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For Stephen I think you have to catch one of the legendary birds.
i did catch all of the kanto legendary birds before seeing him (as well as lugia, ho-oh, mewtwo), so maybe!Andrex said:For Stephen I think you have to catch one of the legendary birds.
I had this problem as well. BeatSFGamer said:Dammit how did you get your Hoenn starter? I ask above but no one reply, when I go see Steven at Silph Co. he isn't there. Should I have seen him some where else? I can't even find him at the pokemon fan club. WTF, Steven does not exist in my SS.
risk said:I had this problem as well. You have to go to the Copy Cat house, which is to the left of the Silph Co. building in Saffron city and talk to the girl that's missing her Clefairy(?) doll on the second floor. Go to the Vermillion Pokemon Fanclub and talk to the guy next to the doll, he'll say he feels bad for her and gives it back. Right when you leave that house, Steven will come out and talk to you about Latios/Latias. That's when Steven will be in the Silph Co. building.
Teknoman said:I hope the composers for the main series end up working on the rumored Wii game soundtrack. Would be crazy to see what they could do if given the chance to create a soundtrack on par with Mario Galaxy or hopefully Skyward Sword.
I guess i'm trying to see i'd like to hear original orchestral(?) Pokemon music. Especially after hearing the Ecruteak, Ho-oh battle, Entei battle, and National park themes.
Gravijah said:Gotta have the electronic and rock influenced themes, too! But I'm the crazy guy who would be happy with the entire SMG soundtrack sounding like
...this makes me happy, too.
Edit: Is the last of the legendary trio on Wi-Fi yet?
Teknoman said:Oh yeah those were great too. Thats why I put the question mark behind orchestral...I guess I just mean a soundtrack on the same level of variation as Galaxy. PBR's themes were cool imo, but they all sounded a little...samey?
Gravijah said:Yeah, I haven't played PBR. I assume you've listened to the awesome anime renditions of Pokemon themes?
That's nothing; it might be more recent but try the anime's version of the Hoenn Elite Four theme.Teknoman said:
Articalys said:That's nothing; it might be more recent but try the anime's version of the Hoenn Elite Four theme.
Edit: Beaten by one minute.
Teknoman said:Wow, was that used in the show or in one of the movies?
Teknoman said:Is there a Pokemon music appreciation thread?
Teknoman said:Seriously? did I miss out on that lol.
Teknoman said:Heh I guess notJust completely forgot about it. Looking back...seems kinda barebones at the front, at least compared to the other appreciation threads.
I kinda want to do a revival thread ( a new one, especially since we've got a new set of juniors and B/W is almost here)...
EDIT: Maybe Pokemon music appreciation R-2 heh.
Gravijah said:Been two years, time for a new one! Just keep it BW music free, so I can actually post in it!
Damn blackouts.![]()
Thank you kindly.Gravijah said:Oooh, I like you junior.
Here we go:Gravijah said:Show I'm pretty sure. There's a two disc album from last year that collects a good portion of the anime music.
Articalys said:Thank you kindly.
Here we go:
TV Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack Best
Roughly a $32 import. Looks like there's a volume 2 coming out (this week!), though I can't read Japanese so I don't know what the difference is.
Well, looking at the track listing is largely useless, though on the second disc there are a handful of tracks marked "2006-2010(DP)" along with what appear to be three versions of Dawn's character song "By Your Side".Gravijah said:Hopefully it has more of the DPPt songs. The first didn't have very many.
CurseoftheGods said:I'm about to go buy Gold or Silver in the next 30 minutes. I went for Gold back in the day, because I wanted a level 70 Lugia. Which version do you guys think I should pick up?
Well, you catch both in both versions so unless you're really lazy and don't want to bother leveling Lugia up it doesn't really matter. Who do you like more, Lugia or Ho-Oh?CurseoftheGods said:I'm about to go buy Gold or Silver in the next 30 minutes. I went for Gold back in the day, because I wanted a level 70 Lugia. Which version do you guys think I should pick up?
Izayoi said:Well, you catch both in both versions so unless you're really lazy and don't want to bother leveling Lugia up it doesn't really matter. Who do you like more, Lugia or Ho-Oh?
In any case, I ended up getting Soul Silver first because Mawile is my favorite Pokemon and she's exclusive to that version.
Well, I would get Soul Silver, then.CurseoftheGods said:I like Lugia more.
I looked through my boxes and I have a level 1 Pichu, if you want him.CurseoftheGods said:Anybody have an extra Pikachu they could give me? I want it as my starter.![]()
EV Training:Mr. Paer said:Can somebody provide a link or post a list of the best EV training spots in Johto? Also where the macho brace is located? I'd appreciate it
SolidEyeSystem said:I looked through my boxes and I have a level 1 Pichu, if you want him.
My FC is 1203 6769 5822. I'll be around for awhile.CurseoftheGods said:I'll take him!
I can help you.OMG Aero said:So before Black and White come out, I've kinda been on a mission to complete the Pokedex in Soul Silver. Instead of just having owned all the Pokemon at some point though, I want to have one of every Pokemon in my PC box at the same time, so that when I complete White and can transfer over from the old games I don't have to bother completing the old Pokedex again by evolving and breeding.
Problem is that there are some Pokemon that I just flat out can't get in Soul Silver, so I was wondering if anyone could trade me any of them across, in return I can give you an egg of almost any Pokemon. Here are the Pokemon I need:
Chikorita family
Treeko family
Torchic family
Corphish family
Baltoy family
Anorith family
Feebas family
Spheal family
Turtwig family
Chimchar family
Piplup family
Shieldon family
Shellos family
Glameow family
Stunky family
Skorupi family
Croagunk family
Finneon family
If it says family next to a Pokemon, that means I need any Pokemon in that evolution line. The higher levelled the better since it would save me grinding to evolve, but I'm perfectly fine with eggs or level 1 Pokemon.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.
Thanks for the offer, I sent you a PM saying which Pokemon I need to keep this thread from becoming just long lists of Pokemon.Izayoi said:I can help you.
Give me a second to go through what I've got. I'll mark it and get back to you shortly.
Edit: For the trade Pokemon, do you already have the items necessary? We could just trade back and forth for those if you've got the prevos.
Edit edit: Here's what I've got on Soul Silver.
*Treeko Egg
*Corphish Egg
*Baltoy Egg
*Anorith Egg
*Spheel Egg
*Chimchar Egg
*Stunky Egg
*Finneon Egg
Anything with a star means I've got to breed it first so it will take some time. Let me go check my other versions.
*Croagunk Egg
*Skorupi Egg
And that's it, it looks like... Hm... I could've sworn I had more. Oh well. Let me know if you're interested.
Indeed you did, sorry about that. Will reply.OMG Aero said:Thanks for the offer, I sent you a PM saying which Pokemon I need to keep this thread from becoming just long lists of Pokemon.
Someone's set up a private GTS server set to give out various events. It's not strictly speaking 'legitimate' (the Pokémon are generated by a program on the server side and sent to the DS); however, if the guy's set it up right, they should pass hack checks.Mush said:I'm just going to leave this here.
I can give my personal guarantee that this is 100% legit and actually works as I've tried it out myself. And I live in New Zealand for fucks sake. You can also do it more than once so infinite Celebi's for everyone!
I feel like such an idiot now. I thought he'd like proxied the Gamestop server or something.Wichu said:Someone's set up a private GTS server set to give out various events. It's not strictly speaking 'legitimate' (the Pokémon are generated by a program on the server side and sent to the DS); however, if the guy's set it up right, they should pass hack checks.
You can actually do this yourself if you download a couple of programs.