He saved you.Mush said:It's been my life long dream since Ruby to catch a Feebas without reverting to trading or hax. That dream is now dead
Mush said:It's been my life long dream since Ruby to catch a Feebas without reverting to trading or hax. That dream is now dead
Mush said:In the words of Gravijah,
I'm closing in on 400 hours and I don't think I've seen one on this playthrough.Android18a said:Still no shinys in my 150 hour HeartGold fileThis sucks.
i think they are talking about the pain in platinum...Axis said:wait...you can catch a feebas in the game itself? doesn't have to be the walker? =\
Metroid Killer said:i think they are talking about the pain in platinum...
Axis said:i'm about to go through that myself...this should be fun =P
i think i've found a safe balance between pokemon/street fighter now...so i can get back to playing
Are you using HeartGold (stationary) or SoulSilver (roamer)? The answers are different.Fjord said:So about getting a good Latios. When are its IVs and nature set? Is going for good IVs without a master ball ridiculous? Can you see shiny on the map overview? What point do I have to soft reset to?
Sixfortyfive said:Are you using HeartGold (stationary) or SoulSilver (roamer)? The answers are different.
Fjord said:I have Soulsilver, hunted down the roamer now doing the stationary I guess? For the enigma crystal event.
The stats of all stationary overworld Pokemon are set in stone at the moment you initiate the battle, shininess included. Red Gyarados is the only exception, as he's programmed to always be shiny. (For reference, this Gyarados' stats are generated in a similar manner to DPPt chained shinies.)Fjord said:Hmm so I can't see if it is shiny before I begin combat? If I recall correctly the red gyrados was shiny and stationary.
Sixfortyfive said:Andrex, where's your checklist of things to do in HGSS? I'm kind of at a loss as to what I can do now, lol.
The last team I just faced was Shiftry, Victreebel, Exeggutor, Roserade. Thank fucking god there are no Firebreather trainers in this place. :lolSixfortyfive sent out Abomasnow & Froslass!
Opponent sent out Shiftry & Victreebel!
Or Salamence & Staraptor!
Or Leafeon & Espeon!
If you really want to do it you have me, so it is doable (except for Celebi)... but still, it would be some heavy OCD stuffSixfortyfive said:- Complete foreign Pokedex!lol)
I will probably eventually do everything except the foreign dex.
Oh... backs away slowlySixfortyfive said:A complete foreign Pokedex would include English, Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian, and German entries for every species.
Somehow I don't trust you when you say thatSixfortyfive said:A complete foreign Pokedex would include English, Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian, and German entries for every species.
Never happening.
parasight said:Was just walking around to get a ribbon, when I ran into a Shiny Sentret![]()
3rd shiny I've caught, and just the 2nd random one (SR'd for Latios)
What a coincidence, my first non-Gyarados shiny was a shiny Tentacool in the original Silver.Sagitario said:The only shiny I've ever encountered was a Tentacool in the original Gold...
nastynate409 said:Any of you fine gents have a Skarmory I could get my hands on?
Sagitario said:How much time did that take?
The only shiny I've ever encountered was a Tentacool in the original Gold...
Dude I'm not even sure if all the event Pokemon have even been released in all languages.upandaway said:Somehow I don't trust you when you say that
I actually don't remember. If you happen to wander into a room in the ruins that now has a glowing panel on the wall, I'm pretty sure that's the place you need to be.OMG Aero said:Hey Sixfortyfive, since it's already marked off your checklist, could you tell me how to get the ! and ? Unown in HGSS? They are the only ones I need and Serebii says a new area should unlock when you get the rest but I can't find it anywhere.
Man, hit me up if you ever actually want to battle with that team again. I don't have much else to do in this game now, obviously.Andrex said:I have quite a couple from my time as a gym leader. 0560 - 9071 - 3586
Probably south of Goldenrod.Jzero15 said:is it possible to get a level 9 Ditto without hacking?
I know there's a trainer in the Viridian Trainer House that uses all 3 starters, but I don't know if that gives you the Pokedex data for it since that place follows some of the Battle Frontier rules.Axion22 said:Hey all, I'm working on trainer card stars, specifically the National Pokedex. Question: where can I see a Chikorita so I can trade for it over GTS? I chose Cyndaquil as my starter :\
You'd think it'd be the perfect opportunity to put Ukulele Pichu somewhere in the art and hype Guardian Signs, but NOOOOOO.Firestorm said:Even though I won't be there, VGC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS GET HYPEEEEEEEEEEEE
STARAPTOR LOL.vectorman06 said:I've been playing SS and thinking about revamping my team:
What is a good replacement for Noctowl?
Sixfortyfive said:Godspeed, Mighty Psyducks. *brofist*
Hatch the Togepi egg and use that IMO. Togekiss is boss.
Sixfortyfive said:I know there's a trainer in the Viridian Trainer House that uses all 3 starters, but I don't know if that gives you the Pokedex data for it since that place follows some of the Battle Frontier rules.
I could breed one pretty quick.