
holy shit. just caught this
Yup, it's doable. It's much easier to hit the correct seed, as the Pokéwalker screen only seeds based on the time to the second (not the frames spent on the title screen). However, this means there are fewer seeds achievable, meaning the vast majority of spreads have a pretty high frame. Also, the only known way to advance the RNG on the Pokéwalker screen is to transfer captured Pokémon from the walker. This means advancing the frame is tedious and time-consuming, though easy to control. The PID (nature and ability) is generated using a different seed, which is advanced during PID generation and the swirl animation when you connect the walker; this is usually consistent, but I've heard of it messing up occasionally. And finally, the PID generation algorithm forces non-shininess; no matter how hard you try, it's literally impossible to get a shiny from the Pokéwalker.Lone_Prodigy said:Can you RNG abuse the Pokewalker? Trying to get a good Swinub but the ones from there are lame.
Haha, nice. Perfect nature, too.viewtiful_dru said:holy shit. just caught this
Wichu said:Greek
kyo_daikun said:So are they ever going to do the Celebi for the event or is this it till black and white?
Im sure there are a few poke walker courses that haven't been given out as well...
Xeno_Flux2113 said:Does any HeartGold owner have an extra Sableye, Mantyke, or Baltoy? Those are the last 3 version exclusives I need from HG save borrowing a Kyogre once I beat Red. And sadly they are not in my dex as even being seen to check the GTS for them.
Awesome to know. Thanks.\Lone_Prodigy said:Morty has a Sableye in his rematch.
There's a decent level of challenge post-game but if you're grinding probably not. I just fight the trainers + Pokemon I come across. I usually just train my party of 6.Zertez said:I picked this up for myself the other day. It is the first Pokemon game Ive played. I am enjoying it quite a bit, so far. I have a feeling it is going to eat some hours up trying to find and level up different Pokemon. Does the game get difficult at any point, or is it geared more towards younger players? I like to grind, so that may have something to do with it being too easy. Is it better to wait and grind levels with the different Pokemon until you finish the game?
Is it better just not to bother with leveling the Pokemon you find? Even sticking with the original Pokemon I received, it is still over leveled.Firestorm said:There's a decent level of challenge post-game but if you're grinding probably not. I just fight the trainers + Pokemon I come across. I usually just train my party of 6.
Xeno_Flux2113 said:So to all those that still read this thread, I have a few extra Phione. I am looking for Treecko and Torchic, as well as Spiritomb. If anyone can help that would be awesome. I'll be available for trading in about 3 hours from now.
Awesome. I will put a phione aside for ya.Lone_Prodigy said:I think I have some Spiritombs with Pain Split and Shadow Ball. Won't be available until around 8pm PST tonight though.
HG 1591 7555 9620
Also if anyone has a Staryu/Staryu with BoltBeam I'd love one for the Battle Tower. I suck at Voltorb Flip and my brother stopped helping me once he got 1337 coins.
Debating on getting an Action Replay for unlimited coins/BP/TMs, but I could just save the money for Black/White (with unlimited TMs).
Give me a moment and I can breed a couple.Xeno_Flux2113 said:Not a problem. So now I have 2 phione left. Looking for Torchic or Treecko.
I would accept their evolutions. I got the sableye, but I still need the HG kyogre if you have a spare.Sixfortyfive said:Give me a moment and I can breed a couple.
EDIT: Also realized that I never got back to your PM from earlier, so let me know if you need anything else.
EDIT2: Would you accept their evolutions?
Do you want a Kyogre for keeps or do you just need it temporarily for dex/orb purposes?Xeno_Flux2113 said:I would accept their evolutions. I got the sableye, but I still need the HG kyogre if you have a spare.
if you have one i can have that would be awesome. If you don't I will let you know when I need to borrow it. At Red but I didn't realize his pokemon were so high.Sixfortyfive said:Do you want a Kyogre for keeps or do you just need it temporarily for dex/orb purposes?
I'll just clone it. Give me a minute and I'll be online.Xeno_Flux2113 said:if you have one i can have that would be awesome. If you don't I will let you know when I need to borrow it. At Red but I didn't realize his pokemon were so high.
I jotted down a list of every remotely significant post-game activity I could think of:Negator said:What else is there really to do left in the game besides build teams? Don't really want to fill out the dex now that Gen 5 is right around the corner.
Smart man on both counts.Vect said:So I started SS again and chose Totodile, I later realised that gen 2 pokemon sucks. No variety at all.
Sixfortyfive said:Smart man on both counts.
Negator said:Man, that reminds me.
I feel like I'm getting gypped by not having these silly event Pokemon.
No Mew, Archeus, Celebi, Deoxys, etc. It majorly discouraged me when I got my copy of Diamond and I realized that I couldn't really 'Catch them all,' so to speak.
I got the Jirachi, but missed the Enigma Stone event, but I can deal with that. It just feels like an uphill battle that I can't climb without resorting to cheating or relying on other people to cheat for me.
Need me to clone some shit?Negator said:It just feels like an uphill battle that I can't climb without resorting to cheating or relying on other people to cheat for me.
Sixfortyfive said:Need me to clone some shit?
Sixfortyfive said:Need me to clone some shit?
I can do all 3 of those. I received the Arceus myself. I got the other 2 from other people, but I figure they're legit. The Mew is from My Pokemon Ranch and the Celebi is a 10ANIV Celebi that was cloned a bunch in Emerald.Negator said:I would appreciate it greatly. Would you mind trading me an Archeus? And if possible, a Mew.
Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
There's no legit english Celebi yet, right?
Sixfortyfive said:I'll be in the wi-fi room in a few minutes.
If possible, I'd like 3 Hoenn Pokemon of different species in exchange for these.
Nah. I have matched 4 numbers at least twice though.Gravijah said:Have you got a master ball yet?
Heart of a true champion.Vect said:That's it, I'm not going to evolve my Totodile.![]()