers.That is crazy. I wouldn't want to catch so many of them.
Damn, you have that many accounts?
My starter squirtle has like 60% IIRC, not great, but not 0 either.
Are you Zubatman?Working next to a Zubat nest...
Sucks when the most common Pokemon you see everyday doesn't evolve with 25 candies. It will take me weeks before I can do the lucky egg thing (only have 4 Pidgey, 8 Caterpie, 9 Weedle, never see a Rattata, etc). And I wasted some Zubats on my first week too since I wasn't aware of the lucky egg.
How do you pronounce "Charizard"?