Lkr said:If anyone has a Heracross, are you willing to trade? I have Jirachi and Shiny Pichu:lol
They're only from headbutting trees in mountain areas. I don't think any of us are fare enough to get to a mountainous area yet, lol
Lkr said:If anyone has a Heracross, are you willing to trade? I have Jirachi and Shiny Pichu:lol
I could breed you a Heracross.Lkr said:If anyone has a Heracross, are you willing to trade? I have Jirachi and Shiny Pichu:lol
Do you want the Jirachi or Pichu?OMG Aero said:I could breed you a Heracross.
Yeah I didn't mean to imply that it isn't cool.Fumetsu said:I think the natures and all of that are very interesting and very cool and fun to learn.
(It is in the game and open to everyone).
On the other hand, the whole cheating the system to get shiny eggs and whatnot and a lot of the back door things are kind of meh and make me hesitant to get into the tourney or battling thing.
Balb said:This is possibly the best remake I've ever played. I love the interface and all the tweaks they've made. It sounds cliche but this really does feel like a new experience to me. The remixes are great, the graphics appear to be better than Platinum because they use more elaborate designs, the localization is better and the new story elements they added were really smart.
I'm not at Kanto yet so I can't comment on that half, but damn, Game Freak did an amazing job on this one.
Danielsan said:Yeah I didn't mean to imply that it isn't cool.
I actually love the fact that there's such a complex system behind this game that provides additional uniqueness to pokémon even if they are of the same breed.
It's just that the whole EV and IV breeding/training and what seems ridiculous to me.
Danielsan said:Yeah I didn't mean to imply that it isn't cool.
I actually love the fact that there's such a complex system behind this game that provides additional uniqueness to pokémon even if they are of the same breed.
It's just that the whole EV and IV breeding/training and what seems ridiculous to me.
Balb said:I think EVs are great. They add a lot of complexity to the game. IVs, not so much. IVs are too random for my taste, even if you can tweak the results slightly.
Gravijah said:WiFi battles automatically level/delevel your Pokemon, so you won't have to hit 100
As much as they make the game deeper, and a better justification for men in the 20's to continue playing. I feel it broke a lot of the magic and wonder of pokemon when a handful of nerds discovered the cogs turning the clock, so to speak.Balb said:I think EVs are great. They add a lot of complexity to the game. IVs, not so much. IVs are too random for my taste, even if you can tweak the results slightly.
Unicorn said:As much as they make the game deeper, and a better justification for men in the 20's to continue playing. I feel it broke a lot of the magic and wonder of pokemon when a handful of nerds discovered the cogs turning the clock, so to speak.
For D/P I crafted two teams over months of hard labor, breeding and training to make a "competitive" team, but that is also asking my friends and anyone I play to put in that same amount of effort, since playing online is a JOKE with all the hacked pokemon and people that quit when they're about to lose.... so
This time about 12+ of my friend have agreed to get this game under the sole condition we don't breed for better IVs or train specific EVs (besides proteins and etc.) And I'm already seeing this experience will be more enjoyable than spending hours on end riding my bike up and down hatching eggs checking natures, abilities, etc.
Unicorn said:As much as they make the game deeper, and a better justification for men in the 20's to continue playing. I feel it broke a lot of the magic and wonder of pokemon when a handful of nerds discovered the cogs turning the clock, so to speak.
For D/P I crafted two teams over months of hard labor, breeding and training to make a "competitive" team, but that is also asking my friends and anyone I play to put in that same amount of effort, since playing online is a JOKE with all the hacked pokemon and people that quit when they're about to lose.... so
This time about 12+ of my friend have agreed to get this game under the sole condition we don't breed for better IVs or train specific EVs (besides proteins and etc.) And I'm already seeing this experience will be more enjoyable than spending hours on end riding my bike up and down hatching eggs checking natures, abilities, etc.
Metroid Killer said:^Yeah and that is why it's so wonderful that the games are made so that you can choose to play as you want![]()
Teknoman said:GAF battle. Even when I had gamefaqs fights I never ran into hacks, so not sure where you were fighting.
Salaadin said:15 more minutes of work and then its time to go play some more. I think I might have to find a way to comfortable walk in place while playing so I can get Pokewalker steps too.
Do my steps reset if I switched areas? I want a Magby but I need 5000 steps or something and to be on Rugged Rpad. Currently, I have 2000 or something on Edge of the Night Sky. If I switched tonight, do I lose those 2000?
No, the steps only resets at midnight. But everytime you connect you transfer watts to the DS, so you need to build some new watts when switching area.Salaadin said:Do my steps reset if I switched areas? I want a Magby but I need 5000 steps or something and to be on Rugged Rpad. Currently, I have 2000 or something on Edge of the Night Sky. If I switched tonight, do I lose those 2000?
Metroid Killer said:No, the steps only resets at midnight. But everytime you connect you transfer watts to the DS, so you need to build some new watts when switching area.
No problem. So far gaf has been awesome when it comes to trading pokemon!Lkr said:thanks Metroidkiller
No 'steps' are reset every midnight. 'Watts' stays in the pokewalker unless you connect with the DS.EzLink said:Wait what? So you have to transfer your steps every day back to your game for it to count? Like if I go a week with taking my pokewalker with me and accumulate a bunch and then connect it back to the game it will only transfer the steps taken since midnight?
Yeah, it's hard for me to drop a few tendencies, like running from certain pokemon in caves just so I can keep fighting Geodudes for that particular EV :lolEvilMario said:In my opinion, once you've done competitively battling for a while, it would be like trying to go back to playing a fighting game after you've discovered how to pull off combos, or special moves and saying 'no more combos, just the basics!'. I would never be able to look at my Sand Veil Dugtrio and say 'oh well, who needs Arena Trap.' :lol
Most competitive battlers stay on simulators online though, so they can make quite changes to teams, movesets and EV spreads, so no need to panic. The whole 'REALZ POKERMONS MASTERS DONT TRAIN THOUGH' is a little silly, as is the 'HOW CANZ U PLAY WITHOUT THE IVS AND BREEDING!'. I know people who refuse to even use items, because it's too much.
Metagames and casuals never mix well; hello, Smash Brothers.
Right now on my playthrough in the main game, I'm not concerned with my EVs at all, but I will pay attention to my natures and I'll use Pokemon with better natures. If I catch three Pidgey's I'm going to use the one with the best nature. But once the main game is over, you need to breed, and train even for things like the Battle Tower. It adds a lot of replay value to the game, and I personally enjoy it even though I rarely battle with my cart.
I'd breed the Totodile in exchange for a cyndoquil if i was far enoughZod the Bear said:I should be able to breed cyndaquil, kangaskhan, or heracross for anyone who needs them. Nothing else really interesting yet.
I'm looking for a totodile and chikorita if possible, but should be able to crank out some eggs if people need them regardless.
Forkball said:The thing I said.
haha back in LeafGreen I caught a Mewtwo with a regular pokeball.... when he was at full health! :lolNetto-kun said:This thread made me pick up my Japanese Heart Gold again.
Used 30 Ultra Balls and 20 Great Balls trying to catch Suicune. Ran out of those, but the fourth or fifth normal Poké Ball caught it. It feels like the game is trolling me whenever I try to catch a legendary Pokémon.:lol
Also, anyone willing to trade an extra (legit) event Arceus and/or Regigigas? I got 10th Anniversary Mew, event Jirachi and a bunch of Shaymin.
Lkr said:I'd breed the Totodile in exchange for a cyndoquil if i was far enough
don't count on me unless you don't mind waiting. im still trying to beat bugsyZod the Bear said:Cool, I just got about to that point anyway, so I'll crank a few out after some errands and set one aside for you.
Axis said:alright so i have a few mins to spare...if anyone needs the event arceus long enough to get their lvl 1 pokemon then let me know and i'll trade it to you long enough to do so.
not asking for anything back but if you have a shaymin or darkrai that you have extras of then i'll accept it!
tradeDeathbyVolcano said:So how does one transfer pokemon from Platinum over to HG/SS?
Lkr said:trade
im thinking about going for a jog or walk(something i never do) just for the pokewalker. damn nintendo and its encouraging exercise ways
lol im too much of a germaphobe to do that. i was bouncing mine around the bed yesterday and that worked a bit:lolZod the Bear said:Raining here, so I've put mine in my shoe and am just tapping my foot. GET HAPPIER TOGAPI