red shoe paul
So, It's pouring here, can't make it to Gamestop. Can anybody else pick up Jirachis for celebi and I?
Is it the level 5 Jirachi with Draco Meteor, Liechi Berry and Classic Ribbon? I should have it in one of my shoe paul said:So, It's pouring here, can't make it to Gamestop. Can anybody else pick up Jirachis for celebi and I?
I could probably research this information on my own, but the couple of FAQs I looked at don't exactly put all of this information in one place in plain sight.Sixfortyfive said:Can anybody list all of the... specially encountered Pokemon you obtain in HGSS? I'm thinking of stuff like Red Gyarados, Togepi egg, Sudowoodo, Extremespeed Dratini, etc. Basically anything that an NPC will just give you or is some kind of special non-legendary encounter.
Netto-kun said:Is it the level 5 Jirachi with Draco Meteor, Liechi Berry and Classic Ribbon? I should have it in one of my games.
The difference between Platinum and D/P is pretty significant in my opinion, at least with the animations turned off. I actually know some people who stopped playing D/P because the battles were so slow :lol .Sixfortyfive said:Platinum was marginally faster than Diamond/Pearl. Not sure if there's a significant difference for HGSS yet.
red shoe paul said:No idea to be honest. The Pichu was a level 30, so maybe the Jirachi will be the same?
perfectchaos007 said:Anyone going to a midnight release tonight? I have to wait till freakin noon because specialty stores don't open till noon on the Sabath day. we must keep it holy and not open our stores till after church
perfectchaos007 said:Anyone going to a midnight release tonight? I have to wait till freakin noon because specialty stores don't open till noon on the Sabath day. we must keep it holy and not open our stores till after church
red shoe paul said:No place is doing midnight launches. It was an error on the Gamestop site if that's what you were referring too. Places will open at 9am instead.
I just had a quick look on Serebii and from what I see the Pokemon are: Sudowoodo, Lapras, Red Gyarados, Snorlax, Togepi, Eevee, Shuckle, Tyrogue, Extremespeed Dratini, one of the Kanto starters and one of the Hoenn starters.Sixfortyfive said:Quoting this for a new page:
I could probably research this information on my own, but the couple of FAQs I looked at don't exactly put all of this information in one place in plain sight.
I think he got banned for using an offensive term for gay people in another thread.Big Ass Ramp said:Slightly OT, but why did the OP get banned?
Shalashaska161 said:Anyone know if the Jirachi deal is available in Canada at all? I might head over there this afternoon if it is.
Serebii only list the event under Gamestop US.Shalashaska161 said:Anyone know if the Jirachi deal is available in Canada at all? I might head over there this afternoon if it is.
Oh, seems like it's the same Jirachi as the one I have. I can trade mine with whatever you have. Just give me a moment.:lolred shoe paul said:
I don't see anywhere that says it's limited to USA. Try it out and bring a few back for us!![]()
Netto-kun said:Oh, seems like it's the same Jirachi as the one I have. I can trade mine with whatever you have. Just give me a moment.:lol
toythatkills said:People that went to a UK GAME event today, how'd it work? Turn on wi-fi > go, or was there codes?
red shoe paul said:
I don't see anywhere that says it's limited to USA. Try it out and bring a few back for us!![]()
Well to be honest I was like a buffet of manlyness compared to the others when I went in there. There was more hair on neck than on me head. If you saw a man wearing a black coat with a green scarf that made you think "What is that chunk of hunk doing in a place like this?" then that was me.kyo_daikun said:Just turn up and search for a wondercard using wireless, takes about 5 seconds. Oxford street store was packed to the brim with people with their ds's out and everyone else looking very scared and confused.
On another note someone was giving away hacked pokemon at the event with a wifi signal and it was stopping people from getting the Arceus, took me 10-15 goes trying to find Arceus, all the other times it kept showing odd japanese shiny pokemon (one was a milotic which I got, I heard other people got a riolu and a heatran)
kyo_daikun said:Just turn up and search for a wondercard using wireless, takes about 5 seconds. Oxford street store was packed to the brim with people with their ds's out and everyone else looking very scared and confused.
On another note someone was giving away hacked pokemon at the event with a wifi signal and it was stopping people from getting the Arceus, took me 10-15 goes trying to find Arceus, all the other times it kept showing odd japanese shiny pokemon (one was a milotic which I got, I heard other people got a riolu and a heatran)
BGBW said:So now I have a level 100 Pokemon in a game I've yet to even finish. This is literally God Mode.
Almost. You need to get to Cherrygrove City first(where the first PC is located in the game). But it should only take 30 mins to reach that point in the shoe paul said:When I pick up the game tomorrow, right off the bat will I be able to transfer my lvl. 100 Pokemon to the new game?
They won't obey you though. Not until you have all 8 shoe paul said:When I pick up the game tomorrow, right off the bat will I be able to transfer my lvl. 100 Pokemon to the new game?
Metroid Killer said:Almost. You need to get to Cherrygrove City first(where the first PC is located in the game). But it should only take 30 mins to reach that point in the game.
Blu_LED said:They won't obey you though. Not until you have all 8 badges.
Fun fact: In RBY, there's a surfboard item that was cut out of the game, but you can still get it through hacking.Eteric Rice said:The one improvement that they seem to refuse to make is to turn shit like cut, surf, fly, etc, into items instead of being moves.
I hate having to carry around one Pokemon just to be able to travel. It's retarded.
Up to 10 - before any badgesred shoe paul said:Ex:
lvl 1-10 = Badge 1
lvl 11-21 = Badge 2
Aaron Strife said:Fun fact: In RBY, there's a surfboard item that was cut out of the game, but you can still get it through hacking.
Up to 10 - before any badges
Up to 30 - badge 2
Up to 50 - badge 4
Up to 70 - badge 6
All - badge 8
GK86 said:Edit- Any reviews yet?
Blu_LED said:They won't obey you though. Not until you have all 8 badges.
GK86 said:I still need to buy a DS for this game.
Edit- Any reviews yet?
Pfft I'm using a rubber band which works just as wellred shoe paul said:Looks like the Pokewalker holder is exclusive to Walmart:
red shoe paul said:Looks like the Pokewalker holder is exclusive to Walmart:
Metroid Killer said:Pfft I'm using a rubber band which works just as well![]()
john tv said:I haven't played a Pokemon in depth since FireRed/LeafGreen -- is it possible to carry anything over from title to title somehow? Or do you start from scratch with each new game no matter what?
john tv said:I haven't played a Pokemon in depth since FireRed/LeafGreen -- is it possible to carry anything over from title to title somehow? Or do you start from scratch with each new game no matter what?
MadraptorMan said:So I suppose if you only have one DS, the only way to transfer your older Pokemon is by getting someone to trade with you over wifi? How far into the game do you have to be before you can start trading online?
red shoe paul said:
nli10 said:
As I wrote in a post above, you can trade when you get to the first town, so after around 30 mins of gameplay. I will gladly help you trade over pokemon from one game to another, so send me a pm if you need help.MadraptorMan said:So I suppose if you only have one DS, the only way to transfer your older Pokemon is by getting someone to trade with you over wifi? How far into the game do you have to be before you can start trading online?
Cow Mengde said:Yeah, I was comparing HG/SS to Platinum as well. I didn't buy D/P because I knew this version would come, so I waited for it. No idea how fast the battles are in those. Might as well watch some more videos.